Sun May 15 2022 jfjxufbbdjThis game is so cute. It doesn’t cost anything, so cute and adorable, and well it’s just a really really really cute game. I think you should totally download it first on the fact that it doesn’t cost anything. Yes I reviews it does say that things cost a lot but I don’t think they do and plus you’re not forced to buy anything in game oh yes and the game does not cost anything but you can make an app purchase. Second on the fact that it’s really cute and adorable. I dare you to find anything cuter or adorabler. Third on the battle is a really really really cute game it’s so cute. I love getting to unlock the new foods, getting to pet the axolotl‘s, the little mini games, and finally washing off little guy. It’s just so cute. The only complaint I have is that when you have all of it it’s kind of creepy. The ice glow white and you have to click on the screen like 20 million times before it to go away. And my second complaint is that well I don’t have anymore anyways I think you should really just download this game it’s cute adorable actually really really really cute yes I think you should download it.
Asked for my Social Security Number
Thu Jun 13 2019 RoreleThis game is extremely cute and I’ve never had any problems with performance. It is soothing and extremely simple. However, the mini games to earn coins etc are very basic, brainless, and pretty boring. I just pop on the app once in a while to take care of my axolotl and don’t bother with those things. You’re never forced to watch ads if you chose not to, but you get rewards for watching ads which is advertised everywhere in the game.
The major concern I have about this app is how you can “complete a task” to earn free pearls. There was only one option available when I checked it out, and it was listed as a survey, but you are directed to some website on your browser that wants you to fill out your personal information INCLUDING YOUR SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER, which is a major red flag for me. Now, I don’t believe that this site is really directly affiliated with this game or the game developers, but they earn money through getting people to participate in these sorts of things. I didn’t see any real way to report the ad.
Overall, I think the game, while it’s really simple and there’s not a whole lot to it, is cute and relaxing. It’s nice to play a bit sometimes. But if you’re letting your kid or something play it, you should make sure they aren’t participating in these sorts of ads to gain game perks.
Thu Apr 18 2024 ToneCrushersTo start off I downloaded this game when I was like 6 or 7 and I liked it so much but I accidentally deleted it when I was 9 so I downloaded it again and it caught my attention with a update so I played it like almost every day to the point where my sister had to take my tablet away once in a while I LOVED it another reason I love it is I kept it until I finished it the game is so cute like at my age right now I still like it so I rate it from 1-10 um like a.... 10/10! LIKE I LOVED LOVED LOVED IT SO MUCH I STILL DO TOO so l'm just saying WHOEVER MADE THIS GAME I LOVE YOU ♡ yeah so you know I love it now even know I kinda don't like it 1 reason why I don't like it like I love the game but like one reason I don't like it that much because it feels like a little little kid game because like the little magic when it's time for like your pet to like be bigger I think they should like have a egg like it has now in the game hatch or whatever but I like it now but anything other whan that it's amazing!!!
A recommendation
Tue Apr 05 2022 Ally_ScreamBefore i start, i wanna say really like this game! It’s fun and the little dudes are so cute! But, one thing i don’t like is how the stats are done. You open the app and your pet is dirty, hungry, and wants some pets. That’s perfectly fine! I like taking care of my little dudes, but what i don’t like is the order/how its done. The first thing you do is pet it, but i think that’s odd since he’s still cover in alge. And when your petting him, instead of smiling and being happy, he’s just screaming for food! It feels like he doesn’t even wanna be pet and hang out :c. What i would do is change the order of the stats, from shower, to food, to pets. While taking a shower, make him smile and be happy so we know he actually enjoys it. If though, you don’t feel like changing the order that’s ok too, but make it so while your petting him he’s happy, and when the bars full or you stop he shows he’s hungry again. A little detail that i think could really improve gameplay, and again i really do like this game! So this isn’t me saying you all are terrible for not including this, i just think it would improve the gameplay :D
Some things to make it even better
Tue Apr 11 2023 AbjeupThis game is absolutely amazing. I love the mini games and all of the different ways to care for this little pet. The Axolotls are so cute and I like all the different egg designs. Something I would like to say is that when the pet is sad, it hurts my heart to see it frown. One thing I really dislike is that the axolotl does not sleep. If I go to sleep, I always wake up, check my phone, and see a very dirty, sad, and hungry axolotl. Please add a feature to make this not happen anymore. I hate seeing these adorable little animals so sad, and not being able to do anything about it. Another thing, I would love a widget to be available to be placed for this app. It would be cool to see if he needs attention from my Home Screen. Other than that, this is an amazing long term game. I love how you can use the mini games to make money, or as a time killer. And, the pearls take the perfect amount of time to save up for a new egg breed. This game keeps me occupied, and has all the features I was looking for. Thanks for reading!
