Amazing game, but I have ideas.
Sat Dec 07 2024 DJSWORLD06I love this game, but I have an idea. The idea is that the musician pack should be easier. It is SO hard to get a record deal even with max singing, or instruments. When I first bought this, it was easy to get a record deal, but know it’s SO HARD. I just want to be able to have an even chance at getting a record deal. Another idea is that you should be able to collaborate with different music artists on your singles and albums. Another idea is that when you get a music contract, you should choose your genre. Maybe not always, but at some times you should be able to. Another idea is that for musicians and actors that have good vocal skills, they should be able to play in musicals, and there should just be q musical option in the acting career when you got to audition and it should be open for musicians to play and not change their career because it would be really fun and also maybe there should be like a musical award show. My last idea is that I feel that there should be more award shows, I know that there is some for acting, but can you add some for music, also I feel like we need to be able to get awards easier. I played a life where I did so many good roles in movies that are popular, but I haven’t gotten any awards on my acting. Also, can we get awards for music? I’ve had 5 Diamond albums in one life, but I haven’t gotten an award, I think this should be a great way have the Grammys in the game. For your consideration!
I have some ideas
Sat Feb 08 2020 HyndogLet’s start off with how much I love this game! There is something I found though. I continued with my previous person’s triplet son and when I looked at the other sons from their view it said twin brother for both of them even though they are triplets! Also when you do have triplets or twins I think they can be of different genders. Like two girls and a boy instead of three girls. Also at the In-Vitro place you should have an option for how many eggs you implant so you can hope for having twins or triplets more. Also even if the grandparents are still alive it does not show them as a relationship for the grandchildren. Also it does not show their cousins or aunts or uncles. I think in the family tab you should have a separate arrow going to extended family. My biggest hope for this game is an update to the adoption side of the game. I love how you can be adopted but that is always at birth. I think if both parents die you should have to go to the orphanage or have one of your extended family members take care of you. If you were taken in by family you could add in the run away feature. Plus if you start a life as an orphan I think that you should be able to communicate with other orphans there and attend interviews to get adopted. Or even you could have a chance of not getting adopted and that would be interesting too. Please take into consideration all these things because I hope to see them in future updates! Keep being great👍🏼
Thu Feb 04 2021 ok whatever you sayi totally love playing bitlife but there are some things that could make the game better. for example i feel like grandparents should be more involved, like grandparents should have custody, or being able to spend time with your grandparent. Also cousins should be involved and aunts/uncles. It would also be awesome if you could change your characters clothing, just like how you can give them a hat. Also i feel like cars and house should be more involved. Like i know it’s a lot but maybe you can design your room or get an actual view of the inside of the house. car wise i think it would be cool if you could go on a road trip or take a drive. also maybe more scenarios with your friends like, “your significant other cheated on you with your friend” and then you could get the option to beat them😭 or you could have a sleepover and plan out what to do, like ask your friend to come over and you get the options on doing something like watching a movie, pranking someone etc. Also it would be really cool if you could date a celebrity. or it would be super cool if there was a corona update and in your lifetime there’s a pandemic and you’re in lockdown and you can’t go on vacation and there’s online school etc. that would be cool. oh last thing there should be more background on the orphanage thing like getting sent to a foster home, getting adopted, spending time with other people in the orphanage, or communicating with workers. i totally love playing this game tho❤️
What I think the game needs
Wed Oct 09 2019 Rames JamesFor the game I suggest that we get to be able to play sports professionally and also I like what u did with instagram so I think we should expand that idea and create a Snapchat a Facebook stuff like that and there should also be a setting for when u click the add button instead of a year going by it could be like a day or a week a month even several months and when u click month or day u should get to decide the number of days weeks months or years that have passed plus I also think that there should be a phone so we can text our classmates about the homework or hit up our friends to hang out and even text our crushes to ask them out and also I think that their should be more jobs and instead of having them all in one place we should have them into different fields like sports,medical,political, scientific, or even mechanical I also think that there should be places that u should be able to hang out with your friends and go on dates with your crushes I also think that u should be able to get ur ears pierced and instead of only being able to see the head of the character u should be able to see the whole body and u should also be able to buy clothes for ur self and once u buy them u can customize them on your character and there should be a little tab where u can see ur character and customize him/her
But over all this game is very fun and I can’t wait to see the updates that u guys have In store for us😁
Great Game, needs more
Fri Feb 01 2019 xd DexstarDon’t think this game is a bad game because i don’t think it has enough, there are probably about 2000 different things that could happen to you in this game, and its very addicting and immersive since you can get sucked into hours of playing it out of boredom... the frequent updates are very pleasing and I appreciate the time the developers spent putting into this game and making it realistic. However, the only problem I've is ever experienced, is that it gets repetitive at times, I think there should be more options in college and ways to get into college, and there should be more job selections like a social media star, a rock/pop star(i just want to be famous), a professional athlete(hopefully specified, if applied), and also whenever i study arts in college, i never see any acting jobs every year, so the jobs should drastically change each year you progress. Ive bought the $2 bitizenship in the game and its very helpful when youre impatient like me. Also, i think there should be an addition of making best friends and running with that idea until you are older and you can do things with them until death. Also going back to University after attending once should be applicable, and refreshing the choices for the second time around. And for emigration, the countries should refresh every 5 years. I hope I receive a reply from Bitlife and their superior customer service. Ive heard great things about this game and i hope it only gets better.
