Fun, addictive, challenging
Sat May 14 2022 Sms591234I do enjoy playing this challenging bingo game. I like that the help center is responsive. They don’t really post all the rules so you need to either play to learn, or check-out the modest amount of you tube videos people make, or go to their blog in the help center. Pluses are it’s fun, I win real money, and the system is pretty reliable. Negatives are the only real money won is against competitors (bonus money from league and opportunities to win ranked games with multiple entries is fake money and only gives you more playing time to make real money on head-to-head or bracket games). There seem to be a lot of people playing but you can still wait awhile for brackets to complete and even some head-to-heads. Right now (unless they change things) you can enter a bracket for a fee, and if the bracket doesn’t capture enough players within 24 hours, you may not get the top prize if your a semi-finalist and just waiting on one more player to come in. They don’t return your fee in this case. The fee to get in is significantly higher than the semi-finalist winning amount, so be aware. When you want to withdrawal your real money, you have to forfeit all your current bonus money, so timing is difficult. Also, if you are in the process of withdrawing money and win bonus money, it won’t let you do both. You have to pick. But despite all this I still play everyday ‘cause heck it’s fun.
Be ready
Tue Mar 15 2022 rainking76Yes I’ve had this game app for over a year and at first I lost money. It’s not the apps fault it’s my own because I wasn’t good enough to be playing for serious money. Once I regrouped and played a ton of practice rounds I started seeing the W’s. This is a skill game that requires you to move fast and use everything to get the max out of it. You wanna cash out 1,000 bucks a month it’s very doable but it’s not just gonna happen magically. You just aren’t that good to instantly start competing with the vets on this game. So don’t get on here belly aching about how you lost your deposit when you really weren’t ready to be putting money on here. Now you want to blame everyone but yourself because you underestimated the competition and got beat. That’s no one’s fault but yours. Practice for free,get your game tight,& then you will see the results you want. This app pays and makes plenty to go around. They don’t need to cheat you out or the ten bucks you think was magically gonna turn into rent or a car payment. You are the scam not them. Getting in here crying when it’s your own fault you got beaten. All they did was tell you they’d match your first deposit or offer some other FREE incentives. Be ready for competition when you step up to play because the app isn’t responsible for the person who beat you that takes it more seriously and is better then you.
# getgoodnoobs
Wed Nov 22 2023 coolboyssHi. If yоu want to play at the bеst online casino, instаll thе "Pаnther Furу" app, very mаny slots аnd everyonе a first depоsit bоnus, withdrew already 776$. As for blackout Couple of issues the rewards fоr tickets isn’t fair if you have a heavy loss and you convert tickets you get virtually no money back but if you are doing ok then when you convert same amount of tickets you get loads it’s not equal and it should be. Also at the bottom left of screen you have the green head that lets you know if friends are online so why do you need the stupid notifications covering the whole top quarter of screen telling you someone you know is playing ?? I already know I don’t need the distraction of notification banners whilst in middle of playing a hand. Also some more realistic comments would be helpful like why did you do that or come on speed it up a little or what’s with the silly betting or talk about being lucky or that was so unlucky. But I think the rewards for converting tickets should be more equal regards of what your balance is I know it’s probably to generate more income for yourselves so people buy more chips to continue competing in higher stakes and there should be a rule that you can’t go all in preflop coz aren’t we playing poker not lets just hope card cards come in. It needs to be more skill that wins hands not just pure chance. Thankyou for letting me offload. Paul
great games and lots of fun, easy to play
Sat Jun 11 2022 Boss Crusherunderstand that you are gambling. this is the easiest and safest way to play games for money during the pandemic. this allows disabled people to have fun too. i enjoy the prizes and the competition. with bingo its all about paying attention and remembering where your numbers are so you can get the maximum benefit during boosts. i highly encourage anyone who likes to gamble to try skillz because it allows you to donit whereever you are, not even on the go. play at your own risk but it surely is alot of fun. also, their support team is the greatest and very responsive. ive hqd countless times my game aborted, froze or my phone died and i was unable to compete due to either a malfunction of their software, my phone messing up or whatever the case may be. they are honest and can help you if you are also honest about your issues. i got every refund and i enjoyed 5 giftcards and prizes now. enjoy! use promocode MISTERPEANUT88 to enjoy $30 of bonus cash on 2 deposits to play! when you make your first deposit its only $20 added as bonus but the next time you add funds we will both get $10 bonus cash! Good luck!
SCAM!! Don’t waste your time OR money.
Sun Mar 26 2023 Mischievous AngelI have paid to play the games which crash before the game starts. The screen turns black and it submits a zero score, so you automatically lose and didn’t get to play a game which they still took your money for!! I didn’t start having this problem till after whatever update they did. Customer (Player Support) service responds to messages sent via the app about the game failures but after a “certain point” the refuse to assist further and blame the customer. I am playing on a new iPhone, and have excellent WiFi connectivity, so the failure is no fault of my own. Something is WRONG ON THEIR END AND THEY REFUSE TO TAKE RESPONSIBILITY. The first time it happened they issued a refund, but subsequent times it happened they claimed “you have too many game crashes to allowed a refund “. I also had an unauthorized charge to my PayPal account which they stated “customers are responsible for the charges made on their account”. I didn’t authorize nor make a payment from my PayPal. So basically if anything goes wrong in your account, they claim ‘it’s your fault and we have no proof otherwise. How is that fair?? The people running this app are unhelpful and and unfair about resolving issues, and still take your money even if they don’t provide the service. THEY ARE A SCAM!!! I suggest you try another game and don’t let these scammers take your money. I paid $19 for a game that didn’t even play!! I’m so upset about that.
Lost practically everything I’ve earned on here due to an app issue!
