Fri Jul 08 2022 soooo...yeSo the app overall is amazing. I’ve been playing for roughly 30 minutes and I’ve had no ad! I’m excited about the at because I don’t have to wait long plus when you have ads it just makes the game slightly more laggy. I cannot get over the fact that this game is challenging, and also exciting. I have never found an app so useful in my life! I dont know if this is just me but if I was everyone I would definitely download this game! It definitely does take up some space but that is normal. I’ve recommended this game to family members because of how good it is. I don’t really understand the other reviews though. I read one saying that “I paid for a box to open for $10 and I don’t like waiting for 1-3 hours for it to open”. Now I get this but I feel like the game could also like just be fun to play instead of buying things. I would love to buy some things on this app but I feel like it would be a waste of money so for now in just playing the game and enjoying it while I can. There are not very many bugs but in the first hour I feel like we should have a more open choice of songs. Although this app is great, the bugs not so much. There is not really much of a need for an update but much apreaciated. Thank you for making this game!!!!! Sorry for such a long review. No work needed for now in my opinion. Thank you for reading. 10-10 must recommend. ت シ 𝚝𝚑𝚊𝚝𝚜 𝚊𝚕𝚕 𝚋𝚢𝚎!
It's fun, but I want the option to feel the beat more
Sat Jun 22 2024 hiddenblossom48I really enjoy the app, it's really fun. I do wish there was an option to feel the beat more than I already do. Also wish there was an easy mode you could turn on to practice, it doesn't even have to count for points, just something to get a hang of it. It starts easy in the beginning, but quickly becomes more challenging, and I feel like it's too quick. I feel like there should be an "easy", "medium", and "hard" mode, that applies to all songs. I don't really like just choosing a song that is always "hard", it would be better if all songs had difficulty choices to choose from, and you can switch a song's difficulty. Maybe that's asking too much, might be difficult to develop that, but I do think there needs to at least be an option to make an easy mode for all songs you currently have unlocked that are just for practice, and it not award you points, since it's just for practice purposes. I think practice mode should be available all the time, no need to worry about opening cases to use that mode, since it wont give you points anyways. Maybe add some accessibility options as well, please. I have hand/eye coordination and processing issues for example, and making the tiles come towards me at a slower pace would be really helpful, even if it means slowing down the song some. That would be a good option to add to settings, i think. It is definitely a fun game though.
Very Fun Game! Has Potential!
Tue Nov 23 2021 JonCreeperzLet me start by saying you should definitely be playing this game if you’re a fan of games like guitar hero in real life, it takes that concept and mashes it into a portable mini tap game you can play on your phone. Kinda like piano tiles on steroids but in a good way. I do believe on how great of an experience i’ve had playing for the last few hours and the excellent choice of music, that theres just so much more its capable of than just that. The developers at supercell did a great job with this one in terms of quality, i know im playing a great game when it doesnt feel cheap and riddled with ads and this game provides me with none of that.
My only cents that i can provide to make this game more fresh and full of improvements is within regular constant updates to also add different gamemodes to give the players more to do than the same objective, i do love the “event” feature which is a great step forward. Online Multiplayer is a great option, and apart from that side it would be neat to add some lyrics to the songs in game to add some flair to the gameplay (not really that big a difference but would be neat), and lastly I believe it could use some changes to the background, maybe a way to customize and earn live backgrounds or keys so you can grind for new prizes.
