Mobile MOBA: Best In Class
Thu Feb 15 2018 NGAjoeI’ve dabbled in a few MOBAs on PC, and love the concept, but the community was awful, and the time commitment was unaffordable. Fast forward about six years, and I almost exclusively play video games on the phone these days (after kids are in bed). Arena of Valor combines a strong pedigree (produced by the owners of League of Legends), with a well-balanced community encouragement system, with great frame rates and visuals, mixed with a really nice tutorial that opens up the whole system for you over several days, mixed with joystick based controls that feel right at home on the phone. Oh, and disregard all the negative reviews about balance issues: This game has been out for *years* in China, so trust that those kinks have been smoothed out long ago—no offense to those reviewers but skilled players will win over unskilled players, all heroes have distinct strengths and weaknesses. I’ve played this longer than any multiplayer (video) game to date, to include my Counterstrike days. If you’re new to the concept of what a MOBA is or why you should play (you should), this is *the* one you want. And lastly, you don’t need to pay a cent to play with about a dozen different heroes and unlimited play time. You’ll be matched with players of equal skill regardless. This is a solidly constructed app that takes a serious competitive game and makes it accessible and fun to play at nearly any time. Have fun with this one! Most Recommended!
Thu May 23 2024 don't make me give you 0 starsI really think this game is really good, but there are some things I could play without. 1st, there are so many afk players or, players who up and down in core fountain. It’s really annoying and it becomes a 4 vs. 5 and It gives the enemy/ or our team and unfair advantage. 2nd, is the hero’s cost to much money. If you want a hero like Aoi or Aya etc, they’re too expensive because you find out they’re 18,888 coins and you have to play so many matches. I think you guys should either make the the hero’s cheaper, or increase the amount of money in each match. 3rd, what’s really annoying, the credibility score. Now I know you should be punished if you leave the team in the middle of the match, but if at least 2 people report you, you lose so many points. And it says you have to play bot matches, but they never start, so you can’t get the score up and you have redownload it. Lastly, I think they should make an account sign in or make you have a password or something, because if you somehow get logged out of your account, you have to start all over again and friend request new friends. But other than that, I think this game is one of the best games ever but for now I’ll rate it a 3 stars because of the 4 big problems.
Fun Game
Thu Dec 28 2017 TheUltimateAppReviewerThis game is definitely enjoyable, but I’m not sure I see too much skill involved as far as controls. I’ve only been playing for a few weeks, but so far, it seems as though gameplay just consists of spam buttons. It is extremely difficult to overcome an enemy that has had a better start than you, which gets frustrating sometimes. As a long time Vainglory player, the action spamming in this game is quite enjoyable for a change, but once you’ve played for a few days, there isn’t too much strategy and skill involved, unlike Vainglory. Once you understand your heroes abilities, and the fun of spamming the “attack” button with Valhein starts to wear off, the game starts to lose some fun. Also, in the rare occasion that both teams are pretty equal, late game is a little annoying. Both teams just bunch up in middle lane and try to push, which takes forever, and I feel like the game doesn’t move forward. I mean, both teams can just keep killing each other forever, so I feel like this game is in need of something like the “kraken from Vainglory”. Although it does have the dragons, they do not really change the flow of the game as much as I would hope. However, I love the colorful roster of heroes and the 5v5 action. Overall, I feel as though this game is only really fun on the winning team, but has great potential with the wonderful heroes, so far so good community, and well known developer. Hope this helps thanks!
Great game, but with a huge downside
Mon Aug 03 2020 ThatDude2412I really enjoy this game a lot and I would love to keep playing it, but there is a MASSIVE downside to the game as well. I was playing the game normally and trying out new heroes and sometimes I would do REALLY bad. Like so bad I wouldn't get a kill. And I wanted to change heroes but I can't in the middle of the game and I knew if I left I would get penalized, so I continued playing. I would still get penalized because I would get reported by other players ( I think) and all of the reports would be valid. Now I have a credibility score of 69 ( no joke). You need 70 to play pvp and I can't get into a single multiplayer bot match after waiting for others to find me so I can do a multiplayer bot match for 10 MINUTES STRAIGHT!!! How am I ever supposed to play another pvp if I can't even get into a bot match to raise my credibility score up?! I think instead of doing it to where you can't play pvp, I think it should just be "play with people with the same credibility score". It would be so much more fair. If you get a credibility score below 70 and you try to get into a multiplayer bot match for 3 days like I did and can't seem to get into one game (even after waiting in several lobbies for 10+ minutes), then I would just consider deleting the game because let's face it... you're not going to get into another pvp match and you're going to be stuck playing 1v1 bots all day.
Highly entertaining game but...
Thu Oct 18 2018 RyuzukiiGame is flawless so far, no bugs, easy going etc. The only issue I’ve ran into is the matching system, it happened at least to me since the last patch, I was a 60% win rate player both in classic mode and ranked before the last patch, after the patch I get matched against full diamond ranked teams me being platinum at the time now gold II with a 46% win rate, I get matched with every kind of troll in the game and AFK player, me getting a kda of a minimum of 2-4 deaths and 5 to 10 kills in one game while my team is composed of feeders and an afk,I didn’t know what a losing streak was till now, 16 losses in a row is just pitiful thanks to afk players and trolls or feeders, the matching system honestly should be fair and not place a diamond team against a team of silver or gold players with less than 1000 matches and the hero selection screen should be changed into something where players get divided into the role that suits them the most for example if a player is good with Butterfly (assassin/jungler) the game should give that player the option to call jungle or fill spot before anyone else does and give priority to that player to jungle, I’ve run into people who play a hero like Murad who in my opinion is the hardest jungler assassin to master in RANKED for the first time costing the match to other players, besides all that the game is near perfect and enjoyable, I rate it a 4.2 for now.
