Love it but maybe a little tweak.
Sun May 28 2023 FoxiiGamerz677I just started and I love it so I am leaving it at five stars, but…. I just finished the level where you unlock the rainbow ball and, it’s able to shoot any color, that’s fine, but the thing that bugs me is it can hit multiple colors at once, I think it makes it to op. Please fix this I was able to finish the level in just three turns, PLEASE FIX IT. I have more though, ITS SO SATIFYING I LOVE IT SO MUCH ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ If there isn’t all ready, can you add settings where the bubble pops are louder and more satisfying? 🥰 I love the game so much, KEEP GOING! It’s amazing. Also, random question- if there are worlds in this game (like in Mario or whatever) at the start of world 2 could you have a tutorial level where there’s this ball (you name it idk.) and and will go on any color like the rainbow ball but, it will take the color you pointed it at and add it to your inventory thing, and you can use that color. If it’s there PLEASE ADD IT, oh and for people who passed that point if there are worlds just give them a tutorial for it next level they play. Oh and if there aren’t worlds then level 30.
Could be great but too many glitches and manipulative
Tue Mar 08 2022 Jbone627This really is a fun, mindless and addictive game. It could be great but the problem is there a way too many glitches and manipulations that take away all the fun. Let’s start with the simple game manipulations they play with you where everything is driven to either get you to watch an ad or spend money. So things like not giving you the color ball you need to complete a game so you have to watch an ad to continue or somehow shots that would get you close to winning the game suddenly get diverted or having a contest where you have to pop certain color bubbles to get a prize and then after the first game the next six games don’t even have that color bubble. They just keep playing with you and it’s not always a fair game. The thing is I could deal with all of the manipulations and still have fun but the game is just filled with way too many glitches, it constantly gets stuck in ad loops and you can’t get back to the game without closing it out and restarting it therefore either losing your current game position or prize you were awaiting. It happens constantly. I Installed the most recent update to the app hoping this would solve the problem but it actually made it far worse. Seen other reviews with the same problem. Until they are able to fix it I do not recommend this game. What the great understanding this is an ad supported game so I expect that I’ll have to watch ads but also expect to be able to get back to the game.
Too many issues
Sat Feb 18 2023 Pbandj78075This should just be a fun game but it turns into frustration. Many others have noted the glitches and problems with ads. My biggest frustrations are the store doesn’t work, so they allow the charge to go through and then tell you the store isn’t working, try again in a bit. So you end up paying for nothing. You don’t get the package you just paid for. They will not help you at all with a refund. You have to go through Apple and are at their mercy. If your refund request is denied, they tell you to dispute the charge with your bank. How about you fix your store so that you’re not just taking peoples money and not giving them anything in return? This matters as the levels get harder and all you need to beat it is a certain color ball and they will give you everything but that color ball. So you can play the same level over and over, max out your ad and free options, or try to purchase a package of items that will help you pass, and we’re right back to my original biggest frustration. So they take your money but won’t let you purchase the tools you need to pass a level, and they won’t give you the colors you need. It’s very flawed and what should be fun turns into a whole thing of trying to get your money back and deleting the app. It’s evident from the comments and how long these problems date back that the developers are not going to address pr fix any of these issues, so don’t waste your time.
This game has potential but big disappointment
Thu Jun 17 2021 DLG52I panned this game last month in a review (see below) and after deleting it was surprised to get a reply via Apple Store from Bitmango. The reply told me that I could set colorblind mode through settings in order to distinguish between indistinguishable colors (like red and deep pink) and asked me to communicate through the in-game communication. After weeks of delay I decided to try it again and downloaded the game again. I went into settings and could find NO color blind mode nor did I find anywhere in-game to communicate. It just might be that I’m too ignorant because I don’t play games on my phone. In any event, Bitmango, this note is for you: try making your game easy to figure out with colors that are categorically different, settings that can be read rather than having indecipherable abbreviations and that have genuine options for players actually to be able to modify! I gave your game another try and have deleted it again— I will avoid all Bitmango games. Not worth the frustration!!!
Original review:
This could be a really fun game but for one absolutely angry trick: too many games combine red & pink bubbles that can’t be distinguished. The game also restricts options for shooting to two bubbles: problem is the options don’t always match what’s available- unless you have the fancy bubbles that burst bubbles regardless of color: but surprise, after a few free ones you have to buy them.
Overrun with ads
Fri Mar 24 2023 Tekster757I’ve been playing this game for several years and the ads have increased significantly such that it’s completely crippling the game. It used to show ads randomly so that you didn’t always see them and could have some seamless play sometimes or a short ad, but now it shows ads EVERY… SINGLE… TIME… Finish a game? Ad. And the ad counts down, directs you to the App Store, and when you exit out of the store, it counts down again, and just when you think you’re done with ads, nope, another ad with another countdown. Are you done? Nope! They offer you to watch ANOTHER video to get a booster to start the new game - start the above long process of watching ads all over again! So I start playing a game, but I got a phone call, or someone at the door or any other life that happens, so I take care of that, come back, and guess what? Yep, you guessed it, start the long rounds of countdown ads all over again! Of course, at the end of the round if you need a couple more balls to finish, they offer you three more balls for what? Haha, yep, not just a quick ad, but the whole round of the many ads and countdown process starts up again…. Need three more balls again? Watch, rinse, repeat…. I looked for an option to just buy it ad-free, but I don’t think they offer that. Sigh. Too bad. It was a REALLY fun game. Well-written, fun weekly challenges, etc. Oh well, I quit.
