Thu Dec 03 2020 WoopWoopHidroFlask!I love this game! I just got it, and I’ve been playing for about a day or two, and I’m absolutely addicted!!!
Although there are a lot of ads (one after every level to be exact) it’s sooo worth watching them! However there is an option to remove ads by paying, like, a dollar, but I don’t think that’s necessary. The ads are mostly short, and there is no harm in giving the creators some money.
I think the satisfaction of having the power to sort all of the balls with just a tap and another tap, and the satisfaction of finishing the level is very rewarding. I’m sure this game makes you smarter or something, because you’re sorting, it’s like a brain game (this is awesome because my mom lets me play brain games on my phone whenever I want, as long as she hasn’t asked me to do anything else.) I mean, if you want an addictive game to pass the time, that has brain training qualities, Ball Sort Puzzel is certainly the way to go!!!
-A note to the creators-
I thank you so much for putting your valuable time into creating games to keep other people happy and entertained. I support you and hope that you continue to creat fun, brain challenging games for the world. God loves you!
Way too many ads.
Sun Jan 07 2024 ŁöwëłThe game itself is pretty good. Sort the balls into tubes, and the difficulty of doing so gradually increases.
Where I gave it one star lies in its ridiculous ad placement. I can’t do anything in the game without running into a 30 second ad that has a billion “skip” buttons I need to press. One or two of them per day, when I played it, was ok. But as I played it more I noticed the game put an ad whenever I wanted to restart a level, move onto a different level, or really do anything else. I stopped playing because I was so focused on solving a puzzle and then would get violently ripped out of that concentration by one, two or even three ads. And no, I will not pay the developer actual money to get rid of the ads. Because that would allow for this scam to continue. It doesn’t take a genius to make a ball sort game, and it also doesn’t take a genius to realize that people don’t like ads. But coupled with a sort game and lots of ads, and an option to PAY to get rid of them, the developer has two sources, not one, of income: the ad revenue which is quantifiably higher with the ridiculous amount of ads I come across within a few short minutes, and the poor fools who payed into the scam to get rid of them.
I refuse to be a party to this. There are plenty of other “sorting” or “puzzle” games out there.
Love the game but the ads are overkill
Fri Nov 05 2021 DiablothekittyThere is an ad after every level, as well as ads every time you refresh the puzzle you’re working on. The skip button and exit button on the ads are both fake, even though they show up on the screen touching them does not work and you need to sit there and wait until they just close or they will redirect you to the App Store anyways even if you are just trying to skip the ads. I hate apps with these predatory, fake skip ad buttons and absolutely do not support them.
I’m all for giving the creators a way to make money on a free game, but $3 to get rid of the INSANE amount of ads, without any other kind of benefit (like maybe custom ball colors or something with your purchase) is just too much. Getting rid of ads either needs to be $1 by itself or needs to include other content to make it worth $3.
I also hate how you really never get as many tubes as you see in the advertisements for this game or the water sort game. But I guess this game is just for making money and not really for fun.
The game is good, but there are too many ads
Tue Nov 16 2021 Brontè BennionThe game is fun and well made, but there are simply too many ads to give it four or five stars.
At first it was just an ad between each game, which was fine with me, but eventually these ads started popping up in the middle of my game. The would be an ad interrupting my game every time I played as well as ads between games. Normally I don’t have a problem with ads because it gives the developers profit the need and/or deserve, especially if the game is good. But this is just too many ads. I am not sure if anyone else is having this many ads, but I am not able to play a full game without one popping up. Another problem is that these ads consistently freeze and force me to close and reopen my game losing my progress. If you are willing to deal with these problems, or if you are able to buy the game with no ads, then go ahead and have fun. It just isn’t working out for me.
My beloved is no more….
Thu Aug 26 2021 NicPicJitWhen I first got this game I couldn’t put it down! I gig my husband and kids playing it too! Hubby and I would compete. This was my favorite game. Strategizing. Critical thinking. Plotting and planning each move. What an awesome way to exercise one’s mind. I would have given 5+ stars if I could.
But now… yeah, no. This last update brought an end to EVERYTHING! The first time I opened the game after the update, I actually restarted my phone and deleted then reinstalled the app. I thought my phone was acting up. This seems to now be a “mystery” game. A game of chance. No more strategy. No more planning. Only the top balls are visible. The bottom 3 balls are all gray with a question mark. What the what?!?! What do y’all want me to do with this?! I’ve checked back a couple of times, just to check and see if all is back to normal. But that’s a big, “NEGATIVE”. So, I might be deleting this. Please consider going back to the format that we all loved. Please and thank you….
