Entertaining, but repetitive
Fri Jun 18 2021 Mrs. Steve HarringtonThis game is so fun. I got to level 120 on my first day of it being downloaded. It’s so addictive!!!!!! I stayed up until 1 playing it......
Ya, it’s super repetitive after a bit. I was on 188 and then 190 was the exact same level. Same situation with a couple other ones. I’ve seen a lot of reviews about it being annoying and how the levels don’t get harder, and I agree. But, I find this game calming. After a game gets harder, I get stressed, and then don’t wanna play the game anymore. So this is actually very convenient, and if you’re like me, then this game is for you.
I enjoy watching tv and playing games, so this game is perfect for a situation like that. Even though it sorta gets annoying after a bit and you want harder, complex levels later on to kinda reward yourself for accomplishing 200 levels, you don’t get that.
So, after all that, this game is time-passing, though it gets annoying, it’s very, very fun.
I used to be upset with the ads, and I still am, but what I used to avoid them is to turn off my cellular data and WiFi, so I don’t get ads. Because it is an offline game. So there is a very easy way to avoid the ad problem. Hope you read this all the way through, and I hoped it helped.
I like the game, but the ads are unbearable
Thu May 21 2020 Oni ChildI have had this game for a few weeks. I really adore the style of the game, and it is a great app if you just need to pass the time with minimal effort. The levels are all easy, albeit a bit repetitive. Like I said, if you are looking for something that won’t take much effort to clear your head, this game is great! However, it does come with a massive downside. The advertisements. While there does seem to be a way to buy your way out of the ads (something I can’t do because I can’t really afford to), the completely free version of this game is absolutely littered with them. I get an advertisement after every single level that I play. It becomes annoying very quickly to have to watch an advertisement and then click out of it as soon as I can. If it was an advertisement every 15 or 20 so levels, then I would likely be able to look past it with minimal complaint. However, after every level? It’s a bit ridiculous and makes me less inclined to keep playing.
On a side note, I like how you collect diamonds as you play through the game. What I don’t like, is the fact that there is really no where to spend the diamonds beyond the few customizable aspects of the game (all of which are very cheap and accomplished quickly). It almost defeats the purpose of having the diamonds as an element to the game.
All in all, the actual game is wonderful. The downsides of it and the incessant advertisements deplete it’s charm significantly.
Good game but alil bit of problems
Mon Feb 28 2022 paige girls subThis is a good game honestly however there’s some problems but before I tell you the problems I want to tell you how good the game is it’s really fun the levels are easy and u can unlock challenges with cool looking levels there soooo well done when u get to level 20 u unlock the levels and there’s a redone some are pretty hard and there’s alotttttt but besides that the games really awsome and really cool but here’s the thing like I said before there a problems one problem is the 2nd chances don’t work a lot I was playing the challenges and then I died so I used 2nd chance but it restated me I HAD TO WATCH A STUPID ADD FOR NOTHING but anyways 2nd problem glitched controls I was playing the game today and I kept dieing and dieing and I knew the 2nd chance whould not help so I was like noPe ur a scam 2nd chance and when I was playing I kept moving but it was glitching and then it moved when the thing was RIGHT INFRONT OF ME and I died this made me almost delete the game so beware most of these happen on challenges so that why I don’t do challenges no more but it’s still really fun hope u have fun
Great Game...BUT
Thu Mar 11 2021 BeesBabyI got this game after seeing an AD pop up on a different app and it looked interesting... the idea is to color entire area without being hit by moving/solid boxes (or you running into yourself) ... after a couple of screens an AD will pop up, which you have to watch till you’re able to close it... after a week of the ADS popping up I decided to support the developers and purchased the game to remove the ADS and it really made the game much more enjoyable.
Now here is why I rated it 4 stars and the BUT in the subject: I now have an annoying banner on top of the screen stating “Support us by allowing data sharing “ that is covering the level your at and how many diamonds you have collected and there is no way to remove that banner unless you allow data sharing, which I DON’T want to do...for I already supported them by purchasing the game!
If the developers will get rid of that banner I’ll update my rating to 5 stars.