But overall besides my opinion i still think its a well made game, and for that i give it 4 stars. If they keep adding and keeping it fresh i’ll provide that extra star :)
Incredible game with one problem
Wed Jan 26 2022 SavaagexI’d first like to say I love this game. Insanely addicting with a great UI. From top to bottom this game looks and plays amazing. Great songs and extremely challenging. Love the leaderboard/ranking aspect as well. My one and only problem with this game (and I completely understand this is how mobile games specifically are with microtransactions and how devs make a well deserved profit off of all their hard work) is the WAITING TIME. Not being able to play at all because I’m waiting 3-5 hours for a box to open is super frustrating. ESPECIALLY when I’ve bought the season pass and cannot progress any further. Like I’ve invested $10 because of how much I love the game but because of this feature I’m being prevented from playing more. And I understand you can use the diamonds to speed up the process and how the diamond/microtransactions thing works but I’m shocked to see the team hasn’t put in an option to purchase unlimited play indefinitely. I think they’d be surprised to see how many people are choosing a one-time purchase of $40-$50 on the game just to continue the grind. I know I certainly would. Or even just allowing players to continue playing without earning points towards boxes given they have no available space left. I’ve never played a mobile game where I’m willing to wait it out and see if an option such as this gets put into the game, but this one is the exception.
Needs some work - don’t lose your fans!
Sun Dec 04 2022 Natalie NootenboomI LOVE this game, I spent some hard earn money on this app (over 100$+) and I play it daily. However, if it wants to keep the fans long term there needs to be some changes. Some of the packs I bought didn’t come with the songs it said it did. It came with cards to open cases 😑 I spend money and I don’t even get what I paid for. It’s enraging. Most will agree with me there needs to be more levels than just normal, hard, and extreme. There should be an easy and mild level. You have to train yourself to think normal is do-able. My extreme gamer friends even had a hard time with this game. Hard is borderline impossible to get more than 4 stars and even when you’re perfect it says you’ve done great. Look, I know y’all are just trying to get more money but if you make the system flawed you’re only going to lose players. I’m also sick of the cases- just give us the songs- 30 cards to open a case? Bffr. Also please add more genres. You can tell the developers love country music which like that’s great and all but add some more variety because I keep getting songs I don’t want. Maybe add some metal in there other than Rammstein? You should also be allowed to choose which wishlist song you get when you open the case. Just food for thought. Other than that, love the game. But please listen to your fans. When looking up tips you wouldn’t believe the amount of people saying that this game has some major flaws especially with scoring “perfect”.
Very Good but Could be better
Tue May 10 2022 DudelyorDonnieRecently picked up the game and enjoying it for what it is and I haven’t had any experience with this kind of phone game before. I think the game is overall very solid and fun but there’s a few things that feel anti-consumer and I really don’t get why there in place. The biggest offender being that you need to spend around 25 gems to have “unlimited” play which is just 30 minutes of being able to actually play the game again after receiving 3 cases. I really don’t understand the feature as it seems more beneficial to let consumers keep playing your game and there’s already a battle pass that you pay for, song deals, and daily rotations as well that you pay for. This game is very good and addictive and the song selection isn’t too bad, it just lacks a wide range but that understandable. The system for cases really just comes off the wrong way and feels like a slap in the face every time it happens and I’d be completely fine with just being locked at three cases but getting to at least play or tick down the timer on the case, just something then “well I can’t play songs anymore and have to wait 3 hours”. I really hope this gets addressed in someway because it really feels like the game is stacked with a bit too much forceful micro transactions as every other mobile game is. All in all I’m a big fan and think this game is worth a try.
Very well designed game with a great UI.
Sun Oct 31 2021 InapppurchasessuckThe game is fun to play, and despite the simplicity of the controls it’s very engaging. The songs are well-synced to the tiles; there’s even a feature that lets you choose the delay for Bluetooth headphones. As for difficulty, it starts out being a little easy. But once you get to more difficult songs you’ll see how the controls get interesting. I loved it, that is until I noticed how money-grubbing this is. Ads are a necessary part of the App Store, I understand that. But at some point you have to watch an ad between every song. The game is so good, I am willing to pay to not have to do that. And you can! $4.99 and you can play freely without ads… for a week. There are beautifully designed, full-length games on the App Store for that price and you get a whole experience. This app expects that every week just for a Tap Tap clone (albeit a great one). Like I said, I’d be willing to pay that ONCE, maybe even monthly. But that is just disgusting. I had to delete it for that. If you’re okay with full-length ads between each session, or are willing to cough up $4.99 once a week, this is a great game. But your wallet won’t love you. As for a suggestion, either make the game a one-time purchase and keep the in-game currency. That would allow for micro-transactions and continued revenue without preying on players. Either that, or make the $4.99 a monthly charge. If that’s the choice, perhaps $.99 to $2.99 would be understandable.
