Annoying ads are too long and loud; override phone silencer
Mon Aug 08 2022 Fuzzy1drI absolutely love this game but I am about two seconds away from uninstalling it and never playing it again because I’m not willing to pay $10 to stop the ads. I often pay real money on this game and I’m not paying for your advertisement too. The Project Makeover ads and all ads from that company are annoyingly loud and there is no option to silence them. These ads override the phone’s ability to silence them and that is extremely rude of any company to do that. We don’t get options of which ads play, and if you already own the game in the ad you still cannot fast forward through it or silence it. These ads that sponsor this game need to be told that they are actually turning at least one person off. I refuse to download or play any game from any company that overrides one’s ability to silence their ads. Continue using to have ads such as these run on your game site makes your game not safe to play in a setting with other people around. Everyone around is forced to hear the sounds and music and it’s especially annoying when you have to watch the entire ad and then try it and some of them are longer than 90 seconds before the X shows up. Sometimes the same long ad plays several times in a row between levels, and it’s enough to make me shut off the game completely. Not paying $10 for ad free version…Otherwise I would give this game a 5 star review.
Keeps blacking out ! ! !
Mon Sep 20 2021 Maine Country GalLove the game but when I reached levels above 90 screen started randomly blacking out & when I restarted game I not only last my life but had to start all over again ! Also have bought lives AT LEAST FOUR times & because of above issue I have lost ALL of my lives after closing out & NEVER EVEN GOT TO MAKE ONE MOVE ! Would like my coins or lives back PLEASE. Would NOT recommend this game until it is FIXED really too bad because I really enjoyed this game until this all started happening! VERY FRUSTRATED Country Lady Seems as though somebody was paying attention to emails because WITHIN MINUTES THE PROBLEM SEEMED TO BE FIXED ! Hope it remains as such. Big KUDOS to whomever addressed the problem & a HUGE THANK YOU 👍👍👍👍👍! I LOVE YOUR GAME A VERY, VERY HAPPY Country Lady
NEW REVIEW !!! Very UNHAPPY I’ve been trying ALL day off and on and I can’t get game to load ! ! ! UNFORTUNATELY if someone doesn’t get this FIXED I will be forced to DELETE your app. I really like the app but there’s no sense keeping if I CAN’T PLAY IT ! ! !
PLEASE HELP ME and RESTORE the app so I once again can enjoy your app. Thank you for your time A VERY UNHAPPY Country Lady
Fri Feb 25 2022 Wittys4This is a fun game that has you planning sequence moves several steps ahead! For me I find it relaxing enjoyable. However, there are a couple things that are really annoying! Especially for a person who paid the $9.99 to remove the very long depressing ads! Once I did all of a sudden I was unable to complete a level. Which means either you watch an ad, pay 100 coins or start over!! Very suspicious. AND, receiving free helps (rocket,etc.) seem to have been reduced. LASTLY…ESPECIALLY since I paid for this game, why do I have to pay for the coins in the “piggy bank” since I’m the one that earned the coins by playing your game?!?! I find this a little greedy on your part! Perhaps, you could change the piggy bank that once a certain amount of coins (like 1200, seems fair) are earned the player automatically receive half and then have the option to purchase the balance. Then the bank goes back to zero whether balance purchased or not and the player starts filling it again. It would be a satisfying goal for the player and you can still have the satisfaction that some players will purchase the balance at a lower price. The piggy bank idea should be used across the board with all of your games. Oh, one more thing, how do I add my name to the game board? Settings is very basic and doesn’t even have a way to contact for help. Thank you for listening!
No Support
Fri Feb 02 2024 WelcomeHomeSWI love this game! It used to keep me entertained for an hour or more . but there’s one really annoying thing I don’t like when you first open the game each day it has a spinner and you can spend once for free but if you hit the button for spin again it makes you watch an ad. And the ad is really long and it has no timer and no way out you have to close the game and open it up again. That’s disgusting. Some days I’m just not in the mood to wait 45 seconds watching a stupid ad for something I’ve seen 50 times before and I DONT WANT. Also, I reached an impasse and I tried to purchase the bank of coins it shows the charge pending on my Apple Card but it doesn’t give me the coins in the game. So I went to the Apple store and I searched for this game and then I scroll down and then I clicked on the link that says “support” and all that does is take me to a website for promoting all their games (?) it doesn’t route me to any kind of support avenue. (Weee, our game is not working right… would you like to buy some other games that also don’t work and take your money?) The online world of virtual games has gotten to be a giant, greedy, Wild West of capitalism… BE WARNED, Pirates of the Play Store, there is a point at which we don’t take it anymore. There is a point at which we stop playing your game.
