This Was Tough
Tue Oct 30 2018 Hfcmpaof321I was so torn as to what rating I would give this game. It’s very creative and challenging. It’s difficulty, though, is maddening. Even on the “easy” setting, you have to get it VERY close to the correct position and it doesn’t always trigger. There were many times I wished I could hide a color while working on the next just for eye strain purposes, but I also understand that the difficulty to see around the colors is likely intentional. I became VERY angry while playing, but couldn’t seem to stop. It’s not because I thoroughly enjoyed it; I guess I’m just a masochist. I decided on giving it five stars because it’s well done and not something you can just fly through. My wounded pride still hates that fact.
All these positive reviews.
Thu Aug 02 2018 Carter2904I don’t understand all the positive reviews saying how amazing this game is. It is a nice game. That’s it though, nice. It isn’t amazing, it isn’t the app I’ve been looking for, so on so forth. I was hoping it was the puzzle game I was looking for, but with the lack luster “music” and the annoying sound it makes after completing a puzzle you cannot turn of. Even if you could the UI is atrocious. The “ save and quit” option, really? It’s a mobile game just have it automatically save when you quit; if I wanted to start a new game I would look and go to menu and hit “new game”. Back the sound real quick. If one would want to turn the sound off, be sure to “ save and quit” and then go to the menu and turn the sound off. Lastly, the rotation of the dots when your playing is very odd, I do not like the way it feels. Unfortunately, I had hoped that this would be fun but, I only have regrets of dropping $1.99 on it. I could have put that money into a better app.
What a pleasure
Sat Jan 26 2019 Idontwant12345678This is more enjoyable than other games like this - the object is to move the objects around until they make a shape. I was afraid the hint system would be another in- game way to get money, but there is a good balance between difficulty and hints.
The only suggestion would be to have the image and silhouette tips be a bit larger so not to use screenshots - not a big issue at all. I look forward to other expansion packs.
This is a great app! One complaint though.
Sun Aug 26 2018 Noah💣💣💣💣💣💣I love this perspective puzzle that breaks my mind. It is awesome and never ceases to amaze me. If I had to list one complaint I would say the amount of puzzles. I understand that they are probably difficult to make but I don’t think the current amount of puzzles can justify the price. If you add more in the future then this is irrelevant, but right now I have run out of puzzles to do in a few days.
My number one go to game!
Tue Jun 18 2019 Snowcoolio92This is the one game I have kept on my phone consistently. I Love love love it! I have played it through to the end more than once and hope that the developers continue to add to it or make similar games, as I have yet to find anything that I enjoy of the same caliber from anywhere else. It is also my only 5 star rating of ANY application.
It’s an okay time
Thu Aug 02 2018 Lostandalone557This game is pretty challenging, which is fine that’s not the problem, the controls on this game just feel terrible. It feels like I can’t get the form to move in the way I want it to, also This game gets kinda obnoxious at guessing what your supposed to be making when you have two colors. the game should at least tell you what the shape is your supposed to be going for rather than having to spend a point on it.
Overall this game is an interesting concept but it gets bogged down in its controls.
thank you!!
Wed Aug 01 2018 allymarie628i have been looking for an app like this for MONTHS and i’m so glad there is now one that is also so beautifully made. i preordered this app as soon as i saw it and, while i’ve only had it for a few hours, it is fantastic. great job
I like it!
Wed Sep 05 2018 shrunkenhead69This game is actually pretty cool, it functions well, it makes you think and sometimes I think I have it down to where I can solve the puzzles easily, it proves me wrong and it gives me a nice challenge, keep up the good work! Thanks for a fun game!
Great app!
Sat Oct 06 2018 VTKodiakLove apps that challenge me. The only thing that would improve it is if you could go back to look at the pics you created. Once you’ve made the pic it’s gone forever. Otherwise terrific app!!
Big changes needed
Thu Aug 09 2018 user 1388The only challenge of this game is seeing the grainy images and using the crap controls. Half the time I beat the level without realizing what image I was solving for. The controls need 2 finger response for a pivot, this one finger movement for a 3d image is terrible. If that's the majority of the challenge for this app then it is based on frustration as the challenge, that's not a puzzle, its a poorly built app.