Even the “No Ads” version has ads
Fri May 24 2024 Trekkie SmurfI’ve seen a lot of reviews talking about how solid and addictive this game is, and I agree. I’ve also seen a lot of folks saying they’re unwilling to pay $3.99 to get rid of the ads. I can respect that, since it sort of feels like extortion considering how many ads there are, but I decided that I’d played enough of the game that the developers deserved my pizza money. I purchased the “No Ads” add-on.
It did not remove all the ads from the game. There are no more ad banners or ads between rounds or attempts, but you still must watch an ad any time you want to add an extra bottle to the puzzle. You may be saying “That’s a skill issue,” and you’re not wrong. The goal should always be to complete the puzzle without adding places to sort balls into. In a way, I’m more incentivized than ever to avoid taking the helping hand.
Nevertheless, I paid for no ads, and I’m still getting some ads. DO NOT BUY THE “NO ADS” PACKAGE.
Not for me
Fri Aug 05 2022 MountairyThis game started out okay...moderately fun, but easy as most games are at beginning...and surprise surprise...no ads except a banner ad at the bottom. Then at On my way! random level, a pop-up box asked me if I wanted to continue with ads or purchase ad-free version. I did not answer either; just closed the box....and the onslaught began. The game was functioning well prior to ads, but when ads began, the game began to freeze up and screen would disappear and not come back. Ads would not close. When the game was playing, the balls would freeze mid-air and not move. I do not need these headaches...when a game does not work or the ads are intrusive or disruptive, I am done.
This game has been deleted. And do not respond about how sorry you are that I was having problems, but that ads keep the game free. I have heard this a million times...do not need a refresher course on why ads are used....I already know. Just start using them responsibly and make sure they function properly.
Highway Robbery
Sat Jan 27 2024 Jumping Jack 49I was enjoying this game so much that I paid for the “no ads” feature. It worked for a short time, no more than a week or two. I noticed when I paid for “no ads” that no time frame was given, but hoped that it would be like other, honest games and would last for as long as I kept the game. All of a sudden, I started getting ads right in the middle of the game. The makers of this game are hard to reach and unresponsive when finally contacted. I feel scammed and can no longer enjoy this game. I’m going to complain to Apple to see if I can get my money back.
I tried this game again years later. This time, I let it show the annoying ads. Now, however, it looks to me like they’re insisting on using my personal information to please their ad companies. I don’t want them to have access to my personal information, and much less do I want them to share it, so I’m going to delete this game again. There are plenty of others out there.
NO ADS = False Advertising
Tue Sep 13 2022 ChinaTowneThe NO ADS they REALLY mean is that you don’t get an ad between games/levels and you don’t get a banner ad at the bottom of your screen. But you DO get ads every time you ask for 5 more “un-do’s” or an extra tube. And a LOT of the time those are 30 second ads! So what they REALLY mean is for your $2.99 for NO ADS is you really get LESS ADS. I’m at Level 1317 so I’ve seen a LOT of ads after paying for NO ADS!!! There are some games you can breeze thru and not need the back-up or new tube options, and there are games you can NOT solve without them. And every time an ad comes up, I grit my teeth and laugh about the money I paid for NO ADS. I think I’ll be deleting this game now and calling it quits. Next time I’ll be more careful and read the comments and see what the developer’s definition of NO ADS is before allowing myself to be robbed of any more money. I would be totally fine if they had been honest and said FEWER ads. But NO ADS???? NO WAY!!!
I love this game!!
Fri Sep 24 2021 DelwarthProblem is though, there are many many lengthy ads. I purchased the ad block for a couple dollars. It stopped the ads between games, but if you need another flask, the ad is about 2 min long. (Or so, it seems a lot longer) Also, I was having problems getting the flask icon to give me a new flask. I’d sit through the long ads and when I could finally get back to my game, I’d find myself in the same place without a new flask. This happened over and over again, so I deleted from my phone but not the cloud, and reinstalled the program. I had been on level 367 and found myself starting over again, and still having the same problem of not getting a new flask. I haven’t found a way to contact anyone to report this issue. I’m on my last straw. It’s too bad because I love playing this game.