Wed Jan 22 2020 why? so you punish me?The overall game has potential but there are a few problems like being matched with over powered heroes and teams. You get destroyed in the game. The game is also too technical in the sense that you have to choose a bunch of different setting and it makes the game complicated. Some choosing is ok but having to set up so much is crazy. The interface is complicated and sometime you cant remember what to click to get to where u need to. Their is lag and delays but not all the time. The game has a huge selection of heroes but it take long time to ramp them up. You cannot play rank 5 vs 5 until you complete a few games on rank 1 player then ranked 3 vs 3 which is just idiotic. If you have an old account but don't want to link to Facebook then you are screwed because you will lose your game if you have to reinstall for any reason. This game does have potential because the graphics are excellent and the game is fun once you get passed all the things mentioned above. I will try LOA (legends of ace) and see if it is any better. Just keep in mind it is a good game but need work but i figure it is new compared to Mobile legends buy at least there is no hacks in this game just delays and a bit of lag.
Well rounded MOBA
Sat Apr 27 2019 DokktorDedI’ve played many MOBA games over the past 7 years and have to say that AOV is king of the hill.
From great graphics and frame rate to a skilled META that takes patience and skill to learn. It’s not an easy game, but I come back every day for that reason; it doesn’t get old and challenges you anew day after day. It does have its downfalls, though... but so do others: The newer characters feel unbalanced, or in gaming terms “OP”, nerfs and buffs don’t seem to happen as often as they should and eye catching advertisements are everywhere, only a few buttons/icons really have anything to do with playing the game, or adjusting settings etc., most of the icons take you to a place with menus and sub menus to spend your hard earned cash on well overpriced items: tickets, orbs, scrolls in two different forms. The value of the items coded into the game are less than the price set. Also teammates going afk are prevalent in ranked matches. You will lose and also lose a star, You will be punished for your teammates decision to go afk and that is far from fair.
AOV has its ups and downs and is far from perfect as a game in whole, but as a MOBA it’s mechanics, gameplay and META are far superior to anything else on the market. You will spend money on overpriced items, teammates will go afk... but you won’t find a better MOBA.
Bad United States Server - Bad Credibility
Tue May 23 2023 BackAlleySushiThis game has a great community. I always see invites in global, friends will invite that you just met, and you can see who is the best in server or of friend group in many categories so that’s fun competition. Also, there are more than enough champions to learn and choose from and they take skill to be good with so matchmaking is pretty balanced. Some resemble champs from other MOBAS as usual but the skills are mixed up so learning them is very entertaining and plenty of them are authentic! This is probably my favorite MOBA out of MLBB and Wild Rift, but i’m about to be banned from playing with anybody and it is not my fault.😩
My credibility has been above 95 since the first time it got there and now I’m at 75 within 24 hours because I lose connection to the server after the game loads or even if I found a match already. Not fair punishment at all.
I would like to see a different system in case it does say there’s a connection problem with the server specifically and not our personal connection or Wi-Fi since it is out of our control.
I have yet to see any “real” new events that has tasks for good rewards like skin shards champion shards maybe a skin if you finish all tasks etc.
Main issue is the server not dropping connection because I will not be able to enjoy this masterpiece soon.
Skilled player matching for ranked mode
Tue Jul 16 2019 SGM TakaI live this moba I’m a huge fan on Pc versions of the genre and have found two in the mobile world that have held my attention. This being the main one I play almost every day. My issue is this: upon trying to reach platinum v for thane chief knight skin valor quest reward in ranked mode this season which I woulda easily managed had it not been for a few specific key players who had not intentionally done anything wrong but we’re clearly not in there league anymore. This could be due to people who’ve been carried by friends who later play solo and because they’re rank is high because of pure match wins and skill is low a player the match is lost causing four players to loose the chance at said rewards. Now the season was plenty long enough but my work schedule as a cell tower climber is hectic and hard to find good service all the time but when I got it I’m on and playing all in all good time. Just wish for better match making as far as individuals skill and role stats vs pure win. It’s easy to win with friends who know your play style... not so much when you’re playing with for random people who are hoping you under stand the mechanics well enough to carry your role.
Can be improved ALOT
Tue Jan 30 2018 DongpongkingkongI downloaded this game because I was looking for a mobile league of legends. At first I was having fun, destroying enemy teams because I actually knew how to play a MOBA. Then the problems started to emerge, and it totally killed the game for me, to the point that I uninstalled it. The biggest issue is the controls, they are horrible. If you are an auto attack reliant hero, then you can’t reliably target who you want. There are so many times when I wanted to jump in as Zanis and CC the enemy carry, but instead I jump the opposite way and CC a jungle monster. The controls need heavy improvement, otherwise the game is nearly unplayable. The other major issue was the lack of role enforcement. I lost so many games because I would call jungle, but someone on my team would pick Butterfly and go jungle anyway. You need a system that allows people to queue for a specific role, so that you don’t end up with 2 people fighting over a role mid game. The last thing that killed this game for me was the DC character sellout. I understand Tencent has rights to the characters, but part of the fun of MOBA is all the unique characters to play. There is nothing unique about copy pasting a comic book character into a game. If Tencent wants to make use of its rights to the DC characters, then at least make it its own game rather than dumping them into this one.