Satisfied with game experience
Thu May 12 2022 llumalorianok so, I don’t normally write reviews but here goes This game is an easy, laid back check-every-few-hours kind of game. Very supportive of GSRM couples, however there’s no very androgynous looking people in the selection, and i think that might be nice to get a little representation. i feel like you could add more activities with your partner. you could have to do the dishes, cuddle or choose stuff to say to them or something. the only thing you really get is to make bento boxes for them, unless there’s something i haven’t unlocked yet. All of the reviews saying that the cat activity doesn’t work, are lying. you have to read the instructions, and tap on DIFFERENT parts of the cat, not the same parts. i feel like you could add more cat activities to do, such as brushing the cat or something, but they’re pretty good for now. The only complaint i have is that there’s not many customization options for the people. Sure, you can choose different skin tones and people, but that’s about it. What if you could, for example, build a person? you could customize hair, clothes, body type, etc. Also there’s not very good options for darker toned skin colors, they look a little odd on the people. the game is a bit ad heavy also, but i understand as all free games usually have ads. But, overall, this game is a perfectly sized, adorable little package of cuteness! if you read this, good job 🏅
why I love this game :)
Fri Mar 31 2023 SHABOUTIQUIThis game is absolutely amazing I don’t think it deserves a 4.7 out of five it deserves a five star review because it is probably the most common and best game ever all you do is play with your cats earn hearts decorate your house to be what you want and it’s just amazing and really calming also I think it’s very amazing that you can choose your character and who you want your partner in the game to be if you’re like LGBTQ and you also get to choose skin tones which is very inclusive I think. It’s so aesthetic and it’s probably my favorite game other than roblox, there the only two games I have and use and I enjoy both, I will say it’s very time consuming, but also buying hearts is really easy and cheap 6 dollars for 9000 hearts it’s a lot! If ur wondering what I mean buy hearts it’s basically like the games version of money, the cats are so cute, but buying new areas in the house is sorta time consuming but not really an issue. I have all the areas in adorable home but I’m just waiting to finish getting all the animals and plots in the farm area I’m so close! I hope this helped, and I hope I convinced you! Also it says it might be inappropriate for children but it’s really now, there has never been a time where something inappropriate has been shown, but when I unlocked the bathroom my character people bathed together 😅🫣 I promise no body parts there shown, they where covered by bubbles.
Super fun and relaxing… but!
Mon Jan 17 2022 Adorable Home Critic :)I love playing adorable home but there are a few changes I would like to see in this game. Whenever I get three strikes when taking care of my cats and it asks me is I would like to try again and I say no it’s still makes me watch an add which I find ridiculous. Because usually if you say try again it should give you an add, but if you say no it just takes you back to the game… since you don’t want to try again. Why should I watch an add just to not try again. In that case I might as well try again. Right?? I don’t mind watching ads to double my hearts, get 50% off of furniture, or even TO TRY AGAIN. But it just makes no sense to make us watch an ad if we don’t want to continue doing that task. I also don’t like how I have to wait so long for the wife to come home and how she doesn’t help the other wife with the baby (which I would just like to mention I absolutely love how we get a baby now). Like the biological mom will be taking care of the baby. While the other one is swinging on the swing or sitting on the couch. This is not fair and I feel like the working wife should contribute more to the baby. I also feel like we should be able to do more with the cats, like maybe add toys for us to buy for them. That’s all I can think of rn but I am aware that this game is fairly new but these are just things that bother me. :)
Lots of potential
Tue May 03 2022 Rene-ChanI really like this game. It’s calming and simple in the best sort of way. It’s basically what I was looking for overall. You can earn love easily or it doesn’t cost much if you do want more which is something 90% of app games with ingame purchases need to follow instead of making it impossible to advance without participating in their money grab focus agenda. Because of that I like the game more. However I do wish there was a bit more to do while the partner is away like daily tasks such as chores (especially to fill the void until you can open more areas in the game) like when you purchase the washing machine you have to maintain it similar to the farm, interactions or mini games between the partners to obtain more love and more things to do with the baby maybe something similar to the cats gameplay. Definitely would like to customize the characters clothes on a daily basis - would go well if it’s an interaction on the dresser. Furnitures really need interactions to them as well as they can serve a purpose outside of looking nice so there’s an incentive (I have a lot of love but I don’t feel particular motivated to buy much) but also the ability to delete items you don’t want and get the cash back. This game has a lot of potential and I hope some of the suggestions from myself and/or others are added in the future. I know it’s suppose to be a passive game but this is a bit too passive.
