Fun but not enough gameplay.
Sun Jun 23 2024 Flyni345I have had this game downloaded for I don’t even know how long at this point. I’ve purchased everything in the game in terms of unique items, paintings, jewelry, islands, along with all the yachts, planes, and helicopters. Purchased a large amount of cars too, not gonna click through every single car in the game just because I can afford it so I don’t own all of them. I own every single property for real estate, i also have all the highest paying businesses considering there’s a limit on the amount you can own I don’t own every single one. With all that said, I’m bored of the game now. Clicks mean nothing and there’s really not much for me to work for anymore aside from the 95 trillion dollar unique item, and even then I’d pretty much need the max number of businesses you can own of purely holding company’s to ever reach that number. You get to a point in the game all that’s left for you is buying cars just to spend money, or buying and selling businesses to see what makes the most. I’d like to see more businesses or at the very least more in depth customizations with the businesses, especially mergers. You get to a point in the game where there’s not much you can work for and it gets boring. I love the game so I hope yall add some stuff.
Great game but..
Mon Jul 08 2024 im tuy huyI’m going to start this off good. The good thing about this game is that you can play with out adds by turning on airplane mode and the game has a good start but not the best end because it gets boring when you have everything and don’t know what to do because there’s nothing to buy anymore because you’ve already bought everything The clicker stops at $10 and you can watch an add for like $62 per click or something like that game lacks of updates that are good and keeping the game on its feet and the game gets more going to play because you get everything I feel like what would help this game is more focus on the game and helping the community by giving us some good updates. Some good updates would be more real estate more businesses more business merging and you can make the real estate job where you can claim a whole bunch of houses at once because I get kind of tired of constantly clicking the claim house button and you can also make it where you can make a whole bunch of houses at the same time and even more things that I think would make the game better I am a Roblox developer so I take things into consideration think what people would like the most if you would like more ideas by me which you don’t have to if you don’t want just give me an email that I can send ideas to! hope you have a great day
10/10 but I want no ads
Fri May 17 2024 horriblegamesAbsolutely love this game and I’m so glad it’s free to play. I’ve spent hours on it enjoying everything it has to offer from the businesses to trading stocks and bitcoin. It is so well made and put together that it has easily taken the top game spot for me and it’s fun to randomly check the stock prices each day when I get some downtime and stuff. My one and only complaint would have to be the fact that there is no way to remove ads. It’s a great game and I know it needs to run ads to remain free… but, on the other hand it’s such a great game that I would love to just throw my money at y’all to remove these dang ads. Just name your price 😂 $1.99, 2,3,5,10 I’ll pay it whatever y’all choose but please just work on a way for us to pay and get rid of all these darn ads. -Again so thankful for you devs and so happy that this game is doing so well. Thanks for this awesome game and I can only hope that it will continue to grow and reach that #1 sim spot on the App Store
Pretty good so far but I have a suggestion
Sun Jul 28 2024 ParadoxxiaIt’s pretty decent but there are a few quality of life issues and lack of late content. Maybe space related things and delving into science and technology. Maybe expand on the space agency as a gateways to that stuff. Maybe add a research laboratory company. I dunno you can expand upon that. Anyway my current issue with the game is the IT company. Hiring and then firing to optimize the company is actually aids and gives me carpal tunnel. Maybe make a mass firing system that can fire everyone below a certain skill level. Or maybe make a hiring filter or something. Regardless that needs to be reworked to be more user friendly. The optional ads are fine in my opinion. Pretty effective way to get people to willingly watch ads. The non optional ones are not, and may drive away players that would watch ads willingly. Just my two cents. I thing you could expand on the game a lot and make the end game much better with more mergers and expanding on the merged companies functions to make the game more interesting and engaging. At least gives the endgame players more to do. Hope this is helpful and the IT company firing system is changed before I get arthritis at 18 years old.
Fun but holy ads
Fri Jul 19 2024 Lonely player526I enjoy the little idle games that I only have to play every now and again. I’ve pretty much completed the whole game but the amount of ads are insane. The fact that to do literally anything in a slightly quick manor you have to watch an add, whether it be getting a bank to max level, Oil Company maxed, buying football players, building houses, and everything else. Or that every other interaction makes you watch in ad. It’s insane, ridiculous, and I’m sure I’ll get the same message sent to every other person complaining about ads.
