W.O.W. Beautiful Game!
Fri May 10 2024 Swampgirl9Finally, after playing a ton of puzzle games, one comes along that is so well engineered, intuitive, and beautifully crafted, that I am compelled to stop and write a review. After playing so many that seemed arbitrarily difficult, requiring me to go look for a walkthrough or remain stuck for a century, Boxes comes along to prove that puzzles can be intricate without being senselessly annoying, or so difficult, that help is the only answer. If you are brand new to puzzle games, and do not have years of trial and error under your belt, this is a perfect game to cut your teeth on. Further, while you are doing so, the player is treated to excellent craftsmanship and artistry, that few games can parallel. The ones that are similar, are the games that still stand out in my mind and continue to withstand the test of time. These developers have been at it for awhile and they have poured into Boxes, their accumulative experience, knowledge and expertise to create a unique experience for puzzle solvers of all ages and abilities!
I played the game on my iPad, and everything worked - the achievements showed up, I could tell where I was in the game after putting it down for a spell, and the story had continuity, without having to go back and piece it together. Boxes is a very special, beautiful, thoroughly enjoyable immersive experience. Thank you! It was such a pleasure to play.
Fantastic game!!!
Fri Nov 15 2024 BeccahRNI never write reviews, and I mean never. But I feel compelled to write one for this game. I love puzzle games, big fan of The Room series, House of Davinci, etc. I was looking for another game to fill the void when I finished those. This one fit my need perfectly. First of all, the graphics are stunning. The puzzles are clever, just challenging enough but not impossible. What I loved most was it’s just puzzle box after puzzle box. There is a little bit of a story but not much, which is fine with me. Some of the other games have too much of a story. Just give me the puzzles! There are 5 levels, and each level has 4-5 puzzle boxes. Then there are additional puzzles at the end of each level as you fit the tokens you collect into that levels end scenario (for lack of a better way to describe it) The whole game flows beautifully from one puzzle to the next. No glitches at all. Took me a couple of hours to finish, well worth the price of the full game. If you like puzzle box games you will not be disappointed!!! Game developers, PLEASE make a sequel!!
Finally a game I’ve been waiting for!
Thu Apr 11 2024 bbbmoles87If you like The Room series or House of Da Vinci series then you will love this game! As a collector of puzzle boxes I love the idea of hiding tools or keys to open boxes! This game is all that and more! What I really like about the puzzles in this game is that they are just challenging enough to make you think and solve without being completely stuck. There are a few puzzle games out there like that and it’s maddening! There are a lot of boxes to solve but I did beat it within like 6-7 hours so maybe more levels with more boxes but I could just be saying that because I didn’t want it to end lol. I hope they make more games like this and maybe even a VR version which would be amazing!!
Amazing game but wont stop crashing as of this morning
Thu Apr 11 2024 BrokeboyJay22In installing the pre-order for this game i instantly fell in love with it and breezed by the 1rst 2 chapters which are free after spending the $7 to get the full game i played through a little bit of the 3rd chapter and got busy later throughout the day after a pretty stressful morning i went on to this game expecting to blow off some steam in some puzzle solving but anytime i load my progress i get to the puzzle i was on and the second i make a single move on my puzzle it crashes my game ive restarted app lowered my graphics quality and tried atleast 5 times to play it just for it to keep crashing on me i really do love this game but the performance just needs to be fixed hope i can get back to playing soon :)
Mon Jul 15 2024 xAngryMangoxThis is one of the best puzzle games on the market right now! I couldn’t find any other games closest to “The Room” series UNTILL I came across Boxes. This game is so well intricately put together, keeps your brain thinking! The art of this game, down to the details, is amazing! For me, it was the boxes that correlate with the final piece you find, which is just one of many details I LOVE about this game. EVERY BOX and PUZZLE is different which makes this game unique and keeps your brain thinking! Some puzzles will stump you, which is great, because you need a challenge from time to time. Boxes DEFINITELY NEEDS a series of it’s own!
Thu Nov 14 2024 Nevalee--This game is beautiful, intuitive, perfectly made. The puzzles are interesting, and make sense, but they’re not so simple a toddler could do them. I just finished the first chapter, and there has not been a single ad or requirement to pay a penny. The invitation to write a review popped up, and I knew I had to take the time to do it, even though I almost never write them. I’m unsure if there’s another chapter for free, but if there’s not, I’ll be buying the next one. If there are no more chapters, I will go download everything this developer has ever made. I am very well pleased.
Wonderful game!
Sat May 04 2024 Squidwardo noSometimes you play a puzzle game that simply gives you things to do in order to progress in the story. In this game however, I found myself excited to explore the possibilities. Hidden corners of a box or the carved decorations on an ancient relic. It’s a pleasure to see a beautifully intricate artifact or futuristic piece of machinery come alive to reveal a key or a missing gem it’s like watching a synchronized dance. I think the expectation I feel playing this game makes me appreciate the attention to detail so prevalent in the game. It’s not only a game, it’s an experience. Well done!
Sun Apr 14 2024 CarpatzI’ve always been a fan of Snapbreak games but I thought the pandemic might have taken them out of play; I’m glad to see you’re still there! I’ve always been a fan of puzzle games but lately it seems the only thing out there involve killing something and these bore me to tears after a while. I’d given up hope on seeing a good puzzle game again.
This is brilliant guys; graphics like The Room, and kind of steampunk, the puzzles are just hard enough, with nods to Monument Valley, and a few more. Love it! Don’t stop, OK?
Great 3D Puzzle Box Game!
Fri May 03 2024 melissaganzI don’t know how or why this game isn’t more popular. It’s just like The Room, which are definitely my all time favorite puzzle games. These are a little more simple, and the whole thing overall feels shorter (maybe because the games aren’t as difficult), but it’s very high quality and fun. 3D interaction is smooth, easy and intuitive. Highly recommend buying the full game. Interesting story. I hope more of it gets told in future games.
Loving this game
Sat Dec 21 2024 GynotaiAfter solving All the house of DaVinchi’s I went looking for another game like this, and I happend to come across this one. This game is excellent! The puzzles are challenging, but not too impossible to solve. This was one of those games where you start playing, and half way through the first section I’m was like “ok, just take my money!” :) Not many games ever make me do that, but I’m confident I’m going to have a lot of fun solving this. Money well spent!