The worst game ever
Mon May 18 2020 em2121212121I hate game so much I just don’t like it it’s really really bad and I biotics it looked fun and then there was just so many ads they just kept on coming and coming and coming and coming and then I just didn’t like the game anymore and I And I play it not That often because it’s just like the worst game in if you get this game then just don’t get it it’s because the reviews before he gets games I did that in unbelievable and I should’ve believed them because I didn’t and then I got this game and I I hated it so you should look at the reviews before you get games because the people are mostly right I didn’t think they were right so I got the game and I mean this game is like it’s not what you think it is on the ad it looks fine it looks like like everything but it’s kind of stupid they make you do like that little thing first and then you just keep to do the big one but it’s why don’t you just let them do the big one in us to the big one when you do the big one it gets funner because like but when you die there are so many ads so many ads it’s like you just can’t have that money and you can’t can’t do that all at all it’s so so boring to watch all these ads all of them and it’s boring really boring
Why i gave this game 4/5.
Fri Dec 17 2021 -The anonymous personHonestly this is a great game but the reason i gave it a 4/5 is because after a while the levels are kind of repetitive with the puzzle and it’s kind of just “One block at a time” and that is pretty annoying . But other than that small “Mistake” i think this is an amazing game, relaxing and fun. Those are some of the reasons i like and dislike this game but overall i gave it 4 out of 5 which is a pretty good amount of stars. And realistically all the stars are probably going to be in between 3 and 5 which is pretty good if you count the majority. But anyway this is a great game and I definitely think YOU (the person who is reading this, Yeah you.) should get this game. It doesn’t cost a scent and is pretty fun, so get this game and I’ll keep playing it.
Thank you for reading through that i really appreciate it so Thank You
-The anonymous person
Its okay, but here’s some ideas...
Thu Jul 02 2020 Kelsey_MacI downloaded this game honestly only because the ad for it popped up SO. MANY. TIMES when I was playing my other apps. I like it... i mean, it’s okay I guess. I just wish it had sound. Maybe you could add a little clicking noise when the blocks (or whatever you call them🤪) break. Or a sound like glass shattering. Maybe it’s just me, but I don’t like a silent game. But even if some people don’t want sound, they can just mute their phone :3 Also you could add a little upbeat background music.
Another thing is all the ads. I mostly put my phone on airplane mode or play it while i’m on the rode so that don’t have to tango (idk😂) with all the annoying pop up ads. I guess pretty much any free game has ads, so just use my little tip. Put your phone on airplane mode while playing.
Other than that, it’s a fun game. I play it a lot when I’m just sitting around the house:)
I know this review is long, but thanks for reading!
Worst. Game. Ever.
Wed Feb 26 2020 EVIL DUOLINGO BIRDHello! Let get started ROASTING THIS GAME! So, every time you die, the game gives you an option to continue for an ad. Sometimes I click on the ”No thanks” button and it still plays an ad! When I think I accidentally clicked on the ”Continue” button, at the end of the ad, I'm back to the first level!!!! So, you're better off just clicking the continue button. Another thing is that the levels don't get any harder to complete. I'm literally at level 500 or something. Last, and definitely not least annoying, The challenges button. The Challenges button will be at the top of the screen when you get to a certain level- or when you download the game or something, And when you click on it, Almost impossible levels come up. I've been stuck on one of the challenge levels for 2 MONTHS. Thanks for read and please fix this, App Creators!
Cool concept but this many adds?
Fri Jan 15 2021 ZeitheiosAnother cool concept for a game, but it’s made by creators that only want to make money off of the ads. It’s like you don’t even put yourself into the players perspective. How would you feel about the amount of ads you had to sit through if you played your own game? You beat the first half of the level, ad, you beat the second half of the level, another ad. Like seriously, you’re that desperate about making money you make a crap game with a really cool concept, and then destroy it with ads ads and more ads. This is the reason I hate downloading apps off of the App Store. Apple legit lets anyone make a game and post it on here and fill it full of ads. I understand that creators of games need to make money from ads, but if you aren’t using that money to better your game, then you shouldn’t be making content. You shouldn’t make the user sit through ads 85% of the time they are playing a game. Put yourself in the players perspective and think about. This is straight theft of people’s time.
Ugh! Challenge levels!
Thu Dec 23 2021 D.MineO.S.I love the fun aspects of the game, but I hate the way that the “death blocks” move in the challenge levels! Also, there are two other aspects that I hate about this game: the lack of power-ups and the controls. Sometimes, when you’re close to a “death block grouping,” you would have to move your block fast, which often fails sometimes! This failure owes to the controls that, even when used urgently to avoid the “death block grouping,” perform miserably at those levels! The challenge levels should be reprehensible until power-ups can be implemented; therefore, this part of the game is not relaxing at all! You need to radically rewrite and recode a few parts to add some more exciting ideas to the challenge levels! Those exciting ideas are the ones that I desire to be implemented by the developers and programmers: a slower moving speed for the player’s block, and a series of power-ups that can make players get through the challenge levels!