very fun game but issues
Sat Jun 03 2023 seiivaThis game is really fun to play. You level up quickly. And it’s super fun to see you pass all those other people. The only problem other people have is the ads. I don’t find anything wrong with them. In fact I enjoy them. But I still find it dumb that you guys add ads. I know it for advertising but still. I don’t think it’s worth it. People already post about how fun it is and addicting. It’s all over social media. My friend introduced this game to me. And I love it. Maybe not so much ads and we’ll be done with all the complaints. And the price you have for no ads are wait over the normal limit you shouldn’t even have to pay for it. This goes for every game like this. There’s nothing more wrong than the ads. There’s more problems for me personally. There’s the loading that takes decades. It just dosent wanna load. I know it’s not my bad wifi. But I sure do know it’s the games fault. Also it’s fact that you don’t get to decorate your background a lot. even if you have to level up. Still makes no sense. If you think that people like this. They don’t. There tired of the fact y’all put ads that no one wants to see. Then right after that y’all put more ads then expected other people to like it. and buy the “no ads”. Thanks for listening and reading. You’re welcome
I enjoy the game, just too many long commercials
Tue Jan 21 2025 namenotreleasedSome of the commercials, like that came with the king, commercials are way too long, like two minutes long. Rating low due to long game commercials and all the dishonest, FAKED, and scammer commercials and product’s. The fake and fraudulent commercial's regarding weight-loss gummies they claim Oprah supports will prevent me from playing at all if they are not removed by the end of the week. Overall they make us watch too many commercials, and the commercials are long and sometimes the long ones get stuck so you have to reboot the entire game. I also lost all my experience points recently due to an upgrade in the game. I contacted them and they wanted to know how I did that, when I didn’t do anything, but play the game, it was their upgrade that screwed it up, because I sent them screenshots proving that I had lost all my XP. I don’t play half as much sense that occurred because I was playing against my friends to see who can keep the highest score and win the most challenges, etc. and I automatically lost when the zeroed out my account and failed to return it to me.
Love it, In App Purchases Annoying
Fri May 24 2024 cubbybear46The game is super fun, and I did pay to remove the ads to support the developer. But the overwhelming push for in app purchases is insane. There’s literally a pack for $100 USD. That is nuts and this kind of pay to win stuff is what’s killing mobile games and why Apple Arcade is such a better option these days. You can dump more money into this game than you would buying a brand new new AAA title console game and that’s a shame. The ridiculous amount of “quests” and “tournaments” is overwhelming too, to the point where you can’t keep track of it. Unless I’m missing something, there’s also no longer an option to change the theme or color of the balls like there was way back when the game first came out. I’ve looked in all the settings and the option isn’t there anymore for customization which is unfortunate. All that said, the game is really well made, fun, and regularly maintained for bugs and glitches.
Good Gameplay but lots of bugs!
Fri May 31 2024 ankit111I really like the gameplay but recently I have started seeing lots of bugs in this game. The lives (hearts) used to restore if we did not play for a few hours, but now even if I open the app after 10 hours, the lives stay the same empty and the timer still says 28 minutes. What am I supposed to do? sit with the app open for the entire day with doing anything?
Also, there used to be a great option for continuing to play by watching an ad, which was also removed, now it makes it less interesting and just feel like deleting the app completely.
The team should at least focus on some ratio of how conservative they are in giving coins vs the coins needed for each thing! if you give just 5 coins for winning each game and take 100 coins for each rocket, then just know that its a very lame way of making people pay or make purchases. The purchases are also conservative $4.99 for a piggy bank? $1.99 just gives 250 coins? you need give better purchase value or else no one will ever buy.
Please fix this while we still have time or soon this wonderful game will start feeling boring and people will stop downloading it.
I uninstalled this game
Wed Aug 24 2022 #allmynamesarealreadyinuseIt is a fun game but the makers really do nickel and dime you. They want you to pay to collect coins you’ve earned and at higher level. you can only win Quests for purchases. The algorithms also change during the level races so that you are pressured into buying extra rockets etc. or moves to try and win. When I reached a very high level ( well over 2000) I discovered that it was impossible to pass the levels without having to constantly purchase rockets, bombs and color shuffles). When I eventually, I ran out of lives, I refused to spend money to advance and deleted the sp to begin again at level one. . The best way that I found to play this game is to not purchase the ad fee version, not break your piggy bank, stay away from the level races. rest your device down and do something during the ads so you don’t get frustrated and be prepared to have to delete it and to begin from scratch. Also collect all the free stuff that is offered. it builds your coins and arsenal up quickly and you do not have to rely on purchases to stay in the game.
Fun game but slow loading, buggy and it seems to change when you buy it.
Wed Dec 14 2022 hodgepodgeramaI play this game in free mode and enjoy it. Challenging but pretty easy to win. I recommend that you play it with the volume off because the ads are annoying and loud. It switches to and from ads very slowly, sometimes taking minutes and sometimes not reloading after ads at all so you have to exit the game and reload. Here’s the interesting part. My wife purchased the game and it seems totally different once purchased. Gifts and specials are less frequent. She is on the same levels as me and the levels seem harder, requiring extra power-ups/coins to win. I can’t be sure but it seems like the free version is a teaser and once you pay, they try to get you to pay more by making the game harder so you have to buy coins. That’s not cool. I am happy to support game creators by Paying a fair price for games but don’t be greedy. This is a good but slow loading $10 game. With all the other excellent games out there, this one isn’t worth $20.