Best Find Difference Game
Tue Jun 06 2023 BluridgalI love this game. I know I’m not playing against real people mostly (probably, I don’t really know) but that doesn’t bother me. You have a lot of options to play in this game. Different contests if you WANT to play them. I enjoy just the daily contest. I have never paid any money to play and I have a lot of coins. More than I need. I noticed I’m not getting as much coins for the daily contest but that’s ok. If I can’t find anything, I’ll just lose and start over, it’s no big deal. The only complaint is sometimes one cannot find that last difference, usually it’s in a dark area. A tip here! They won’t let you zoom in, just use a magnifier! I have on occasions because I don’t think it’s fair to have a shadow in a dark area, or one little thing moved just a little tiny bit. Overall, this is the best find the difference on the internet. None compare and I’ve tried them all.
I used to love this game
Wed May 01 2024 mishybella22But after taking a break for a short while I’ve just come back to an entirely different game. First off, the game now FINDS things that are hidden that you’re supposed to find yourself - that’s literally the point of the game and they take it away - and not only do they find one but they find multiple things throughout each round! Where’s the fun in that?? Secondly, there are now ads during the rounds - how is the game even real-time anymore? People could be playing around with the ad while you continue to the game and then you’re not competing against anyone anymore at that point! I’ve also come to find that all my coins are gone which I honestly don’t care too much about but after getting so far into the game on my own I literally feel like I’ve been robbed. My photo doesn’t ever load either which is really distracting while I’m playing - the loading spiral just spins and spins and spins forever and there’s no way to fix it even to a pre-set avatar or anything - I thought about disconnecting my fb but that definitely means that I’ll lose all my progress! Knowing this I guess I’ll end with saying that I’m really sad how different the entire game is and that I won’t be playing again. Thanks for all the fun up until now. I hope you’ll listen to your supporters and reverse all these horrible new changes otherwise you won’t be retaining anyone that’s for sure. Good luck.
Thu Feb 08 2024 More Play Time PleaseThe game itself is very fun and I think it’s the best find the difference game out there! For the developers out there I know you guys have so much on your plate but there are some levels where you can BARELY notice a difference in order to move on especially on the cartoon like pictures. In order to move up in rank you have to achieve a certain amount of stars for the week which is fine, I love that. Here’s the thing though when you’re up against multiple people with so many differences it makes it IMPOSSIBLE to get 3 stars without using hints. If you wanna achieve the 3 stars have 5 mins to play in TOTAL against 4 people with 7 differences for 3 rounds that’s insane. Even for skilled players.
Update: I understand the higher up in rank the more challenging it becomes but it’s really gotten bad. There are some “differences” that make no sense at all and hardly noticeable. You get challenged to finish a round with 3 people for 3 minutes and then BOOM 3 minutes turns into 15. It really is a turn off. This game for me is to pass time on my breaks for work and I can’t even finish a single round without giving up because of these impossible differences. I shouldn’t have to hold my phone up to my nose just to play a game.
Woulda been a 5 Star But....
Thu Apr 25 2019 BnickwesThis game is a lot of fun and I love the competition aspect. 3 HUGE downfalls that pushed this game from the 5 Star it can be to the 4 star it is:
1. Put a cap on the number of Light Bulbs that one person can use in a round. So unfun to be winning and lose only because another player uses 5 light bulbs in 10 seconds. That alone has made me want to look for other games.
2. A 12 min wait every time you lose? C”mom guys! That’s really bad. 12 minutes?? 12?! Should update it to give people lives. 3 or 5 before making us wait. I get that it’s there to get people to purchase light bulbs, but I’d rather play another game during the wait and the, if I do remember to come back, I’ll play my 1 round (more if you win) and then wait. If anything, I’d rather have multiple lives then purchase light bulbs to use 1 or 2 for the difficult pictures.
3. The pictures get difficult pretty quick. I understand it’s a progression, but it goes from in your face easy to difficult within a few levels. Could ease into it a bit more.
Other than that, this game is a lot of fun and I would recommend to anyone (willing to put a few dollars in)......
Wish it was easier and cheaper
Wed Mar 15 2023 Kclor19I play this game literally EVERYDAY and I love it for that, but the coins cost a lot and they run out very fast. I wish their reward system was better, for instance everyday you log on you get 1 coin then 2 coins but after a while it just stays at 4 coins. Like come on give the people who actually play every single day more coins because they’re the ones who play every single day. Also, I’m over here thinking I’m hecka good at this game because I beat a lot of people but in actuality this game is hard to level up. Also, sometimes when I play I actually get annoyed because the difference I’ve been looking for is literally the smallest tiniest detail ever which I get it, you have to find the differences but I’ve been playing EVERYDAY for literally so long and I just feel like I’m still at level 1. I feel like I’ve definitely become better at finding the differences but like if you want someone to keep playing, at least make it where the rewards are good. What I’m saying is that I wish you can get coins easier because they run out very fast. To be honest, because of that, I’m taking a break from the game.
