Nearly perfect app!
Mon Jun 07 2021 JadenfireLove how nearly everything feels made with quality! I have loads of ideas & sense my suggesting in app has failed I’m now doing a review : My main thing is to see more pink options bright pink but I’d like to see More bright color choices in general for many sets that support different colors. I’d really like to see the pizza oven actually melt the cheese, show the toppings actually look cooked like maybe how pizza cooking simulator dlc does it.. This was my least favorite toy in this app… The corn popping one can’t it be random with different corns? Painting the fence why can’t we pick another color? The magnet one I was excited for I thought it be like those old time magnet pictures where you fill in the pics with the magnet stuff but it’s not this one just boring.. Jigsaw puzzle can we get a option to add our own pics? Matching game needs more different random sets. Cleaning the stove one maybe make it random stoves with random amount of dirt. Slice more vegetables then just carrots & cucumbers. Mowing different random shapes, maybe a pattern to reveal after? The clapping hands sound effect is weird can we have a option to disable it PWEASE. I love this app just really feel many things need more option & variety to them when doing the same thing over & over.. Maybe a simple menu with each game listed & have a setting thing where you can say change the kind of mower, the type of jigsaw puzzle the color of the fidget cube etc.
100% amazing app
Thu Jun 13 2019 speedy’s iPhoneI have a Lotta apps on my phone games to keep my mind busy abstain actually pay me money to my PayPal two of them which I favourite the most but this one app is 100% amazing all the apps on my phone coloring apps money app‘s game apps and this is the only app that makes me smile especially when new stuff is being added I Purchased this app some months ago I got so many apps sometimes I don’t touch hardly any of them but when I do get the timeAnd when I feel sad and tired I turn to the Antistress app play some of the toys on there and it just makes me smile I want to thank the developers for coming up with this app and for sharing you with me it’s the greatest app on my phone I don’t want to lose any of my apps but this is one app I never want to lose as soon as I pick up with financial situation I’m going to purchase an iTunes card and donate to this app at this time I can’t right now butAnd when I feel sad and tired I turn to the Antistress app play some of the toys on there and it just makes me smile I want to thank the developers for coming up with this app and for sharing you with me it’s the greatest app on my phone I don’t want to lose any of my apps but this is one app I never want to lose as soon as I pick up with financial situation I’m going to purchase an iTunes card and donate to this app at this time I can’t right now but soonThis app is one app that’s worth putting money into I love your app thank you developers
READ ALL BEFORE BUYING greatest app btw
Sat Jul 13 2024 I AM A RAT 🐀This game is a great game for many reasons! one being it has many things to choose from games to satisfying asmr toys. Another reason is cause there isn’t many adds at all! Perfect! I don’t think this will be that one game you neglect lol. It is very stress relieving. Now some people might think this review was one of the creators friends or something buts it’s not I chose to write this it didn’t ask me too I just love this game so much and if you wanted to remove adds it’s a one time purchase which is great! This game has a lot of things to do and if your thinking about getting it you really should get it. It is a great game that you won’t regret but.. the only thing bad about it is sometimes after and add it glitches and mute all sound but you can’t easily fix this by closing and reopening the app and then going right back to what you were doing. To give you and idea I never write reviews and it didn’t even ask me too either lol so I hope you enjoy this game.
Best way to relieve stress!
Mon Jul 20 2020 smlneffI stumbled upon this app a while ago while looking for stress relieving apps. But every SINGLE stress relief app makes you pay $20 a month to poke some virtual slime, or $10 to cut soap. So while looking at this app I thought it would be just another stupid cash grab, but I was so wrong. This app comes with many features for free, such as stacking stones or playing with fish. The app also doesn’t spam you with a bunch of unwanted ads to purchase other things right in the middle of trying to feel relaxed. The game does have one in app purchase but it’s a pack that comes with many other features that’s just about $1. And this game isn’t just an app with things to make you feel relaxed, it also comes with a bunch of little mini games and even a counter to see how many times you’ve cut hair, or how many meters of fence you painted to take your mind off of something or just simply entertain your self. I also like how the developer updates the app every week or so with another fun thing to try out!
Most relaxing and satisfying app
Tue Dec 05 2023 Evanisha666This game is so satisfying, the sounds and the perfect animations make for a beautiful and satisfying game, I wish you had more slime toys though, slime is like the best thing there. I love that you added fire especially the one where you burn paper, that one is just so amazing and relaxing. You should add more fidget toy though, maybe add one of those tube fidgets where you stretch them and stuff. You should add one where you turn water on and off or splash water balloons. I love the power washing one but I wish the water power width was longer. The shaving cream one is kind of weird though. This game is the most satisfying game I’ve played and I admire your skill with creating something so satisfying and unique. I also love how when your in a thing that it doesn’t play an ad half way through, it just makes the experience so much more enjoyable. This game deserves 5 stars, it absolutely does.