Great game with certain frustrating issues
Wed Nov 27 2024 Trap Card JrLet me start by saying this game is very fun and super addicting, and in the past I have even put money into the game. I don't know if time just gave me rose tinted glasses about the game but coming back it feels way more reliant on you spending real money to get the full experience, and even so it doesn't tell you exactly what you are getting. For example, back when I bought their season pass it gave you unlimited plays while the season went on. I've considered getting it again just because you can, frustratingly, only play a handful of songs before getting cut off and needing to pay for more or wait an unstated amount of time. The issue is when you go to the store it doesn't tell you if you still get that unlimited play or not. I have seen that you can spend $5 to get unlimited play... for a week. And it doesn't even give you this option all the time, seemingly at random? At the end of the day this game has a ton of songs that they need to pay for or pay off so I get the money grubbing, thusly only nocking of one star total. Devs, if you see any of my review please see this part: The game has a bug on the iPhone, or at least mine, where it doesn't stop playing its audio after I close the app for an oddly long amount of time! I will close the app and be in another app but will still be hearing the main menu sounds.
One HUGE Flaw
Fri Sep 02 2022 CKat118The game is immense fun, stellar songs, beautiful graphics and design, easy to traverse with perfect touch accuracy as far as I can tell.
My only complaint, though it’s a massive complaint that has me considering uninstalling, would be that I can’t play while my 3 spaces to unlock boxes are full. Effectively kicking me out of the game for 3-5 hours minimum, typically longer because ADHD, only for me to be able to play maybe 3 songs before the cycle repeats. It’s *extremely* aggravating that the second I start to get in the rhythm of the game, I suddenly can’t play anymore. I understand that unlimited play is sold for in game currency but the in game currency is extremely difficult to earn and I’d rather spend it trying to unlock said boxes. And sure I could buy currency for real money, which I don’t have issue with, but I rather buy currency to get more songs or once again open boxes. Furthermore, the bonus 30 minutes unlimited play for buying songs isn’t worth it. I end up stressed about the time, while also losing focus on the song, ultimately not enjoying it. Change your focus. Offer free unlimited play losing out on earning cards/boxes and progress for the season pass event entirely. Whereas for coins you can keep your earnings while you play, as well as buy songs or unlock boxes as it is now. Maybe even offer a refresh on the daily bonus songs for a price. Otherwise I doubt you’ll truly see the success you want.
It has potential
Sun Jan 02 2022 galaxy_gorlThis is a great game, great mechanics, the beats are in sync with the songs, it’s fun and enjoyable despite being a simplistic idea, it’s executes it in a way where there’s plenty to do.
However, it is only like this the first few hours of having the game downloaded. You get to a point where the spaces at the bottom with chests you get from playing are full to the maximum of 3 chests and you can’t play. Unless you spend $5 for unlimited play, or watch an ad, you can not play consistently at all. I expected this game, as well as it was played off to be, jam packed with fun, exciting good quality game, and it was! That is until it attempted to milk me of money. Because it is such a well executed game, the developers think they can get away with milking their consumers of money because how much we like the game. I don’t understand why the developers would take a game like this, a game with such good potential, and decide to take advantage of the players by basically saying, “hey if you don’t pay us $5 a week you won’t be able to consistently play our game we obviously put a lot of effort and time on and would make plenty of money off anyway!” Nope, the fact it only lasts for a week is even worse, and it’s $5!
My point is, this game has amazing potential, it’s honestly a great game, but taking advantage of your consumers with such a good game and not letting us play it consistently ruins the whole thing for us and makes it almost unplayable.