Updated review
Fri Jan 21 2022 dlatk64Update: I don’t know if it had anything to do with my review or if others reported a similar issue, but within a short time an update was released and my problem is fixed. Kudos to the development team for resolving the issue. Original review: I have been playing the game for awhile and am on level 1650-ish, but haven’t been able to fully open the game for two days. I see an update was applied at that time. The game opens on my iPad and a window opens saying “league is over” with a section of that window saying “loading”. That never goes away and the “x”button to close the window does nothing. Has anyone else reported the problem? I don’t want to delete the game and lose over a year’s worth of playing along with the money I occasionally put into it to help me along, I am only giving two stars since my game stopped working…would have given more had I reviewed it previously…this is just for this latest version.
Quickly Losing Interest in this Game
Mon Nov 06 2023 Amethyst DreamerI’ve been playing Bubble Pop Origin for several months. I became frustrated by all the ads and payed extra for “ad-free” play. I really enjoyed the game at first, but like most app-based games now-a-days, the further along you get in the game, the more and more you must rely on in-app purchases and/or voluntarily watching ads to get additional tokens and tools (i.e., bombs, rockets, etc)., in order to progress further in the levels. When you complete a level, the app gives you gold coins in a piggy bank, but unless you pay a fee for the extra-large piggy bank, you’re capped at 1000 gold coins. But what are those coins for? They’re different than the coins you spend to extend play on the puzzles, and I don’t see anything in the app to indicate what a player can purchase with those piggy-bank coins. I also find it extremely annoying that the app constantly “pimps” the player to purchase token/tool packages! I am at the point now where I’ll probably play the game until I run out of tokens and tools, and them remove the app from all of my devices. To the developers: Thanks for a nice game! It’s been fun, but it’s time for me to move onto something different.
Now 1 star . . . Used to LOVE this game!
Sat Feb 04 2023 RV TravelhoundI’m out of here! Played almost 1200 levels, but this last update makes this game impossible to play! Ads now at least 2.5-3 minutes long, then won’t leave! Gotta leave the game, come back in to another 3 minute add. If you like to play while eating lunch and having an occasional game with mostly ads, this is for. It’s no longer for me, I’m out of here! Too bad, so sad, but it’s no longer playable.
UPDATE: Tried again. Ad loads in; 45 seconds later, can’t get rid of the ad . . . Floats between App Store and X to leave the ad, back and forth. Stopped the game, reset, all efforts now lost and the cycle starts over without any reward received for the several minutes of messing with several ads. Irritated, I timed the process: 3-1/2 MINUTES! Then I had to start over. This is new: ad loads in (45 secs), clear it when done, another ad loads in (30 secs), clear it and I’m off to the app store; close app store and X the ad . . . Yup . . . Back to the app store, over and over and over. Truly done now; there are many other bubble pop games and I’m off to try a new one. Unfortunately, this once really fun and relaxing game has become an irritant. Bye bye, sad to leave but sadder to be irritated all the time.
Loved it at first but…
Tue Apr 30 2024 AlexP916This game has bugs that will make you lose. I’m at level 1225 and for example.. you have two green balls together that you know you can pop with another green ball, you aim, shoot but nothing happens and it just sticks together with the rest of the green balls. This happen to me 4 times already and everytime it does happen and you try to pop it again after the first fail, guess what it also sticks and doesn’t pop. My guess is that the ball I threw was different ball but the program colored it green or maybe the balls in the field are actually another color but the game mistakenly colored it different. So imagine losing balls trying to pop that group that cost you the game and loosing winning streaks. How in the world are you going to achieve many winning streaks if this happens? I can imagine the people that actually spend money on this and then something like this happens. It would’ve been nice if the game recorded the gameplay with screenshots to where a player can dispute the loss and so that the developers see it and reset that level to give players another chance on that level, because trying again without a reset takes away your “first try” win.
Rose bud
Mon Apr 26 2021 RoseBuddie1013I just love this game. I play it everyday on my iPad and phone. When I downloaded it, I paid to not have the ads, which is great! I have been watching ads to get free boosters and coins, but the problem, the ads have been anywhere from 10 to 15 seconds longer than the timer (the timer is at zero) and still not letting close it out.
I go for the free random booster and there is one ad that won’t download! It just keeps going in a circle. I let it go about 3-4 minutes and still nothing. I have to have to shut it off and turn it back on to get rid of it. It doesn’t just happen every so often, it happens at least 4 times, every day.
