Good but…. 😑
Tue Dec 24 2024 ThisnicknameistkenIt is first, but once you start getting more into the game, it glitches a lot you can’t slow down as much and you can’t speed up as much and the people on there the people they just push other people off like there’s just one part where you have to like go over three ramps to get these cool presents you knowand I was going up them and I finally got to the top which I had never done before but then this person named ADA pushed me off and so I tried again. I got up there again pushed me off again. I got up there tried again. I got up. They pushed me off again. Then their friend came up and they pushed their friend off when I watched other people go up. They pushed everyone else off as well. Also, the pictures that they have to review the app are fake and Clickbait so yeah.
My top car game (so far)
Sun Oct 06 2024 Xavi LemusThis car game is cool, fun, you could actually tell your friends or family to join your server, but the things I don’t like about this game are the when you want to join a game, it gives you an add. AND THE FACT YOU DRIVE INTO THE WATER, its annoying as a baby crying for 3 hours. But it’s still a 4 star cuz the graphics are good, you could change the design of your car, yea.
Good but i would never download it again.
Sun Apr 09 2023 daxqfSo when i first joined there was a level that i didnt want to be on like i dont even think you can change the levels. Then when i also went into first person the wheel kept changing the other direction i would turn the wheel/car. And whats the point of adding car crash noises if their is no actual damage on the car?!? Good game but for me i would never download it again, to many bugs, please fix the game and maybe i would consider purchasing it again.
SO GOOD!!!!,
Sun Dec 17 2023 Bd mafiaWhen I was bored, I got to play this game and it was so fun. I flipped out of my mind. Thank you so much for making this game. If you can make a game just like this, I’ll make another review for the same kind of star rate. But it is boring 😑 because all the island looks like is A lot of ramps. So it does not look like the picture. I HATE it so bad so it is 3 stars actually. But it is 30 percent fun. But it needs a tiny more fun
They lied the game is ok
Sun May 08 2022 Servantwarrior1The game is fun but I thought I would be able to play with my friends not random people and it glitches a lot which is annoying 😳 Once you defeat the main course everything else seems to easy so it lasted for about 4 or 5 days then I quit. The description for the game is a lie this game is about levels and stuff not real life getting pulled over by a cop that’s what I expected when I got it sadly they lied. I gave it a 2 star rate cause they lie on what it’s about and they need to fix many problems. Thank you for reading!
BYE ✌🏻
Wed Jan 11 2023 epod35It’s one of the most horribble car games for one there’s only like no one even playing and it’s just free riding where ever u want in a giant parking lot with ramps it’s stupid and it’s glitchy and bad and super boring soon as I got it played for a little while I deleted it cuz it’s stupid and dumb don’t buy this crap game till it’s updated. I thought this game was gonna be like driving lessons but the other being real people and them doing there lessons that’s what it shows anyway but it’s not cuz it’s JUNK So it should be fixed 👎🏽👎🏽👎🏽👎🏽👎🏽👎🏽👎🏽👎🏽👎🏽👎🏽👎🏽
My Honest Review on this game
Tue May 14 2024 fhjnutkkyu'yjtnrgbthmhtrbSo honestly this game is really fun but when I press like restart or “Main
Menu” theres and ad. It’s really is really fun with people that are interested in cars. But good job on the amount for the prices for the in game currency, it is really fair for the prices. One more thing, You should also add events bc they can win a free car or a free anything like a car, stickers,wheels, etc. Good Game🫡
Honest Review:
Sat Nov 06 2021 Kirbybros.This game is extremely fun, and has potential to become a absolutely fun game. However, there’s a lot of bugs and less stuff to do. That’s why I only give it a 4 star cause there are some things that need to be fixed. But I love how fun this game is, the ads aren’t extremely annoying either. Great concept and has phenomenal potential if they play their cards right.
Great game
Fri Aug 04 2023 Jesussavesbro112🤠But you need to update this now fix the map make cars get wrecked and when i try to change the wheel on the customize the car I press customize wheels and I buy a new wheel then I put it on the car then when I go into the sever it keeps the original wheels and it’s a scam but it’s good
Sun Feb 27 2022 gamer_2628Very good graphic. I loved the game but still there are issues such as i hit something transparent on the road when there was nothing… moreover coins were displayed again at the same place once collected which makes it easy to get money. Futhermore when we are using steering wheel mode, boost are difficult to use. But as i said it’s a great game. Real life mode such as clutch and manual gearbox would be appreciated as many people are loving that…