Wed Jul 12 2023 NHK44So this game is one of the most calming games I’ve downloaded yet it’s pretty competitive. Those are the games I’m a fan of. So some things this game has a glitch I’m wondering if it’s just my iPad but this game glitches and sometimes makes me start over. 😭😭but I like rebuilding my streak. I think I’m gotten to 8 million or something. But yeah I would say get now except one more thing whenever I run outta moves and I’m so close to a new goal then I have to spend all my gems and start crying and my moms like “honey get off the iLad if you gonna sit there and cry!” So that’s another thing I think that they should either give for gems or not make it so easy to loose because if it’s hard for other people to loose then I start thinking I’m bad at my favorite game. So I hope these improvements can be met but if they can’t love the game one of a kind!
Devs please read
***Updated Review*** The new updates are STILL awful
Fri Aug 09 2024 Lupe-K***I was able to get past the color changes and point system changes. What I can’t get past, and what is my last straw with this game, is changing the game play. Now you have to pay diamonds to unlock certain blocks on the board. How greedy can this app be, I stand by my earlier review saying the updates were a cash grab. I went from playing this game almost daily, to not playing at all. I’m close to uninstalling but I’m holding out hope that things will revert back. The thing developers don’t realize is that the App Store is full of thousands of games, this is not the only game out there, people will move on to something else if they keep making stupid changes.
*original review* I absolutely loved this game! It was a fun and simple way to kill time. I even paid for the ad free version. Now I find I don’t play as much, the new updates are awful. The look of the game is different than what I’ve come to know and the colors changed over night with no option to change them back. Not to mention the daily rewards are lower and you have to watch ads to get more diamonds. This is clearly a cash grab update with cosmetic updates to justify the new reward system. Please revert the game back to pre update and stop making changes to this game or at the very least give us the option to change the look back in the settings. No one asked for an update, if it ain’t broke don’t fix it.
The Ads Take This Game from a 5 to a ZERO
Sun Oct 23 2022 BizzibodiThis is by far my favorite game out of all of the games that I have ever downloaded. Unfortunately the developers chose to have about 120 seconds of the ADS for every 60 seconds that you play. The ads in this game are so annoying that as bad as I wanted to continue playing it I had to delete the app. There are so many ads that it actually increased my anxiety instead ofAllowing me to enjoy the strategy of making great moves or feeling a sense of accomplishment as I increase the numbers. To be fair, there is an option to pay - and you can have the ads removed. But there are similar games that have WAY WAY LESS ADS and you can play those for free. If a million of us pay $4.99 to play with no ads, we’ve just made someone $4.9M. 😳😳😳 I feel like I’m being forced to pay for ad removal. Nope, I’ll just play the free game which is quite similar and has only a few ads. This game doesn’t wait until you complete a board or advance to the next level, the ads just interrupt you in the middle of the game, throwing your momentum way off. I won’t be playing this game again unless I find out that they have decreased the number of ads and the way that they just pop up in the middle if your play. So I’ll have to rate this one a lukewarm 2. Please address this. You just messed up a really good thing with all of those annoying ads!!!!!!!!!!!
Could be great but it isn’t
Sat Dec 16 2023 Leo the unhappyThis started as a really fun game, stringing numbers and completing levels, it is just a nice relaxing game to play. Unfortunately the ads ruin it. Yes you can pay $4.99 and go ad free but it wouldn’t really be add free because you still need the gems and to get them for free… yes, you have to watch ads.
The thing is with these ads is that you have quick ads, then you have slow repetitive ads that last upwards of 45 seconds. You play for a minute, then you get an ad break. Why do these developers put ads in the middle of games, I get the start and the end but when you are into it, it just breaks your focus and quite often I end up just putting my phone down.
One last irritation. As you go up levels, the numbers just become insanely high for no reason at all. Also it will tell you at the top what the next number in the sequence is but unfortunately it is often wrong and therefore just annoying and unhelpful. You also will rarely get the numbers you need to finish the level, so you have take the option of paying gems to combine numbers just to complete the level, so your not really beating it, just paying to clear the round, but if you don’t pay to clear the round, you would never complete it because the numbers won’t come up to be able to do so.
Feel like I’m stuck!
Sun Feb 02 2025 RideSoloLove the game, but I would like to see you get rid of the Infinity and let players just keep moving. I played the game for ages and made it to Level 811 and then the Infinity block showed up… and I was stuck… FOR MONTHS! I play ed and played and played… stuck at Level 811. One day I noticed that my smallest number block started to creep up and then in a week or two, suddenly, the infinity blocks went away and my levels started to climb again. I made it to Level 993 and now here I am, stuck w/ the same number blocks, over and over, and the Infinity block. This is very frustrating! Do the sponsors who pay for advertising know about your practices?
