Brotato is better
Tue Dec 12 2023 Fragabore GatofelisThis game feels a bit slow to control and is pretty fun, but with a lack of skill testing decisions beyond "pick the good skill" I can't say I feel as accomplished or as powerful or as challenged as a sucessful run of Brotato. The builds are all satisfying, but very one dimensional. Bosses come across as more annoying than actually challenging. I like games that allow you to break them and scale to infinity. This is not one of them. Go play Brotato or Vamp Survivors.
Now aside from the critiques, this actually is quite a good game. I really like how clever all the skills work together and I like how the characters build.
I like the freedom you get at character and weapon selection, even though most characters are kinda design with one or two weapons in mind. The art of this game is unmatched by its competitors in the Survivor-like genre. I really only got this game because it came in package with Brotato. It is a good game, above satisfactory, yet still has a long ways to go in order to become excellent. Maybe better on PC, 4 stars.
Don’t pay for less features than the free version.
Tue Mar 07 2023 SericSThe ad-farm version of this game is advertised above the premium, so I didn’t see it and thought I got the full game at the cost of ads. I wanted the new characters, so I paid for them. Then I got fed up with the constant ads so I looked for a way to remove them (doesn’t exist ofc), and found the premium version. Now I own the premium version, but not the characters I purchased. If you’re going to have two versions of the same exact game on the app store, you should at least offer the courtesy of not making customers pay (in-game currency or USD) for the same exact content twice. On top of that, the features in the ad-farm version that would cost you viewing an ad (or literally 10-20) to access, don’t exist in this game. The ONE incentive you have as a consumer to pay for this version, was intentionally removed by them. No twilight boost, no revive, etc. ***If you buy this, you are literally paying for less than nothing, you are paying for LESS features.*** That, combined with the fact that they update the ad-farm quicker than they update this one, leads me to believe they make far more off the other version (selling your personal information) and they are doing everything they can to incentivize people to play that one instead. Either that or they just really dislike the people who support them financially?
I’m Confused?
Wed Mar 20 2024 Chicen1123I love this game but I'm still confused on the fact that this game has released on both PC and Switch with endless mode and this is also the 4th time trying to submit this lets see if it actually goes through because i don’t understand how they decided to peal back content for both “endless” edition in which let me remind you DOES NOT have endless mode just is hyper ad based and full of micro-transactions then the “premium” edition in which lacks that said new content. Just ad endless mode already you clearly don't hate the mode its in every other platform version of the game so why not here and COME ON bring the content over to the “premium” edition. i would expect this behavior from EA or Activision but your an indie studio be more caring of the fanbase and who actually bought this clearly less “premium” version cause NO ONE wants to sit an watch 40 ads for a pair of cosmetic wings.
Edit : nothing has been changed or fixed sense my last complaint rant, there’s been nothing added to help make feel like its worth getting on mobile, if you have the ability to get it ANYWHERE else (Switch/PC) do so cause your paying for less for the Premium edition an your being taken advantage of on the freemium version with bloated ad based cosmetics. No endless mode an neither edition is worth your time or money
Good game with some bugs and issues
Thu May 02 2024 ErinMeowwFirst of all, I wish I had found this version of the game sooner. The free-to-play version is full of ad-baiting, micro-transactions, and clutter making it "watch ads to win." I'd much rather pay for a clean game. Controller support is not very satisfactory. The analog sticks only let you move in 8 directions. The triggers get "stuck" sometimes and won't fire or will keep firing. Menu navigation on controller is clunky and outright broken in many places, requiring you to use the touchscreen for skills and upgrades. There should at least be controller buttons for choosing upgrades and going back. There are a few small typos and grammar mistakes throughout the game. The Reckless achievement does not trigger as expected. The Cadence rune does not work correctly/predictably with Salvo Knife. It would be nice to have timers on screen for certain things (shield and health regeneration, timed buffs, no-hit buffs, dragon egg, etc.). It would also be nice to be able to pause the game on an upgrade screen. The game does get a bit boring and repetitive, but it's refreshing to see a game with this much proper design and effort put into it.
Polished, accessible, and fun
Fri Sep 30 2022 Gameboy5LifeThis is my first time trying a game inspired by Vampire Survivors. This seemed a lot more approachable for me with its minimalist style and mobile optimizations. The art direction is timeless and the gameplay is engaging, even if the controls are not perfect. It’s nice to have the option both to aim and auto-attack with the right “stick”.