I hope that you can figure out which ad it is and fix it. It’s getting so frustrating that I’m thinking of just deleting the game. It would save me about 45 minutes every day.
Thank you, DESPERATE.
Not level playing anymore
Sun Jun 04 2023 Hpint37I’m done spending money on this game. At first it was a good way to occupy my stressed mind. Now, it’s aggravating. I can have 10 turns left and only need one or two colors to complete the board and move ahead without using extra turns or helpers but I never get the color I need. At first I thought it was just me but it is not. I’ve played this game for 2 years and now it’s so rigged it’s not fun anymore. It just makes me angry. I’m not spending money to continue on when the program is clearly making it to where I MUST spend money to win. Keep your game.
I boycotted this game for a while. I spent zero money on it for months and I will be again because it again needs balancing. I can need one color and have 10 turns and never get it. The game is programmed so that I lose my charge and therefore do not get the rocket or bomb and then need to buy help eventually to move on. I’m done again. This was a relaxing game. Now it’s infuriating. Three years I’ve played this game off and on. This is the second time I quit.
Used to be a five star game
Wed Jul 27 2022 PlbgI have been playing this game for several years and have enjoyed it very much but in recent months they been taking away the ability to earn free coins to purchase the extras to make it easier to complete the games. Now they make you buy them instead. Example: they just took away the five spins you get each day down to three, and the two addition spins to get the explosive bubbles down to one and you have to pay an increase fee for each additional spin , if you didn’t get a chance to play everyday they would reward you an extra bubble every day your away from game for coming back to play. Now only one and one only, I’m now getting less bubble shots and games are getting harder to win without spending money. As you get better at the game I think they should reward you more for your accomplishments but now they penalize you instead and make you pay instead of the free gifts for the earn. I’m now going to play less often and maybe drop the game and look for something else
Ads, ads, and MORE ADS!!! Infuriating! UPDATE-EVEN MORE ADS!!
Wed Jun 21 2023 Black1956Update: Because i do like this game, I deleted it, but wanted to try again. If you will not pay money to play, YOU MUST WATCH ADS!! Everything I said in the first review is more true than before. You just can’t get away from the ads. Not just one, but 3 or more. It’s even worse than before. This time, when I delete it, it’s gone. I’ve made it to level 1400! But the longer I play, it’s more ads. I understand that ads keep it going, but they want MONEY! And don’t get Royal Match, they will break you!
I really liked this game to start with. BUT…now you have to watch an ad when you open the app, if you want to replay a level, if you want to play this game, you will watch a lot of ads. Not short ads, 30 seconds or more. And after that, they get another 5 seconds, then the ad will not close until you’ve be directed to the app store at least 3-4 times. And they really want you to pay to not see the ads. I’ve already paid for that once (same developer). While the game is enjoyable, I’m going to delete the app because I can watch dumb ads on tv.
Super Fun Challenge!!
Wed May 04 2022 Procreate -- BlueDefinitely worth buying to get rid of all the advertising. I am not a “gamer” but like to close the door on my workday; before I get busy with home life in the evening. This game seems to erase professional issues that are burdening my brain and resets my state of mind to take on the rest of the day. This game is a challenge for sure. It’s a puzzle and requires forethought, planning , and strategy to get through harder levels. In my career, one of the big problems people get entangled in is being committed to an idea that doesn’t work and repeating the same thing, over and over. I catch myself doing that with this game and not being able to solve a level without extra help. Then I remember to strategize another way and I’ll breeze through the level. It has helped me open my mind to alternative perspectives instead of beating away at my old ones.
Too Many BUGS & ADS
Fri Dec 23 2022 NavyWife216This *could* be a fun game if it weren’t for the constant ads. You are bombarded with ads what feels like every 30 seconds. This ruins the gameplay. And I refuse to pay money to get rid of ads because I have not even had the chance to truly experience the game to see if it is worth spending money on. I am deleting the game because the amount of ads is just way too annoying. I know there are other bubble pop games out there that don’t blast you with annoying ads.
There are also bugs in this app where the game will freeze up and you have to close it out. I think the ridiculous amount of ads has something to do with this as it seems to happen a lot after the ads finish playing. Also, my IOS is up-to-date and I have the newest iphone so it is not a user issue.
I understand the developers want to make money, don’t we all! But they have essentially ruined what could have been a good game. The developers will need to revise this app and take out at least 2/3rds of the ads and fix the bugs before I will think of giving it another chance.