Good, but could be improved
Thu Jul 12 2018 Tony_1337I’ve waited 7 years for Mika to release the sequel to Battleheart, and playing Battleheart 2 has renewed my passion for mobile games again. However, there are a few things I’d like to suggest for future improvements: the character based levelling system from the original Battleheart is a lot more captivating than the current party-levelling system as it gives a sense of progression. Battling through hundreds of ogres to get a character to level 20 was so rewarding, and the skill-point system just seems slightly boring. Also, the sounds of battle could be improved, as they’re identical to the original Battleheart sounds - it gets boring very quickly listening to the same sounds from the original game. Finally, although I’m sure they’re planning on implementing this in future updates, it would be nice to have more characters and skills for each character.
A fantastic mobile experience
Fri Aug 31 2018 RockwhispererMika mobile consistently puts out spectacular mobile titles. Many games try to work around mobile controls instead of embracing them, and the Battleheart series is a great example of the latter. This game plays like a dream, and sets the bar for how I expect mobile games to handle. I played a ton of the first Battleheart back in the day and immediately bought the sequel when it came out. Of course everyone will compare it to the first game and so I must as well. The diversity of characters and how you can build and upgrade each one is great, but I was a little disappointed at the relatively low level cap and grindy nature of this game. I think the linear nature of the first game lead to more tuned encounters instead of picking encounters based on rewards. Buying some of the upgrades requires you to run missions over and over again, and quickly lead to me turning down the difficulty at end game to clear encounters faster. The first playthrough felt great though and I will likely make another playthrough with different characters at some point. I easily put 14 hours into my first playthrough and there is definitely room for replayability.
Tue Dec 18 2018 Ben Simon 1The art style for this game is way beyond the previous game’s art style knocking it out of the park. The gameplay is phenomenal and the outstanding upgrade system truly brings this game to light. I do hope to see a few more characters in the future like a long distance Ranger or an evil Shaman healer or even introduce a new class that is like straight up tank/brute. I will probably be binging on this game for the next couple years. Great Job Mika Mobile!
UPDATE: I am just going to take a guess since it has been a while, the devs are working on another class for this game. I am begging that you add another dark themed character. It could be a werewolf which would be new and cool. An evil gnome or a good one. Something stand out-ish. A dark healing fairy, an orc ranger. Something that will make the game stand out more to customers like a character who obviously isn’t your regular playable human character. I know you guys have never done this before but why not try it out. I think you will make it excellent!!! Just please add something soon because the App Store games are feeling dry and this game is the only thing that’s keeping me going right now.
Best Game in the App Store
Sat Jul 14 2018 That guy, u wishu wereThis game takes the things that made the first game great to the next level. And you do not need to be someone who played the first battleheart to love battleheart 2. A beginner can pick up gameplay quickly and slowly challenge you as you play through the game. Rewards feel earned. Characters and environments are more detailed and visually appealing. More character classes to choose from and the new system for buying and upgrading weapons and powers has been expanded upon significantly. The game is very good size (less than half a gig)for the amount of gameplay it offers. Deleting the first game from my phone after having it for years nearly gave me separation anxiety since it was so good and that was after 100+ hours of gameplay. Saving your profile to the cloud is an excellent advance. The only suggestion I have would be to add an in app purchase option for adding more bosses, and character costumes. It would be advantageous to offer an in app purchase option for more levels, characters, and bosses for those fans that can't get enough, and can't wait another few years for more!
Tue Nov 01 2022 OnlyonefonzIncredible game. Played the original for many many hours and this one is no different. Excellent game in my honest, 30 years of gaming, not as a casual, opinion. Mika mobile deserve way more credit as this game is way better than some so-called “Triple A” games. The bad reviews are likely from children, which, yeah, I guess this isn’t Fortnite. Please keep updating and caring for this game and others like it. I’ve been a fan for 10 years and I don’t expect that to change.
