Nothing Like to Ad
Sun Sep 19 2021 awsome7.45In the ad it shows a video clip advertising this game although the clip was taken from a completely different game called BeamNG Drive which is only on PC. Do not get this game as its ada refer to a completely different game. I only rated it 5 stars so it would be spotted quicker.
Cool, but needs work
Fri Feb 25 2022 ChadNashThis game has some cool concepts, but when it comes to the upgrades to proceed, it centers around the boost too much, basically as long as you have enough boost your fine, but there should be other variables that you should be able to upgrade, like Armor, Suspension and Gravity (Lessoning the Gravity in order to get more air), but aside from that, after you hit a ramp and use all your boost, and land on another hard surface, your car flips and you can no longer continue to drive, if you land on your wheels it should allow you to continue to move unless it is too damaged to do so (which is where upgrading the Armor and Suspension would come in)
Unhappy and
Fri Sep 24 2021 brayden645493Yeah this app is a very fun and challenging game, but the photos of that are said to belong to this app don’t. I think that this is false advertisement and you should show photos of the actual app and game play instead of stealing photos from other games. The only reason I’m not putting one star is because the game is fun but I’m not going to give five stars until some this is done about the photos that were devious licked from other games. It is much better and easier for people to trust the game when they know what it’s about. So please listen to what I have to say and talk with others about changing the photos.
Don’t bother with this Car Gear Rushing
Sat Sep 04 2021 BDavidson89The ads made it looking like it was some sort of racing game. You see Richard Petty’s Charger and. Denny Hamlin Cup car going around a track but No…. The car is pointed in one direction. You hold you thumb on the screen for ten seconds, watch ads for 30 seconds, have to wait another 5 seconds until it clears to the close screen unless it automatically takes you to the App Store when you open it back up and try to increase the performance of the car by clicking a few buttons.
Total waste of time and effort.
Ads ads and more ads
Tue Apr 12 2022 Tank_AaronIf you like watching ads this game is for you. The only way to beef up the cats they give you is to watch countless ads because the “points” you would get for not watching ads isn’t worth and you’re going to watch an ad anyway. It’s just another build your engine, boost and coin, tap to go game. Just like the train ramp what ever and the plane one. It is nothing like the ad that shows an off road truck crashing. I regret downloading this on.
90 degree hill
Wed Nov 03 2021 Firestar5237All in all the game is pretty decent other than the ads in game after every few seconds. The cars cannot keep going after it hits the end where you use the boost, meaning you lose all of your previous momentum to help reach the top. Once you do get to the top the game stops you as if you sank in the water on another level.
Thu Aug 05 2021 ijustwannapostthisdangreviewNothing like the ad, there is no steering its just a straight line. I’ve been playing a lot to waste time, and I’ve gotten to the 4th level which is nigh impossible, since its straight up the reward is barely anything, so its extremely difficult to upgrade my car to beat it. I’ve managed to upgrade my car 30+ levels and still haven’t beaten it.
Ads galore!
Thu Nov 11 2021 Ted SWould be a fun and challenging game, but the real challenge is sitting through all the ads! Take a run at the goal, them see an ad. Do an upgrade so you can get farther on your next run, see another ad. There is seriously twice as much waiting for ads to finish than there is actual game play. I’m uninstalling this turkey.
Horrible game
Mon Oct 18 2021 hldkcktnckskxjcnfncksbsjcHad to watch hundreds of addsJust to get to a board that is unbeatable you keep watching the adsAnd nothing the car stops on the top of the hill and will not go over it I ended up watching 47 adsWhich gave me over $2 million to buy boost for the car and it’s still will not go over this hill stuck in the same place horrible game should be removed should not do that to people
too many adds
Thu Mar 24 2022 crispyonionmangame is ehhh it’s pretty cool but definitely needs some work. i gave it one star because the time spent on the game is 20% playing 80% adds. each add takes a good minute and you’ll get an add after every run. it’s not worth downloading unless you like watching the adds. every retry you’ll get an add every time you get to go to the next level there’s an add and there’s an add as soon as you start playing everytime. i understand with free games there will be adds that’s the way it works but when you spend way more time dealing with adds than playing the game you installed it just ruins the whole experience