Learning experience
Tue Jan 16 2024 Evie# swiftieI got 2048 ball run because I kept seeing ads for it and I finally got it. I started playing it and it was fun at first then it started getting a little too easy. I mean I love that they are trying to teach kids math in a fun way but I am 10 I think I already know what 5+5 is, can’t they just have a survey to fill out before you start playing the game and ask you your age and what grade you are in and have the equations be based on what type of math difficulty there is in that certain grade , sure it gets harder as the numbers get bigger but they only stop at 2048. But what solves that problem is you can switch it to a mode were you can go past 2048 and there are certain blocks that have any random number and that numbers color that is in the game and if you’re ball is lower then that number than you can’t pass that block but if you’re ball is that number or higher you crash though that block and get to keep going. Otherwise this game has the right amount of adds and is free to play and I love that they are trying to teach math in a fun way.
Actually not as bad
Fri Jun 02 2023 kid gamer736384637472I have been playing this game for a while now. I thought it would be bad but it is actually really fun. In the reviews everyone says that it is terrible and is super easy. It is easy to beat the level but it is actually very hard to get the 2048 ball on about half the levels. The fact that it has an add after every level isn’t to bad . Once you lay a lot of mobile games you start to realize that there will be lots of add. And compared to some of the other games I have this one doesn’t really have that many adds. So I really think everyone should just stop complaining about that. It’s a mobile game all mobile games have adds. The only thing I would like to do is be able to go back and redo levels so I can get 2048 on all of them. But besides that I would say it is a pretty good game. Another important feature of a game is what it looks like on there adds. This subject is normally under looked but it is pretty important. So as you probably know these days adds don’t show the games as they actually are. But this game isn’t like that the adds for this game actually show the game as it is and that is actually something that adjusts my rating. So yeah over all a super good well rounded game with only one thing I would want to change and that is to be able to go back and redo levels thanks for reading have an amazing day.
Great game
Sat Jun 11 2022 andrea and andreSoo yeah lots of people don’t like this game very much but I think otherwise. Though I do agree there are lots of adds mostly after you finish a level but I like it😁. I don’t know why people think it’s easy I mean sometimes but mostly for me I don’t get to the top. I mostly end in pink, pale green, yellow, or red but not the rainbow 🌈 one mostly. I don’t know if its that I am a bad player or its that people are better at it then I am but I still think that its a good game and more people should really try thinking how this game is to other people. One thing I do request is to make new levels because for most people its too easy and the only thing I saw on updates “fix bugs” and I think that it sounds too blah for people what I think it should say is “ fixed bugs, less adds, and new levels” ☺️. See that sounds more exciting and fun and cool I can go on and on about how much more it sounds but I can’t write it all in one review.
Thank you so much for reading.
Do not play this game😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡
Sun Jan 01 2023 ayahauamjaz zjsisksI tried this game until around level 11 but there are 3 things forgotten: 1. This does not have a settings system - I can’t change the language and do subscriptions. 2. This has ads every time I play a level so that means I have to watch 1 ad times 11 times = 11 ads watched and it’s very annoying. 3. I cannot play this without any internet and that’s the worst of the game. The game was awesome but these mean ads tricks me every time I play this game so I just want to delete this game. Well, the last time I played this was 2 years ago, but it was fun in 2020 but 2022 is a cross-out. There’s 1 more thing: these levels are too easy. Every time I play a level and it’s tremendously easy on every level but if you might go into the 100s, it might be a little harder. Oh and one more thing: This glitch is pretty fun when you swipe down you can get back on track and when you do that more (I had a 2048 ball and you can literally fly right across the sea and into the ocean but you still win the level.) Also, the ads sometimes are kinda laggy. Also, some levels repeat. Like I played level 20 and it was the same as maybe level 9 or 6 or 7. I would rate this 0 stars!!!😡
I don’t think it would be so fun
Fri Sep 22 2023 123 HalleSo I wish I could take this to school and I wish could be like a math game but happy it’s not. I am happy it’s not, but I was like playing at school. I want to get some information about this game. I hate that you have a free I mean I hate that you have like a add to after every level it’s just super annoying but I’m super happy that I can. Please answer my Internet. I’m sorry my iPads acting up animal only eats. This is good for me like I said my iPad stopped acting up I mean it still is, but it’s not as bad, I’m only eight so it’s a good game for me to play. And yes it is so fine. I’m glad it’s not nice because it’s awesome. I’m super happy that I mean. I’m watching a TV show right now but everything I’m watching it now it’s fun and I’m watching this TV show and I’m playing music and she’s super fun.