One compliment: There was a period of time in the past when it seemed that certain advertisements would freeze and the only way to continue was to completely shut down and restart my phone. In the last few months this has stopped. Thank you for correcting that issue, whatever it was.
PLEASE, get rid of the Infinity and let the game continue!
3 out of 5 because of a weird glitch
Thu Oct 19 2023 BrokenthumbsBeen playing this game for days because it’s a great way to keep my brain busy while I’m sitting around. Everyone who plays games, even on their phones, has a play style. My play style is to acquire the several groupings of highest number on the board, I put them in columns, group one set of two, leavening 2 or three more groups to be combined later on.
On my first couple play throughs this wasn’t an issue; however, over the past several days I’ve noticed my largest numbers shifting around the board after I “level up.” Then, I opened the game this morning, and all of my largest numbers has been combined, jumping ahead several levels without dropping eliminating the lowest numbers on the board.
If this is how it was intended to be played, that’s fine; however, to have that happen after already playing the game several time previously, it’s frustrating. Also frustrating to feel like you’ve lost hours of progress.
Updated review
Mon Feb 24 2025 Honest reviewer808Again, I do enjoy the game and reset it after getting the infinity symbol, and quickly got back to infinity again at level CR. Interestingly there are others on the leaderboard with way less point than me and are at level CS… I updated the app, excited to move on, but it is still stuck. I ignore the ads & don’t need to claim extra points. Once you learn the secret to success, there’s no challenge except how long I can make a string of consecutive numbers snaking everywhere
Original review below:
Wanted to give 5 stars but the ads take a long time, and I do want to get more gems after progressing levels so I endure them. Oddly enough, the videos to “earn” more gems are never available which make no sense. The “daily” free gems are available every hour which is also confusing. But I do enjoy the challenge of advancing to each new level & it makes time fly by. It also helps me get drowsy on sleepless nights.
Gets very expensive very quickly.
Tue Oct 25 2022 MrDLoomisA really nice game and has some strategy. But, you quickly reach a point where you must pay to progress. I understand that it costs money to make the game, but the amount you have to spend adds up fast. Also, the game is very much the same the higher you go. There are no real bonuses for achieving higher levels except that certain value blocks are removed. All you do is progress to higher value pieces just for the sake of getting higher value pieces. I’m really not into buying bragging rights, such that they are. I’d keep playing if there was a way to earn more diamonds and progress by skill rather than be dunned to buy more diamonds or lose all your progress. Seems a bit greedy to me.
UPDATE: In response to the devs: I’ve already bought the game. I shouldn’t be subjected to more ads. Besides, if I must use an ad to move forward, I never actually watch the ads. I just set my device down. I never buy an app because of an ad (do you hear that advertisers?).
I’m addicted (but sad)
Sun Feb 05 2023 FroggyChaosI never write reviews but wow this game. I can play it for hours and it isn’t stressful which is honestly amazing for a game based around beating ur high scores. Absolutely love it definitely Recommend.
Edit: I keeping getting weight loss ads after I talked about my ED online. Is it app tracking? Is it coincidence? I still love the app. If it is tracking how can I turn it off? I really can’t keep seeing these ads, they are making me so anxious. The ads on here are completely fine, they aren’t annoying and for a free app I’m glad to watch them in hopes that the devs get some good ad revenue, but it’s just the weight loss ones that are making me feel sick. If it can’t be fixed, I probably will uninstall the app. that is not to say that I do not absolutely love the app and I wholeheartedly hope that the app gets more traction and the developers can make a good living and make more fun puzzles games.
Hope y’all have a great day
Should be negative, I0
Wed Oct 26 2022 unhappy screwed customerI made it this time all the way to 39 or 49 F and was about to double that. Playing the free version, watching countless ads to get free points and actually was going to compliment the game that not ever single ad is another fake game but I ran out of moves and was in the process of watching boring ads from a minute to a few seconds and my game is wiped out. I only needed to watch one more ad to be able to swap 2 numbers and I have done that several times and continuously played for hours or days once I’ve done that. It’s not like I’m getting paid anything to watch there ads Anyway this is the 3rd and final time that I’ve been up in the ratings, points whatever and open the app and it’s all gone again. There are numerous ways to improve this game but I’m not suggesting them to this developer I’ll find one that will respond to there customer’s complaints and issues. This is my 2nd time reporting same issue-DONT WASTE YOUR TIME OKN THIS ONE👹👺 and I have a screen shot with my cummative points to prove but of course can’t post it here