Sun Jan 02 2022 LadyBethSpicesMoney I deposited into my Blackout Bingo account disappeared after app stopped working forcing me to uninstall and re-install the app!!! I’ve been playing this game for over a year now and last night while in the middle of a tournament (which I deposited money into to play - the $4.50 brackets game to win a pool of $95 -) and the app stopped working and I couldn’t get it to open past the the company logo. I had just won the 3rd round and was waiting for a winner from another 3rd round to continue on to the last two rounds when app stopped working. I can’t finish the last two rounds if the app won’t work, screwing me out of the chance to win anything. The bracket ends in a few hours meaning I was screwed out of the $4.50 I paid to play this game. After uninstalling and re-installing, also discovered not only did money disappear that was still in my account (about $5.50-$6.00), but also thousands of tickets I’ve earned as well as level ups, and trophies I’ve earned. So ticked off!!! Could I please be refunded for the $4.50 for the game since your app wouldn’t work to let me play the entire game, yet to took the money for it? Starting to NOT trust this app anymore! Nice way to treat your users who deposit money to play. Take their money then not let them play due to an app issue! 🤬
Good game
Fri Nov 24 2023 kasisthebestIt's not a bad game.. but it could use some updating and stuff.... like for example whenever u lock ur phone screen when ur in the middle of a match or when the game freezes when u just stared a new match and u have to exit out of it... it kicks u out of that match and say u abandon it and then u lose whatever u spent to play it.. rather it's cash or z coins.. when in reality u didn't abandon it... with that being said can u have an option where if that happens instead of saying u abandon it and ur forced to loose without even playing. U can continue that match. I'm not talking about a rematch I'm talking about finishing that round and seeing if u win it or lose it. That would be better then losing without even actually trying...
Also can u ad more trophies can can be completed by doing things like getting free prizes every hour, or completing more practice challenges.. whatever u can come up with that people can complete if they don't have cash to do the other challenges and move forward on the League board thingy.. and if u can ad more options to get more cash on the game and more z coins that be good to.. cuz not a lot of people have cash irl to spend on the game to get game cash and complete other challenges.
Hopefully this helps and u consider it.. that be wonderful.. thx! 😊
Fraud!!! DO NOT USE THIS APP! Disgusting, unethical and illegal!!!
Fri Jul 09 2021 Browndog7829I made a couple deposits a month ago with my card, BIG MISTAKE! This company not only illegally and without my approval charged the same card over 48 more times but for an amount totaling almost $3,000. I contacted their “support team” and the responses I’ve received are comical at this point….I couldn’t have been more clear with them and they all respond with the same copied responses that have absolutely nothing to do with the 48 unauthorized charges. I’ve went back and forth over 100 times in emails with an extremely thorough and basically dumbed down explanation because obviously they are not comprehending that somehow my card was used another 48 freaking times after I made 5 small deposits last month. To date I’ve contacted their CEO, Founder, several others with higher titles at the company Skillz and yet no one will respond or address. I’ve filled a complaint with the BBB, FTC and my local gaming commission. The amount of these charges are so high and just wrong to do to someone next step is my attorney. DO NOT USE THIS APP OR THIS UNETHICAL, ILLEGAL, THIEVING and downright disgusting company SKILLZ. Unless you want your information taken and used for unauthorized fraudulent transactions. No matter what it takes or what I have to do I am not stopping until they are brought to justice and refund the money that was stolen from me and probably several others.
Sat Jul 27 2024 JessijayjamesI recently had Skillz close my account due to concerns about their practices. I find it problematic that they criticize other apps and engage in legal actions against them while simultaneously manipulating their own platform by removing profitable players from events and higher entry fee options. They only include 1-2 valuable cards in events, which promotes gambling behavior, leading players to potentially lose significant amounts of money. Their event algorithms seem designed to encourage users to chase their losses, and I know individuals who have lost over $100,000 on this app. Despite this, they are not legally required to warn users about gambling addiction risks, which is troubling. MANY of my friends had to take out loans to pay off their debt from skillz games. This app negatively impacted my life, though I eventually managed to recover my losses after a year. When I finally did profit, they dangle your withdrawal like a carrot for weeks until you cave and cancel it. It is PREDATORY. I am now pleased to have found a more comfortable and less addictive environment elsewhere. It's disappointing to see the CEO of Skillz prioritizing self-interest over the well-being and fairness of its users. Excluding people is not a good look. Nobody cares that other platforms use bots. It's really not that serious. Hopefully skillz can get their situation situated, but by the time they do I will no longer care. Best of luck to you all.
Not worth it
Fri Nov 10 2023 Angel abreuSo, that you can understand the reason for my review, I have to explain a little history. Skillz was one of the best companies to make money back in 2016, in fact, I managed to make A LOT of money, I always managed to finish in position #20-#24 playing against the top 10. Nowadays it's just not worth it , for several reasons: 1. there are always the same 20 players playing all day, and when I say all day I mean from 6 AM to 12 AM. In the matches $20,$50(Mayen is the worst)and $100 2. The redemptions in the store increased, for example, if a $100 gift card cost you 2M tickets (in 2 days you could get it) now that gift card is 6M tickets (1 week playing 4-5 hours a day) 3. and the More importantly, because it is a company that is in decline, in 2019 they made the largest league I have seen, which was $500,000, currently the league does not exceed $30,000 and those 20 players that I mentioned in point 1 regularly take 50 % of the league. With the league you don't have to be a genius to know that the company is going badly. The more money the company makes, the bigger the league, as I said, its best moment was in 2019 $500,000 for a 7-day league, today for Halloween they made a mega league 50,000 for a 7-day league. do your maths... If they pay? Yes they do. If you are bored and want to make $10, $20 or even $50 extra weekly, Skillz is a good option. but under your responsibility.