It is okay…
Sun Aug 07 2022 Rayga01Ok. So there are a few things wrong with this game. The first one being that the levels repeat. There are only 10-15 different levels and after playing for about 10 minutes I noticed this. So when I noticed I was like, “Ok well maybe it doesn’t repeat, and I just have to keep playing.” So I did, and it does repeat. The second problem is that the levees are very easy for there to be so few of them. I get that some people like really easy games, but after a short time it gets boring. Especially since the levels repeat. The third problem is that there are too many ads. I get that the game needs ads to keep it free, but there is an ad after literally every level. Which means there is an ad about every 20 seconds, because the levels are also very very short. I would not recommend this game for people who like challenges. If you like easy games, you might like this. Otherwise you probably won’t. But other than those problems, the game is pretty good! I haven’t experienced any glitches, and it’s easy to control. So good job on that!
Thanks for reading! 😊
LOVE IT!! But… I have an idea
Sun Mar 17 2024 Ok course!Ok so let me just say that I love this game. They don’t have too many ads and most of the ads are short anyways. I also love that there’s 2 different modes to play on. That way it can stay easier if you need that or you can challenge yourself. It’s awesome! I highly recommend!
But… I had an idea for the creator(s). What if instead of the balls you merge with to get bigger being pretty much invincible to the spikes, they could also break. This would make players learn to strategize and for the people who want it harder this would make it harder. Just a suggestion!
Not a bad game but needs improving
Fri Feb 09 2024 ♡︎ ℙ𝕖𝕒𝕔𝕙𝕖𝕤 ♡︎I have been seeing so many ads for this and I finally decided to get it! One thing is with this game though is that, if you have no wifi you get to play one round then you can’t play anymore. This is because after each round you have to watch an ad! That’s ridiculous and watching an 30 second long ad may not seem bad but if you’re doing it after each round it is. And the fact that the “ obby “ only lasts about 10-15 seconds because that’s how easy it is. It won’t even make up for the time you’re watching the ad! But I’ve got to admit, the game is pretty fun and addicting and I’ve had it for a while now. Pretty frustrating about the frequent ads but overall I give this game 3 stars! Don’t get it if you have zero patience for 30 second long ads! Bye!
Could be better
Mon Jul 05 2021 AB🥎🏀Ok so the reason this game could be better is because the levels are way to easy and the same almost and the highest number is 2048 and I know thats the name of the game but like still it’s way to easy!! I know that it takes a lot of time to make a game and stuff I wish they would have put a little bit more time and effort. The game was really fun at first but then it started getting boring and to easy…. I thought this game would be fun bc of the ads but then I downloaded it and it was okay.. I recommend this game if you like levels being the same and easy but I’d you don’t then I wouldn’t get this game.. that’s all I have to say and I say thanks for putting your idea out there but you could have put more time into your idea…. I’m a little disappointed..😔😔😕😕
What I think of it.
Sat Jun 26 2021 OptimisticZeroI think it is pretty fun but there are a few things I dislike.
1. Too many ads.
After every level there is an ad which is really annoying٫ and also I like to disconnect from my Wi-Fi so I don't have to worry about ads٫ which most games let me٫ but this game requires Wi-Fi. When I complete a level and I don't have my Wi-Fi on٫ it says "Check your connection." It makes me angry if I don't have Wi-Fi where I'm at so please don't make us need to use Wi-Fi or just don't have a ton of ads. (And you are unable to pay to remove ads so it's really annoying.)
2. Too easy
I feel like each level is just too easy and there aren't any challenges with any levels٫ so please make so really hard or just more challenging levels.
3. Repeats
Some levels are actually repeats I'm pretty sure٫ and I know it's kinda hard thinking of unique new levels but please don't do repeats that's what makes it easier.
So thats all I have to really say. I don't experience any other problems٫ a few tiny simple glitches but not really that many at all. Its still a pretty decent and fun game but please fix some things!
Thank you~