That said, everything from the original has been improved. When I say original I don’t mean Battleheart: Legacy. That is another incredible game but has a different formula than this one. I mean Battleheart. Graphics look great in this game and run smoothly on an iPhone 12 Pro Max. Controls feel more fluid and responsive than the first entry and the additions are all welcome. If you like a challenge I recommend upping the difficulty from the beginning. For me, it was better, MUCH better. Hopefully there will be a Battleheart 3 or more content someday. One can hope.
Worst feature in history of gaming
Sat Jul 14 2018 SocleI’m giving this game a 1 star because 0 isn’t an option. I *hate* when games have random loot crates that are hard to get and cost a lot of in-game resources (and real life time) only to reward you with an item that is of NO USE to your characters! Bad bad bad, forever and always, bad design! I spend all that time, buy the treasure chest, and open it to see I got a weapon none of my characters use. I know a lot of big companies do this gimmick, but it’s just that, a GIMMICK. This type of gameplay has really got to stop. Terrible gaming experience and dare I say it teeters on the threshold of being unethical. It’s trash. Think about it. I know you guys are trying to entice your gamers to try another character and that’s why you dropped me a weapon I couldn’t use otherwise, but just no. People are too smart for this kind of ruse nowadays. I’m 100% serious, complete bad decision to put this in your game. Very distasteful. Anyway, enjoy my $4 I instantly shut down and deleted the game as soon as this happened. What a waste of time. 👎
An Nostalgic Masterpiece
Fri Jul 13 2018 FinnCamoI played the first battleheart when I was a bit younger and I still did up until now. The game nails presentation and is the first sequel that I have seen that both builds on and is an almost identical reincarnation of the last game. The sound effects, the character designs, the abilities, heck even the menu for your save datas look and feel exactly like the last game. The enemies and the music are also identical which is not only charming but also not something you see in a lot of sequels and it really reminded me that I was playing the sequel to battleheart. The gameplay remains fantastic and is somehow better than the first game’s. The art style looks amazing and I think it really recaptures the whole feel of the game, and when I finished the first level and heard the remix of the level finishing sound... I actually had a chill in my spine. This is a great game, but not only that, it is a great sequel.
A Legendary Sequel
Mon Jul 16 2018 eFfuS1veThe characters are well designed and have their own unique set of strengths and weaknesses that are appealing. When I played the original game I stuck to four characters, for the first time I’m interested in playing the game with all of them and seeing how different compositions compete in the arena.
Shop system and legendary item acquisition can at times be frustrating but this mirrors similar mechanics in the original game and I think this is an upgrade. Stats and talents were changed giving characters many different viable play styles. The game is fun and you can spend endless hours trying different team compositions, equipment and talents.
Overall, I haven’t been this impressed with an app since Battleheart or Legacy. Battleheart 2 is well developed and well worth your money. Looking forward to updates, hopefully we’re able to add one more character for each role.
Best Mobile Game Everrrrrr
Thu Jul 12 2018 DzungiefI had a lot of fun with Battleheart, and did not even know Battleheart 2 was in the works! It was a great surprise and I’ve already played a few hours. This game is a much more polished and content-rich version of the first game. There’s a lot more units and abilities, along with tons of loot and fights. Co-op multiplayer is a fantastic edition. I was able to test it out and it worked for the most part (aside from known bugs listed on their support site).
One suggestion I do have is to show the unit portrait icons on the battle screen. Sometimes it becomes a mess in larger battles and I lose track of my units. Being able to move them outside of the mess would be great.
Keep making amazing games over there at Mika Mobile! I hope to make games as polished as theirs eventually.
Love it
Sat Jul 21 2018 TerdflingerI played Battleheart legacy but not battleheart one. I was skeptical and once I started was afraid it would be too repetitive. I’m now 6 hours in and can’t wait for the next battle or upgrade. Very well done I love it. To the guy complaining about the random loot crates you have the whole issue confused your a complete moron. It is an issue when people pay real world money for it. Not in game resources you can earn in 30 minutes from the arena. 30 minutes for a random legendary is actually too generous. What an idiot. Update at 15 hours in party at lvl 30 beat all bosses have lots of great gear. I really hope there is an expansion because the arena is all I can do at this point and I want more this game is great ! I’ll pay for a to lvl 60 expansion. Thank you for the great game !