Great Game + Suggestions
Tue May 10 2022 Bitlife 4everFirst off I’d like to say this game is wildly entertaining and addictive. I do have some suggestions that hopefully the devs will read and also enjoy! 1. It would be really cool if there was some way to invest money in stocks. Having an interactive stock market in the game would be really cool. 2. The new updates with the athlete and musical jobs are awesome. However, I think it would be cool to have more choice in it. If we could pick our positions/music genre that would be awesome. 3. I think it would be really cool to be able to start your own company too. This would be a huge update and a lot of work, but I think it would be worth it. It could require a lot of capital to start and maybe depending on how much you invest determines your starting success. Certain management decisions can increase profit. A hiring tool could be made, you could have stakeholders, investors and you could have a market dominance meter. If your business really takes off their could even be a way to influence the world around you such as elections. You could choose business upgrades, which would all cost a lot of cash and so on. 4. I also think it would be really cool if when you get crazy rich you could influence certain things as well. Also if you are the president or prime minister if you could start wars or something. Just a couple thoughts to improve it, but its already a great game. Keep up the good work and thank you!
Just something that would make this the perfect game for me
Thu Aug 04 2022 Isaacote259This is my first time writing a review for anything so that alone says how much I like this game. I’ve been playing the game for somewhere around a year now and I’ve enjoyed it a lot through all the updates and additions that have been implemented. The continuous work put into this truly makes the game feel more immersive and keeps me coming back with each add on. I’m looking forward to the new updates that are coming however I couldn’t help but feel as if the game was missing something. In my honest opinion the game is a 9.5 and the only thing keeping me from giving it a 10/10 is the fact that there hasn’t been any updates for a combat sport career. My biggest wish for this game would be to create a bitizen that can become a professional boxer or ufc fighter and see them climb up the ranks and win titles and have the ability to train the character to improve their strength, stamina, etc. And have the game utilize it’s randomized results to give various results to fights. Achievements could be to become undefeated in 50 fights or to win all the belts and become undisputed. In my opinion that would truly make the game perfect for me. Overall though, the game is honestly worth purchasing the bitizenship and the add ons are truly worth the money. But as I mentioned before the game would be perfect to me if it ever gets an update to become a professional fighter.
Love this game but it needs more updates.
Tue Oct 08 2019 soccergirlcollegeFirst off I love this game and it’s so addicting to play. I would have to say I love all the updates but there needs to be more. There needs to be child abductions as scary as it is but it happens but with that needs to be ways to keep kids safe. There needs to be an option where there can be custody battles in divorces and if the child’s old enough they can pick with who they want to live with. There needs to be an option we’re kids can get taken by the state but also given back, or where parents can give their children up to a family member or friend or take a family members child if taken or an accident happens to them. There needs to be online dating and possibilities to run into famous people. There needs to be where people can stay in contact with family or grow old and the parent not have to die to move on to the next generation. That way parents can take their children to see grandchildren, aunts, uncles and cousins. There needs to be holidays and birthdays. There needs to be more abilities to have affairs with co workers, bosses or teachers. Why not be able to choose who to play if a women and man split up. Real life stuff that happens easier drug addictions and prostitution, because unfortunately that stuff happens and maybe someone can see how bad it is from playing the game and choose not to go down that path in real life.
Once again I love the game and can’t wait and want to see more as soon as possible.
BitLife suggestions
Tue Jul 30 2019 luna is my gfI love the app already but there’s always room for improvement! I would like to offer a few suggestions. It would be really cool if there was a family tree feature available so that you could neatly see which of your siblings have which kids and which of your baby mamas birthed which kids. It would be great to see how all of your family is related. Another feature is I would like to have more opportunities open for members of your family. For example, your sister can come out as gay, but she can’t come out as transgender and have a sex change surgery. It would be great to have more options expanded for family members to make family life a little more interesting. It would be cool if family had the same opportunities your bitizen had to improve upon their own life. It would also be cool if the family line extended even further with the addition of great-grandchildren and great nieces and nephews. That is the way life naturally works. It doesn’t make sense to have a baby at 20, become a grandmother at 40, and then live until you’re 120 and not have any great grandkids. I think the family should keep extending infinitely as long as you are alive. You should also be able to pick playing immediately after you die as the youngest in your family (grandkids) rather than one of your kids, who are like 70 years old themselves and don’t have much life left to live. Thanks if you have read this and have taken these suggestions down !
I’m Impressed
Mon Jun 10 2019 Kite at MatThe game has come a long way, and I’d have to say that with each update the game just keeps getting better and better! We can tell how much effort you put into making the app as amazing as possible, and I’ll tell you right now, we absolutely appreciate. I’m glad to leave a positive review and to anyone who see this, I would absolutely recommend this as a fun game, and it doesn’t hurt that you can play it without internet. I appreciate that like life, everything you do affects you, and you have the ability to drastically change statistics!
Ideas: This isn’t part of the review itself so feel feel free to stop reading, but I have an idea that could progress throughout the game. I think it would be interesting that from a young age you could join organized/competitive sports (football, American football, swimming, etc.) and with that can come injuries, like concussions and sprains or twists. I think you could make it so that it branches into, if you get good enough at the sport, it could be a possible way to get a free way into colleges, giving more ways to help you bitizen succeed. This final part is ambitious but maybe you can add in professional sports careers, and maybe even a BitLife styled Olympics (or just things like triathlons and marathons) which could include a new badge like, sports fan, and a new achievement, like win a game in blank, or get gold in the bitlympics! Ok I’m sorry this was long, but that would be something interesting to see I think.