The 10 minute mode is perfect for short sessions on the go and lets you appreciate the progression. The game loop is fun, but it can feel grindy if you rely on the same upgrades and don’t constantly try new builds. It’s very rewarding to find new combinations of upgrades that work well together.
All-in-all the game is a great fit for mobile. If I could ask for improvements, I would like alternate control schemes and ways to play. Controller support is there, which is always a huge plus for me. But it would be nice to have the option to play one-handed in portrait mode. Likewise, I would love to get home and play on my Apple TV with cloud saves.
Finally, I have to show my support for the option to just buy the full game. I’m old school, and freemium or ad-supported games are a huge turn off for me. I love that I could get this to keep in my library of offline games, and I hope to enjoy it for years to come.
Great job devs!
Paid for less options and more confusion
Wed Oct 18 2023 PhayeI didn’t like the adds in the free one, so I bought this premium version. After unlocking everything the game offered, I switched to Vampire Survivors. I always missed the aesthetics of 20 Min til Dawn though. So I was super excited to hear they added new stuff! New characters, weapons, etc! I looked up how to get something simple, like the watergun. I tried for hours, confused. I even downloaded the free version to see if they had scrapped premium.. No good. Spent a lot of time on that free version just to see how many more cosmetics and such you could get there now.
Come to find out, all the new stuff is only for PC? Even gaming influencers don’t know this I guess could no one could help me out here. I deleted and redownloaded the premium app.. it was so disheartening to know I’d paid for this game and would gladly have paid for a DLC to the premium, but it wasn’t even offered. Not only was it not offered, but the “free” version had WAY more stuff to waste your real life $$$ on. Kind of gross. Kind of think ppl should steer clear of this game until they get their act together. Don’t waste your $ on this premium lie.
Sat Oct 29 2022 LilWilly222This game is amazing, I play it almost every day. I love “shmup” type games, their is one thing I’m kinda confused tho when it comes this game. If I’m not mistaken, there is another game, that is the same as this one, but I don’t see much of a difference between these two, other than the tittle. The tittle to this game is “20 minutes til dawn(Full)”, I assume it just means the Full game, but there’s another that’s the same tittle except, instead of (Full), it says (Endless), I have to guess that it means that there may not be a time limit with your fights, just to see how long you can last, or maybe I’m just overthinking it (probably am). Anyway still great game, love it, keep making great games.
Good, not great
Tue Nov 15 2022 ComaramaEdit: Devs have not addressed a single user complaint. Do not buy this game.
As others have said, the controls are pretty cruddy; onscreen joysticks are too small and fussy, never quite as responsive as they need to be. While I’m sure there’s rationale behind having two-stick control, I can’t help feel that it could just as easily (and more pleasurably) be controlled with one (adjustable-size) onscreen joystick paired with auto-fire. Heck, it could use a whole suite of quality-of-life options on the main menu, rather than just one for adjusting the sound. Kinda baffling why this wasn’t addressed prior to launch, but again, I’m no expert on game design, so it’s no knock against the devs - I’m sure none of these gripes are news to them. As it stands now, the game is just not that much fun to play. Unless it gets an update to address its issues, there’s not much reason for me to keep playing it.
DON’T PURCHASE. Play the free version instead…
Tue Mar 14 2023 RPaden401I spent a LOT of hours playing the ad-supported version and really enjoyed it. Saw the paid version included the pumpkin patch level and the extra character, so I purchased it since I completed all achievements. It is NOT worth the purchase. You lose features. Sure, the ad-supported version has one less level and character, but the benefits that come with watching 20-30 seconds of ads every now and then far outweigh what the paid version “provides”. I was hoping this paid version also included the endless mode like what the PC game has, but unfortunately it doesn’t. Even the skills and upgrades are exactly the same as the ad-supported version and not like the PC version. I’ll be trying to refund the game after this review and getting the ad-supported version again.
UPDATE: Purchased game less than 30 minutes ago. Developer doesn’t support refunds… DO NOT PURCHASE!
Super addicting - works great on mobile
Thu Sep 22 2022 Mykil MortisI don’t know what those other reviews are talking about with the controls not working on mobile or their fingers getting in the way. The controls feel just the same as other decent twin stick shooters and I never have issues with my fingers blocking enemies (and I have games where that can be an annoyance), even when I max out my speed it was barely a noticeable issue. It’s so fun trying out different perk combinations for different runs and trying to see how OP you can become. For how much fun I’ve had in just the few days I’ve owned the game it has been 100% worth the price I paid for it. Definitely worth checking out.