Use To Love
Sun Jun 19 2022 Sherrah1Overall the game use to be very challenging and fun but some new aspects of the game have dropped my rating drastically! The reduction of the weekly & monthly rewards have caused a drastic fall in the #s! No one want to tune in daily for a few gold coins and they definitely don’t want to waste hours playing for a #1 weekly spot that only pays out 300! I’m not a fan of the puzzle feature a pure waste of time. At least since you taken all the coinage away from regular games give us more Battle Royal so we can earn some coinage the challenging way!!!. That is when you really get to see if you’re good at the game anyway. At one time I loved this game now I rarely play. I only play when y’all do battle royal or the egg grow. Those other games y’all added are bogus especially those rooms🤦🏽♀️. Maybe if you get back to the basics your players will return! I’m watching the #’s so I know y’all lost players when you dropped the reward payouts smh! Hoping you guys put it back the way it was as of now no I would not recommend!
Fake Players
Sat Aug 17 2019 FatimaFAI’ve been playing this game for a week now and it’s very addictive. It’s a lot of fun and because of the way it’s structured, I’m spending money trying to win tournaments. However, I strongly believe that the players I’m competing against are not real. Let me explain, I’ve been paying a lot of attention and realized that there is a pattern that the “opponents” are following. Another thing is when I’m playing a huge tournament of 8 people (including me), for some reason all the players finish their round with me at the exact same second. Call me crazy, but I don’t think that’s a coincidence, and if it is it isn’t possible to happen every single time. I believe that the opponents everyone is playing against are not real accounts. Thought I’d share this because when I came to this realization, it made me realize that it’s a tactic for players to pay a lot of money and made me feel kinda stupid.
Fun, if a little ageist
Wed Mar 11 2020 Kay_RockI used to play 5 Spots years ago and loved it. When I discovered this game with its wonderful similarities I was thrilled.
Sadly, my old eyes have deteriorated quite a bit since the old 5 Spots days.
Some of the differences in these pictures are so microscopic I can’t even see them when I get a “hint,” unless I screen cap the picture and use my photo app to zoom in on the blue rectangle. “Oh, there it is. That two pixel change in the size of a shadow!” Or “Oh, a missing little wrinkle in a very dark pair of pants.”
I wouldn’t suggest the devs make the differences easier to spot, but a simple zoom feature would go a long way towards helping this old lady resist the temptation to throw her iPad out the window!! Life will never give everybody an even playing field, nor should it. But when there are simple things we can do to make life just a little more enjoyable for others...well...why not?
So, please, sirs, may we have some zoom?
Response to developer response: I am not sure what new features necessitated eliminating zoom, unless it just increased sales of hints. Perhaps we can have more opportunities to earn hints via ads until you decide to “switch it back on.” Nobody understands what happens to old eyes until it happens to them. It’s actually demoralizing. We’re a big marketing demographic... don’t alienate us! Please!
So Frustrating
Fri Nov 22 2019 Papillon0111When I started playing this game I loved it. It was the only good Find the differences game I can find. They recently removed the time clock that allowed any player to start a 1 minute countdown. When the time was up the player that had earned the highest score (calculated on the number of differences found and the speed of finding them) won. It was an awesome feature and a great strategy if you had the highest score and couldn’t find anymore differences. It was also good to use when the game was at a standstill. Without the timer I almost always end up quitting the games because no one can find all the clues and we sit there indefinitely. so now, even if I have the highest score I lose anyway because the one who wins in these cases isn’t the best player, it’s the player who has the most time to waste 😤. And since I keep losing I never get to earn the bonuses that give players free hints. I wrote to them twice to explain my frustration but was told that the game is more fair without the timer 🤦♀️
Glitches and no zoom 😑
Sun Dec 22 2019 Afugit01I have always been a fan of find the difference type game and I do like this game. However, this has happened a lot where I'll be in a game and it will just kick me out all of a sudden and then I have to wait 12min to start a new game. Also, I've lost several games because I'll find my last difference but it doesn't register right away, the timing wheel will be spinning and then all of a sudden my opponent wins the game because my difference I found didn't register immediately. I clearly won the game but my game froze and ultimately made me lose the game. Also, with the new update, the zoom function has been removed making it very difficult to find the tiny differences and ultimately causing frustration. I feel that it is a way to make us spend money for the light bulbs, unless I want to spend 30min looking for the last small difference. If those issues could be fixed, I would give a higher rating and the game would be great!