One of my favorite games
Tue Dec 24 2024 M....A....H....This game is one of my favorite games and other people can play it so you can play with other people and other people can have fun playing with you and you can congratulate them and they will but my favorite thing of all is that there’s different challenges and if you’re someone who’s sad every day turn that frown upside down by this game it’s real fun I play office every single day and I can’t believe they made something like this because it’s so fun and it’s just like great and right when I got this game I started playing it and I’ve already played it for like five days now and there’s this favorite want to my favorite one is when you have to roll the snow up I also like the one where are you collect all the bricks but yeah it’s just a really fun game that I would like everyone to download and I think a lot of little kids like me would like it so if you’re like seven or under you should definitely download this game because it’s real fun that you’re going to have every single day if you’re sad just play this game and if you win the other team really happy doesn’t it so that will turn your phone upside down I don’t like kids when they’re sad but the skin makes me happy and relaxed and makes me feel like I’m good at the game and it makes me so excited when I win because everyone likes to win don’t they if you see it as an ad and it says download it download it because it’s fun bye
Fix the ads and button placement
Mon May 20 2024 Ideas for the problemsThis game is pretty fun, but there are a lot of problems. First, the ads. They are a big problem because recently while I was playing I got an ad, IN THE MIDDLE OF THE GAME. It was 2 minuets long and as you know, other players can move and still play while you're waiting for the ad to finish. But not only did other players catch up quick, but I fell off of the map and I had to reastart that section of the map almost making someone beat me! Developers, please fix this. Next, you all know the buttons. Like the "+14" buttons. They are lifesaving and helpful, except for the ones that you have to watch ads for. Whats really annoying is when you are trying to run to get all your blocks you go into/ over the ad buttons. You are then stuck in an ad while everyone gets ahead of you. In another review, I saw someone complaining about the slow down others button. They said that it doesn't even help slow down people. That it slowed down us instead of everyone else. And thats true! It didn't help at all! If you are gonna have that then fix it. Or just go ahead and delete it. I hope you developers see this and fix this sometime soon.
I have a lot of mixed feelings abt this game
Fri Sep 06 2024 victoriaaa_1First off the ads there has to be something done about them. The game asked me if i wanted 200+ blocks and i just had to watch an ad. i watched the ad completely just to not get my reward, and at first i brushed it off as just a glitch but the more and more that it happened I got really irritated. I had my brother downloaded the game because he wanted some entertaining games and the exact same thing happened to him!!! now i know that it’s not just my phone or my app but something in the game. can’t hate on this game too much because sometimes if im lucky it will give me my reward. Second thing is the bots these bots do not play around, it’s great to have competition but man.. I had had way more than 300 blocks and as soon as I was going to the bridge the bot beat me. At least have a retry level or something because i did all of that hard work for nothing!!! It is a entertaining game to play but chill with the bots, fix the ads, and the rewards. Overall a good game but definitely not worth a 5 star in my opinion. Update!!: Yes i did previously make this review a few days ago but omg. when i was talking about the bots being unfair it got EVEN WORSE. I literally cannot win a match with these bots. seriously, and i’ve tried the slow down others button but it only slows me down??? I saw a person say the exact same thing. fix this game it’s no longer fun and or enjoyable to play anymore. Fix the ads and the bots
needs a lot of improvement
Sat Jul 17 2021 lightbulbnarwhaleokay, this game WAS fun before all the ads starting popping up in the middle of the level! like, don’t you already put in enough ads after the level, for bonus levels, extra rewards, and before the next level starts? like in a middle of a level it will just start glitching and slowing down and then an ad, and to make it even worse there’s usually at least 2-3 ads per level plus all the other ads (ads after the level, for bonus levels, extra rewards, and before the next level starts - usually) so there’s my first complaint with this app. i’m not trying to be rude and complain but this app just needs a lot of improvement, like i almost always come in first, which is fine and all but it defeats the purpose of even trying, i mean the bots are so slow!! i hate when the other players are bots and i get why they are but they are so slow! there’s barely any competition. so not the best app overall. i honestly don’t really recommend this unless you want to watch ads in the middle of levels and literally everywhere else. this is honestly a cool concept but there is so many flaws it’s really not fun. also the ad for this game is obnoxious- like “not to brag but i’m already on level 420” that doesn’t make me want to get the game.. game developers, please take some of this into consideration. thanks for reading.
Needs improvement.
Fri Apr 07 2023 B3aryc00lThis game needs improvement. First, there’s a button at every game that apparently “slow down others.” It doesn’t even slow down others. It slows you down. This might not be shocking but, you have to watch an AD if you step on the button. You will get a long ad and it won’t even help you in game. The players can still move in game but you can’t since you’re watching an ad. Some people, like me, doesn’t want to waste their time watching ads. You can ACCIDENTALLY step on the button and then you’ll have to watch the ad. You can easily step on the button by accident. To the developers, if you’re reading this, please place the button somewhere else or just remove it from the game. Next, once you actually complete the level, you will get 1 or 2 ads. This annoys me and many other people. If you read other reviews for this game, you can see they are also talking about the ads. Also, the game itself is a simple fun game. Although, they need to add new maps/places. All the places looks the same. These are my reasons why this game needs improvement.