Ruined by commercials
Sat Sep 12 2020 Mr.黑熊Yet another game that should be fun, but which is ruined by being constantly interrupted by lengthy commercials that can’t be stopped until they’re finished running. Add to that continual attempt to sell you items within the game, and it’s just an unrelated barrage of greed, spoiling and otherwise perfectly good game. Unless you want to wait for 30-second commercials to stop running every time you finish a level (something that takes less than a minute in the early stages), don’t waste your time on this one.
Plus, the developer was stupid enough to use nearly identical colors for his bubbles that make it almost impossible to distinguish one color from another, in a game where doing so is essential. For instance, it’s almost impossible to tell the difference between the aqua-green bubbles and the light blue bubbles, but you are forced to do so all the time, once you reach around level 50. Likewise, there is are dark pink and red bubbles that are also very difficult to tell apart. There’s no excuse for this. It would’ve been easy to come up with basic colors that that clearly stand out from each other. As is, it’s ridiculously frustrating and confusing once the game enters that stage of indistinguishable colors. The vast majority of users will simply stop playing it, rather than putting up with such nonsense.
Still the same problems!! Not so fun anymore!
Tue Jan 04 2022 Game goodieNewest comment: Gave game an additional two stars because developer responded promptly to my complaint and said they’d work on the ad issues! Good job, developer!
The comment below was written by me about a year ago. I finally gave up and deleted the app after writing the review. I was on about game 450 or so at that time. After waiting about 3 or 4 months, I downloaded the app again and guess what, I’m now up to the 470s and the same things are happening. Ads won’t let you out, taking the 3 shot option locks up in the ads about 2/3rds of the time. The spin the wheel that offers additional points locks up in the ads much of the time. I love the game but beware, it still cheats so guess I’ll soon be deleting the app again! Prior review: Ads that constantly lock up, impossible to win specific games without spending 300 or more points only to get repetitive balls of the same color and not the ones I need to solve the puzzle, spending almost $50 for two weeks of frustration and having few remaining points, I think I’m done until you play fair and fix the problems.
It would be more fun with more distinctive colors
Mon May 18 2020 DewdropmasThe game is fun until the colors become indistinguishable from one another and so you make mistakes simply because you cannot see the shades of red or blue that are different. Also sometimes the aiming dots tell you that you have a clear shot to where you want to go but when you release the ball, it stops short of the target. I suspect with some levels there is a prescribed way to win & anything else fails. I have reached level 122 and find the game isn’t fun anymore. They could improve it by using colors that are not alike, by allowing user to choose what level of difficulty they want to play which may mean increasing the allotment of shooter balls for a particular level or it may mean changing the layout pattern at the start of the game. Even occasionally tossing in a pattern that is a little easier would help. Often a whole string of shooter balls are in a color that cannot be used. Also commercials for other games are required to play through before the game allow you to continue. It is BORING to watch the same commercial a gazillion times. The indistinct colors bother me the most. After that, the plethora of commercials.
Games should be fun. Thus one starts out that way but isn’t fun later on.
Perfect for a non-gamer in her 70s
Mon Jun 17 2024 wordspecsWhat I love is playing my movies at thumbnail size and playing this game as well. I wish Bubble Pop could be played in both orientations. Holding my tablet in portrait is harder on me than landscape mode for more reasons than you’d ever want to hear. Worse, I play in bed, so if I’m also recharging to iPad, I’m in trouble. I have to hold my iPad on one corner so I don't damage my cable. I think it somehow was my mistake, but suddenly the other day my 250+ levels I’d already won just disappeared. I shut down the app, shut down my tablet, restarted my iPad, then launched Bubble Pop., to no avail. When I went to the App Store to download Bubble Pop again, I couldn’t identify which of the many same-name apps I’d been using. That was an hour of trial and error I’ll never get back. Once I’m back in the right app, I’m back at base 1. But what I’m loving is that everything I learned on 250-odd levels I still have in my brain. So at early levels that I’m confident I'd win, I can “waste” bubbles here and there, to confirm things I’ve learned or suspected. Still, I could use clearer directions on how to backup my games.
Good game with some basic flaws
Sat Sep 19 2020 CNTmeI absolutely love this game. It’s addictive and challenging, and it’s just fun! There are a few flaws that keep me from rating it higher. First, there is no colorblind setting. Especially in night mode, red/orange and green/blue are virtually indistinguishable. It turns fun into frustration. Second, you have the opportunity to watch ads for coins. I’ve been able to do this exactly one because “Ads aren’t available right now. Try again in a minute,” and half an hour later there are still no ads. Third, the frequency of non-voluntary ads is horribly inconsistent. At some points in the day, there’s one every time you do anything, even just click into another app for a second. The ads are not only long, but several of them allow you to close them just to open the second part of the ad. Other times there are no ads at all. It makes no sense—why not evenly space the ads so that there are some all the time, but not enough to make you quit playing? If the point is to force you to go ad-free, why have times when the game IS ad-free? It’s such a shame for such a good game, because too many ads don’t make we want to pay for ad-free. They make me want to quit playing.