I ❤️ Axolotls and this game!
Sat Sep 28 2024 GMA Gabby girl😜This game is so fun! People should download it, but there isn’t that much to do. Number one, there are many different types of axolotl‘s to evolve, but it takes a little while to evolve them depends how much you play. Number two, there are like only three games! There’s a memory one a beach ball one and some other one I can’t remember! You can also get them like little hats and different food but you don’t get the little purple orb things as option as you might think. Basically every day if you come on and choose the daily rewards thing, and that’s it you like two orbs. But a hat is like two orbs so you can get one basically every day, but a food is like 200 coins. Coins are easy to get, but yeah, there’s also the eggs that the axolotl come out from those are like 20 purple orbs, but I recommend this game. I think it’s super fun and I play every day people should try it it’s cool! Bye!
Good just five things
Wed Nov 21 2018 AmeskaEverything is good except for five things. I wish that you would get more hearts when your axolotl grows old and I wish that there was more games and more things to do. Btw I thought the treasure room was a great idea! :3 My other complaint is the pearls. Can you add more ways than buying and turtle? And my next complaint is the prices of hats and eggs. Once you get your one free egg, the next one cost 20 pearls! If you could start out with a lower price and begin to bring the price up the more we buy, that would be very helpful. I know that this has only been out for a little bit so I understand that there are a lot of flaws. My very last complaint is the axolotls. If we could have more than one at a time, and with like a limit of three, than I would be very thankful. I know there have been a lot of complaints on how many axolotls you have, but I still wanted to add mine. Have a nice day!
Amazing game but needs more work
Fri Mar 25 2022 spyd5tFirst it has so many adds andYou can only do three things and it takes a while to get it down but it cost way too much pearls just to get a new expiration and you have to pay to Perla‘s just for a hat in my opinion some of the hats are very ugly and it cost a lot of coins just to get new food and there’s a jellyfish that pops up and if you accidentally click on it it will go into an ad and you don’t wanna do that you have to waitOr you won’t get any cool I don’t really think the graphics are too good but here’s the good things about the game first the explorers are so cute and I love that you can get so much treasureBut I don’t like how they evolve and I don’t really get why the eggs go through the same process as an axolotl’s you should just tap the egg to make it hatch but otherwise this is a really good game and I think the person that is reading This should definitely get this game and I will give it a four stars it is very good
Recommended but...
Thu May 28 2020 TurtlemadiHi this game is great but I have a few suggestions. First, how about letting you have more than one at a time, lets say I got a chocolate one but I want it to have a buddy. I try to add one or get an egg, but I can only have one at a time. Second, you can buy tons of peals but you have to use money. I know it is for kids but they might accidentally get the best one but then they do not have the money. Third, you can only get one pearl a day, so you have to wait 20 days for 20 pearls. I think you should get 2-3 pearls a day or 7 a week. Also, it costs way too much pearls just for a new species. Also, some ads can be really annoying when you are washing your Axolochi but then a jelly fish will show up and you accidentally click it then you go to an ad an you have to wait to get coins even if you do not want to watch it. Please consider these but otherwise it is AWESOME!!! Great job making this game! 🐾🐾🐾
Super cute but needs some improvement 💖
Fri Jul 30 2021 LeafshakesI see the potential in this game, the graphics are adorable, and the idea of it is cute and fun, but a lot of the gameplay makes me not want to play. Such as when you have to release you Axolochi, you evolve it then it takes you to get an egg right away, you don’t even get time to say goodbye to your little Axolotl! It would be nice to maybe make a scene where you can see your pet leaving… and it gets really repetitive, maybe you could add some mini games, or maybe add something where your axolotl can get tired and you can put them to sleep so they don’t wake you up in the middle of the night :,) idk I just really want to like this game but it gets kind of boring.. please don’t take this personally it’s just my opinion and I want to give suggestions on how to make this game better. I wanted to type more but It’s 1 in the morning and my brain is turning to mush- please keep up the good work, I can’t wait to see what you do next 💖💖💖