Very cute
Sat Jul 17 2021 Nataliya_SemThis is one of my favorite games because of how adorable it is-! i really like the option of choosing your partner based on your sexuality and not just straight relationships. There is also tons of furniture to buy and switch up. The pride furniture was very cute too- too bad i couldn’t buy it all in time since i found the game later in June. The art itself is very nice and simple which gives it a nice chill pastel look. The cats are adorable too but i wish i could name them myself. The given names are cute too though. There are a lot of options for buying cats but i hope there will be more in the future such as more fluffy cats, furless and others. It’s a really addicting game because you just wanna log on every time to buy that perfect furniture match. One thing that i find a bit useless though is my partner, the only time i can interact with them is by giving them food. Spending time with your loved one to get more love/hearts would be really fun! Also about the cat mini games. There not easy but not hard which i like but i wish there were more of them or like you can unlock more as you get to know your cat! This would make the game more long lasting and not so repetitive. The sounds and music in this game is adorable though!! This game is amazing and i would recommend it to anyone and i hope it will make more stuff in the future :))
I LOVE THIS GAME SM(but I have a could recommendations)
Thu Feb 03 2022 m1cajahThis game is super cute and is a good way to chill out, however I do have a few suggestions. When I first started playing(yesterday) I was expecting to be able to place my items freely but instead was kind of bummed when I figured out I couldn’t. I feel the game would be much better if we could choose where certain things could go. Another feature that we need ASAP is a preview feature. When I am shopping for furniture/accessories I have no idea what it’s going to look like. Since yesterday I have made the mistake of buying items that do not fit my liking in the lounge. It also would be SOO cool if we could have more mini games such as, grocery shopping, chores, getting ready, fetching the mail, driving, and so much more! I also wish we were able to go outside of our house(the same scenes tend to get boring after awhile). There also should also be a feature where we can spend love on accessories and clothes! This one really isn’t necessary but there should also be some other poses our characters do such as yoga, going on their phone, working out, having conversations with each other, etc. I also think it’d be cool if you could choose your pet at the beginning such as dog(im not much of a cat person). Question!, will the baby grow up in future updates or stay an infant the whole game? OTHER THAN THAT THE GAME IS AMAZING KEEP UP THE GREAT WORK!!😍
awesome game so far
Thu Jan 09 2020 Lunargravity110I’m giving the game 5 stars due to the fact I am aware that this game just came out today or yesterday. It is super cute, the art is well done and the mini games are also super fun bc they aren’t too easy but realistic like when you have to figure out where Snow likes to be petted or cut Snow’s nails while they keep moving. I love the bento box making and my boyfriend irl seems to be hinting that I should start doing that in real life as well. Some things that I am looking forward to and that I hope the creator will add to the game is more mini games to play while boyfriend is out of the house like maybe household chores or something (though i love all the shopping!!) but speaking of shopping, i wish I can sell the furniture or stuff that I am no longer using (even if for a lower price of love from when i bought it in the first place) bc sometimes i bought stuff but didn’t realize it didn’t look good in the Lounge area or that I couldn’t use the item in the first place (like I wasn’t able to use the white cushion bc i didn’t realize that the bookshelf took up the space). Also I hope that later the game will be updated with more character customization bc my irl boyfriend and i are a lot tanner than any of the already established characters who all are pale as the moon. But overall, for a game that JUST came out, awesome! It is super cute and I can’t wait until more cats come into my home.
omg i love this game!!💖✨
Sat Dec 19 2020 thisappissocutewhen I started playing this game it was just a way to kind of escape from the pandemic. I've always really liked cute games and I was playing one before but it was kind of getting old so I decided to go on the hunt for a new one. I've always really loved the developer hyper beard they always give really cute and Kawaii games that never really get old. The last game I was playing was from a different developer that I was trying out, that was kind of ruined by an app purchases. This app however only has a few small in app purchases that prevent you from spending too much money it's super aesthetic and it allows for a lot of creative liberties. I love getting new cats and being surprised by how they look, and caring for them isn't as hard as you might think it's a little frustrating when you don't have them in the exact right spot, but you always have a chance to try again which I also really like. This is definitely my new favorite app and I'm even considering spending a little bit of money on it. But what I like about this game is that you can still really enjoy it without spending money there aren't anySpecial furniture is your animals that you can buy it you can only buy currency that's in the game which is also easy to earn without spending money. All in all this is 100% my new favorite game five stars love it thank you for listening
Lovely Game…Needs Some Impovements
Wed Sep 29 2021 <7ookie>I absolutely LOVE this game. It is such a great way to unwind and destress and go into a virtual world that could possible be a future reality for me and my boyfriend. I love the different furniture types, the LGBTQ+ decorations, the different rooms etc. You can truly make it your own aesthetic and it’s amazing. However…I seem to be experiencing a weird glitch for some reason? My TV does not work right, it doesn’t matter if my character is on the couch by herself, if I am with my boyfriend’s character on the couch, or if my boyfriend is on the couch by himself. The only channel that ever pops up for me is the “LOVE Channel” where you receive love from the TV. But other than that there is nothing on the screen. I have tried taking the TV off the wall and placing it back on there, I have tried taking the TV off the wall, closing the game and restarting my phone, I even deleted and downloaded the game again and I am STILL experiencing this glitch. It’s disappointing to me because I am missing a part of this game, everything else works fine but that part of the game. I have already emailed the game developers and they did nothing for me. So I really don’t know what else to do. Hopefully an update comes out and it will fix this issue. I play the game on an iPhone XR that’s updated to iOS 15 and I have the latest version of the game. So I truly have no idea how to even fix this glitch.
Thu Dec 03 2020 UniDuck12I don’t write game reviews often, but I just love this game. First of all, if you want a game you can sit down and play for an hour, this game isn’t for you. It’s more of a game you check on once in a while. I got it before and decided to download it again, and I’m kind of confused. There was only the lounge and I think maybe the bedroom, but there wasn’t the bathroom which before i had seen was in the process of being made. I decided to just move on and keep playing, and one day a bunch of new rooms popped up. My brother also saw this in his game. I don’t remember updating it, but maybe it was a kind of level thing or an auto update? Anyways, I love the new farm and kitchen. One thing I do wish is that there were more hairstyles than just straight hair. It’s also kind of annoying when I want to pick a darker skin tone, but I don’t like how the hair color looks with it and I love the hairstyle. Another thing you guys could add is more cats with hats. (This is kind of a spoiler if you like the surprise of the cat boxes) Elisabeth is really cute and I love how her crown is in the background when you pet her, but I have all the cats now and she’s the only one. I understand wanting to make her special, but maybe like charge some extra hearts for cats with hats. I don’t know I just think she’s adorable lol. Sorry for the long review and the rambling about the room thing, thanks for reading!