You’re gonna need a LOT OF IMPROVEMENT
Mon Jan 15 2024 Sarah number 1I wanna say that do not get me wrong this is a fun game to play but there so many ads… I mean just to the game,I was playing it one day but there were so many ads and I was so frustrated of how many ads there were so I was about to get rid of the game because it was that bad…so just a little advise is to get rid of some of the ads whenever you win,fall off,or even glitching
So about the glitching part, that has been happening a lot lately and I get fumed of how much it is doing it. So of course I checked if I had Wi-Fi and it was perfect…the Wi-Fi was perfect and I know I have some anger issues but swear I was almost going to throw my phone on the floor. That is how bad it was then of course I got rid of the game.2 years later I got it again and I do not even wanna say it because it will decently hurt your feelings… you know what I am gonna say it I gave it a 0! Star rating.
I just wanna say that I am going to end this soon but I want you to know to MAYBE do a bit better on that. So I want you to know that keep making more games and think about the response that I rote and think “l should make some change to this game to make people happy” I hope you that and try to do better in your life.
“I know you can! ;)”
Sun Jan 09 2022 TreeshugmebackThe ads are so aggressive in this game that it is rendered unplayable. No joke, seconds into opening this for the first time, I literally only wrote half my name before I was forced to watch an ad. Then I finished writing my name and had to watch another ad. Died 5 seconds in because there’s no tutorial level and didn’t know you could fall off the edge, had to watch an ad. Then was forced with choosing between two ad choices the second that ad ended. Started a new round. Fell off again, had to watch an ad to revive. Finished the (very short) round. Chose next level instead of watching an ad for a reward. Had to watch an ad anyway. I swear to god, I just sat through five minutes of ads to play 20 seconds of game. Developers should be honest and just charge for the game. If you don’t want to offer a viable free option with a reasonable amount of ads, then just don’t have a free option. It wasted my time downloading and attempting to play it, and I NEVER write reviews and wasted more time writing this one because it was the most ridiculous thing I’ve seen. Game seems like it would be fun if I could play it. But I can’t even see if it’s worth paying for ad free because my entire experience with this was 95% frustration and anger and watching ads and a few seconds of actual game play.
Poor Update
Sun Apr 17 2022 GamerGirlCopleyThe update was exceedingly disappointing. I would have written a five-star review prior to the update, but now my mindset has completely changed. For starters, the update has brought with it an immense increase in advertisements. I feel like marketing Bridge Race to be an app where you are able to watch floods of advertisements would be a more accurate portrayal. Beyond the advertisements, I dislike the fact that you have made it where any other player who is able to build a bridge across to the next isle wins by default, rather than the player who reaches the end first. You have also made it where people are constantly knocking you down, to the point that you are unable to even stand up for a minimum of three full seconds; this results in an inability to catch up with the other players, ultimately resulting in continuous losses. This is not due to me being an unskilled player, since I am not. I used to be exceptionally skilled at this game, though it is not a hard game to conceptualize and participate in. I am very disappointed that the app that used to be my go-to when I had lost Wi-Fi or wanted a quick play has now transformed into something so monotonous and depressing. I hope to see mentioned problems addressed and fixed in the near future. Thank you.
Makes my phone freeze
Wed Jan 19 2022 VikiFrostI was excited about this game and first rated it five stars, but I’m so disappointed that I have to follow up with a one-star review. The reason why I initially rated the game 5 stars was because of the sounds in the game. The sounds are the only reason that I wanted to play the game. Unfortunately the drawbacks are no where near worth it. The first problem is that the game is too hard and the character falls off. The second problem is that the game is confusing due to unnecessary add-ons — the sounds of the blocks are great but there are so many annoying sounds and buttons that just cheapen the gameplay experience. And possibly the worst problem is that every time I open the game it freezes my phone or crashes or otherwise makes my phone act WEIRD where apps open and close automatically and buttons don’t work so I am wondering if it’s dangerous or something? I have the newest phone so if the app is running the newest softwares it doesn’t make sense for it to affect my phone like that. For this reason, I have to delete the app because I don’t know if this app is safe for the hardware or not. I didn’t even mention the ads, but they’re too much too and may be part of the lagging problem.
Not that good
Thu Oct 20 2022 ljiyrjysjFirst of all it has to mini adds wish I hate😤. It well tell when a add is about to pop up but when is doesn’t and it come out of no we’re it we’ll play the add and when the add is done it we’ll throw you off they edge it is sooo annoying and you have to watch a add to revive 😤😤or get off of it and retry the level. I mean I get it you have to do some adds to keep y’all’s game up but come on that mini adds. I don’t even think you play with real people because there is this thing you step onto get something and you have to watch a add if (you won’t to) and they we’ll step on it all the time and they we’ll still move??? There levels are the same just with different ground. YALL NEED TO MAKE IT MORE FUN FOR PEOPLE🤬! This game would be way more fun if there we’re no adds and different kinds of levels like on the ground or on a plane ✈️ and can go in different rooms or something like that. Like come on guys. Do y’all even play the games you make?? Do y’all even think about putting as mini adds as y’all do. I’m sorry for being this rude but seriously come on think of ways to make y’all’s games better please. God love 💕 y’all good bye ✌️