Sun Nov 10 2024 No Name759 (not a bot)So like I got this in my 5th grade school so I can use this app to be happy and be less stressful and it MADE MY LIFE FEEL SO MUCH BETTER NOW. LIKE THE SOUNDS, AHHH IT SOUNDS SO GOOD LIKE IT SOUNDS LIKE A BEACH WITH OCEAN WAVES FLOWING. DOWNLOAD THIS APP RIGHT NOW BECAUSE ITS A DREAM TO THE HUMANITY. But there’s one problem. The supermarket toy. It uses AI art for to make the models and food designs. Why do people hate it??? It’s not that bad??? But I hate the inappropriate art that was made in AI art. Moren Maio. I just love this game. I want to play the supermarket for days now. Thanks for making this to make my life better. I have a suggestion for you btw! It’s called Weather. It’s basically your on grass and you can change the weather to sunny, and any other weather that’s common, uncommon, and rare too. Make my suggestion please! The weathers are: Snowy, Sunny, Cloudy, Stormy, Supercell, Hurricane, Tornado, and Windy! Please make a sequel to this game! Thank you and love you for your hard work devs!
Huge Selection of Activities
Fri Oct 18 2019 jarethandziggyI had no clue what this app would entail. I downloaded it expecting to be disappointed, after playing with maybe 10 other ‘anti-stress’ games/apps, yet none of them worked. I opened this up, and wow. I was amazed. First of all, this app is for those who like to be entertained, and those who like interacting with your phone. You can smash wine glasses, make songs with just a few taps, play darts or a game of never-ending pool, feed fish, squish things, hit things, mess things up, paint, draw, and even ask a magic eight ball a question...? There are TONS of free activities, and they all entertained me. It sounds boring on paper, but if you get easily bored or are generally fidgety, then I 100% recommend this app. Just click an icon to get started. I would play around with everything - Look and find what calms you down the most. Personally, I like clicking, smashing, and playing with the bubble wrap. Anyways, have fun.
Best anti-stress that I’ve ever gotten!
Tue Jul 20 2021 MdoaosI download a couple of anti-stress in my life and they all had really bad sound affects, but this one as Great quality sound effects and it’s a really fun app in general it doesn’t have any music in the background either when you click on the app like this other one that I downloaded which is really great for me and it’s a just really fun and a good quality app I have an idea for something you could add though I don’t care which category you add it in but I was thinking you could do something with the glitter I honestly don’t know but I feel like it would be fun to have a glitter thing I have this other app that’s a glitter app called Kiraflow and it’s like the only app on the App Store that has glitter in it that I know of so I feel like it would be cool to have another app with the glitter in it but anyways this is a really really fun app and I love it
Sat May 18 2024 0bsessed2AngelHonestly I’ve tried a lot of these games and they’re never realistic. Not only does this one have no ads, but it also has the best realistic noises and very satisfying little toys to play with to help with your stress. This is actually a really good game and this is really underrated. I think that most people should use this game instead of those other fake ones that always have ads every time you wanna try something new let me tell you this you have to get this game. If you have stress it is actually the best, every single game that I play like this it always has a bunch of ads, but this one doesn’t and all the other games have weird Tappy unrealistic noises that are the same for every new fidget but this one has new different noises and it feels so good with the vibrations and the sounds and I literally love it and I think you guys should love it too💕
Mon May 18 2020 gervetthjuuhOk! I don’t like much games but this one... I’m literally ADDICTED TO IT! Ok what I like most about this game is that there are so many stress relieving things to do! And it’s basically FREE! Now sure the “Quiet Pack” costs some! But who really cares!? There’s like bubble wrap, medication, chopping (which if you don’t know is really satisfying on games), and many, many more!
I mean I don’t know if I like this more than Roblox! Probably not, but hey, there’s a chance!
But the one thing that upsets me is that at times it just glitches me off!! Now I don’t know if it’s the game or a glitch in my IPad but you know what happens... Like your in the middle of popping bubble wrap and then... SORRY YOU GOT TO GET OFF!
Not trying to be offensive but... it might just be my IPad... Sorry if I complained for no reason for no reason! But I recommend this game for people who stress a lot, and people who are just dying of boredom like me! (Anyone in Covid-19 with me??)