“Hi! We are sorry you feel this way. However, as you might know, ads are necessary to manage the expenses of running the game. We have been working on improving ads display so that time between ads allows for fewer interruptions. Thank you for your kind feedback.” (Message in question)
Like no, you are running a game that hasn’t gotten a major update in a long time. A game that isn’t multiplayer, a game that barely does anything. This game is not a hard game to run. I’ve seen much more advance games run without this insane amount of ads. This game is literally just a way to get people to watch ads so the owners can make profit.
Great Game, but Inconsistent
Wed Mar 20 2024 DaDernskieJust got this game a few days ago. So far enjoying it a lot. I didn’t notice this issue in the start so I’m not sure if it’s specific to certain businesses/real estate; but I’m not receiving the hourly income I should be.
I recently unlocked a clothing brand and soon after got another. I should be making 1 million an hour. However I’ve logged on intermittently and found that I’m MAYBE making 100k over the span of 2-3 hours. I should be well on my way to more clothing brands and moving up but instead feel like I grinded for nothing. As I said it is a great game: if it’s functioning. Had a blast the first day but now feel like it was a waste of time.
Please fix this hourly income issue sooner rather than later. It makes the game unplayable. You can’t make legitimate progress with 10 dollar taps (even with the 65 after ad). If taps are supposed to be usable I’d recommend a higher limit to the leveling. I also wouldn’t mind some form of reimbursement for the lost hourly income; however I assume that’d be insanely hard to regulate in relation to account progress as to not inflate new accounts/not be enough for further progressed players.
Mon May 20 2024 On the mountainAwesome game, I hope to see it become popular and to be used as an example to life. There are a couple of things I would love to see added in the future, 1. I would love to see the taxi business have more cars to choose from and to have classifications like limo and priority and it would be cool to see orders and be able to accept or deny them. 2. WE NEED AIRLINES!!!!! How cool would it be to own an airport? Plus, you already have planes coded, so you could copy the taxi co and just make it with planes. 3. It would be nice to be able to change the price of anything that you sell but this is not something that I REALLY want, it’s just an idea…
So that’s my thoughts on the game and i hope whoever reads this takes this into consideration, and possibly adds these things. I think adds are an OK price to pay for such a well-put-together game so i do not expect them to get removed.
PS. Good competition to bit-life
Fri May 24 2024 180This is a fun and beatable game. You build businesses and make money. Eventually you buy everything in the game and you’re done. There isn’t much to retain players after you have beat everything. I looked through the version history of this app. There are only ‘bug fixes’ and nothing new has ever been added which I was surprised to see. Overall I say this game is fun but don’t expect to play it 3-6 months from now because there won’t be anything to do. As I was making this review I realized how close I am to beating this game and I downloaded a different game with a similar concept that showed a history of new content being added. I don’t want to quit this game but it looks like this game is built on attracting new players without much effort put into retaining old players. That strategy probably has something to do with all the ads associated with this game. Download it. Enjoy it. Quit it.
Great game, But A Few Recommendations
Sun Mar 24 2024 JB40583Overall the gameplay is great! Gives off a semi-realistic feel, but still allows for you to grow and advance at the same time! Wish there was a better way to manage your business other than just purchasing upgrades!
-Allow the user to set prices and choose a type of business. If I purchase a store I would like to have options of type of store, etc. Example of type of stores clothing, sports, electronics, food, etc.
-Have in app purchase options such as eliminating adds! Dislike having to watch adds everytime I go to upgrade a business or purchase something! Could also help those who are a little more impatient and want to grow their business faster by purchasing funds in order to grow faster! I’m all for the realistic feel of it taking time to grow!
-Allow a continuous upgrade of taps! Not sure if it’s a bug, but my game only allowed me to get to $10 dollars per tap! Again not sure if it’s a bug or the overall plan to make the game feel more realistic, but could always adjust the amount received from taps!
Again I just want to say that I enjoy the game and it definitely has me hooked! Can’t wait to see what new upgrades and updates are to come in the future! I also would recommend that others download this game if they like idle business games! Game is super addicting and again I plan to continue to playing! -Thanks
Great game, but…
Sun Jun 23 2024 K3noThis game is actually quite fun. Lots of options and things to do. However I do have some recommendations. First, the ads. Sooo many ads. You have to close/re-open just to get through the game with how many pauses to the gameplay there are. Second, there needs to be more of a barrier that prevents you from amassing a ton of wealth fast. You could do this by creating life events or having a time limit based on age. Say you start at 18 years old, then one hour is one year, and you can only go to like 90 years old or something. That way it’s a race against time, has replayability, and can incorporate high scores.
A couple in-game notes, I find it weird that when you own 100% of a company, there are still people buying and selling even when you aren’t, and can still lose money. Also, stocks don’t just stay in the same money range for a lifetime.