Cookie addict.
Wed Nov 27 2019 MmmmmmeeeeemmmmeeeeThis game is like trouble: it’s easy to get into but hard to get out of. You shouldn’t play this if you get addicting to things easily: you will be playing it every single day. And all you have to do is to click the cookie. Simple, right? Wrong. There is so many upgrades, so many power ups, etc, etc that it’s not simple. It’s a complex game that hooks you to towards it’s sweet, crispy, yet simple exterior, but it’s interior is a complex network of different things.
This game is a cookie. You see it, it looks crispy, simple, and sweet. You bite into it and be amazed. Everything a cookie could have inside it is inside it, peanuts, M&Ms, pecans, almonds, chocolate chips, and many more. You suddenly can’t stop biting into now under further inspection, the endless cookie. You go over layers and layers of it’s goodness, soft and chewy, yet somehow crispy too. It’s starting to become a very unhealthy craving, and you try to stop. But to your luck you cannot, you’re hooked to see the end of the cookie. And if there even is an end is debatable. See what I mean?
Love the game but needs a update
Fri Dec 25 2020 xXConnor4RealXxMy friend loves to play cookie clicker two but there’s just a bunch of stuff you got to do. So I just don’t wanna deal with THAT!I’ll get this I love to play with my friends and my friend that loves it sometimes I invite him over here to my house in like three times he’s been playing the game then he runs in the house saying COOKIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And shove his iPad in my face and I told him not to stop but he won’t anyway enough about my friend this app is just amazing but everything is so expensive like I have to watch an ad just to get like 2 billion cookies and I think that’s not really worth it I mean since I bought the cookie virus like 10,000 times and I cost us a couple trillion cookies and I don’t wanna give me a couple cookies and helps me out a little so please get rid of the virus cookie look I’m in 17 place in like the best players in like one of the worlds out there and cookies clicker and I just think that the game is really lag since I do have a really old iPadAnd then I am clicking clicking so fast that I end up buying like nine time raps and then at least a lot of my account money so please make it so you can keep more control over your iPad or iPhone or whatever you’re playing on still great game bye!!
A review
Sun Mar 27 2022 Juliet EspinoOk so I had this game for 3 days and I am addicted I usually play in my spare time and the daily rewards and the fact you can get more cookies just by a video is amazing. I like this game tho I want a auto clicker that’s like extremely over powered so the way there are clickers going up. I really liked the fact about the reviews on the top and this funny this happened so I was playing minding my own business about the reviews the I saw a review and it mentioned the power click and I went to my shop to get more auto clicks but I saw the power clicker so I was like it got mentioned and it was just there right after i ended up admiring it but I didn’t touch it that this is expensive even tho I am almost up to 500,000 so i really never got the auto clicker instead i admired the power clicker then I ended up leaving the shop and kept on clicking this game is amazing tho there’s only a little adds like I hope whoever is reading this gets this game and appreciates it tho don’t use it to much or you might just get an addiction well this is the end of my review but anyways bye have a great day/afternoon/evening/night bye !
Thu Feb 28 2019 MyJobisTakingCareofMyKids101Me and my two children absolutely looooooove this game. It’s family friendly and super fun. My youngest daughter always likes to play with her eyes closed and her Iphone1 off. One thing I would change is that I would make the invisibility mode a little bit easier to find because every time I look at their phone I can’t find the app on it though I know that they play it because I read some articles that say all the cool kids are playing cookie clickers. I know my kids are cool because my son has straight A’s and has won the spelling bee for the past five years. My daughter also has straight A’s and has tons of friends. Her best friend she said is named Hermione. So if anyone know Hermione Granger please tell her that my daughter really is glad that your her friend. Next I’d have to say that I would like it if the game was just a little more family friendly. My baby plays it sometimes and now she’s having tantrums. There could be no other explanation of how she learned to cry other than cookie clickers. I hope that the person who made Cookie Clickers will take my ideas to heart. Salutations as all the kids are saying.
Wed Feb 28 2024 rtyhvghthI love this game a lot ever sense my cousins brought up the name cookie clicker, one day my cousin said “ want to play cookie clicker?” I said “ sure…. But one question?” My cousin said “ what?” I said “what is cookie clicker?” My cousin said “ you don’t know what cookie clicker is!” I said “ no idea “ my cousin said “ I’ll show you it” she grabs her moms computer gets the password in and then she looks up cookie clicker she was at 30,000 cookies not that much and she said “ this is cookie clicker and you click on the cookie, ok easy right, I’m going to assign you a job look for a floating cookie ok!” And so I was looking around for a floating cookie around the screen that I didn’t know what do to with. 2 days later I come back to her house and there was a big surprise she was at 33m cookies… and what made her want to get over a million cookies is this thing because it said that her café ( her café is named no creeps allowed it’s kinda weird right lol ) anyways it said the no creeps allowed café wouldn’t make 2 million cookies in a life time she proved that wrong in 2 days she obviously addicted. Anyways thank you for reading this and bye bye
The browser?
Sun Jun 16 2024 ITA2 fanOk so this game is really REALLY repetitive unlike the browser one it felt like it had soul this one is just bad the quality is not as good such as the cookie graphics and to be honest the browser was much more fun because of golden cookies and yes I know they are in this game but they are not good sure they give you cookies but on browser it gave you random effects unlike this one the ONLY THING they do is give cookies and there are a ton of them so it does not really feel exciting because there are so much but in the browser it felt exciting and worth the wait BUT don’t even get me started on the cards that you need to upgrade your clicks and other things this is just a really bad game I do not recommend this game instead play the better browser one but shall I mention a few more things? The achievements in the browser OH MY GOD it felt sooooo good to get one and by working for them you can get more cookies because of the cats this game however is just a bad mobile rip off and since it’s mobile you know what that means? TONS OF ADS TO GET BOOSTS AND ADS INGAME overall over everything I have said do not get this game it’s bad and only just a rip off of a game that’s free 1000x better and mostly a cash grab!
4 and a half stars
Sat Apr 27 2024 xXvinicityXxIk I rated this 5 stars but idk how to rate it 4 and a half stars, anyway this game is very addicting and I love it though it can be annoying sometimes when you lose all your golden cookies and can’t get upgrades but I got used to it, this game is more recommended for the people who have lots of time or almost no time at all, let me explain. This game is good for people who have lots of time because they can just grind all day since it’s so addicting, it also good for people who have almost no time at all because of the constant upgrades you get everyday and also the feature that you get cookies offline as well, so overall it’s a good time waster for people who have time and just a fun game in general for people who don’t really have much time.
Im in college- owned it since middle school
Thu Feb 10 2022 jsbananabaI remember around 7th grade my friend told our friend group about this game and it slowly spread out to our entire school. At one point in time, the majority of students were walking around tapping on their cookie screens trying to achieve that sweet chocolate milk booster. It died out the next year as most trends do, but I never deleted it. I threw it in the back of my screen slides and would check on it every couple months or so. After about a year of not checking it, I just returned. It inspired me to write this review and I hope that to anyone who is thinking about getting this game, you may find it might stick the rest of your life with you.
Thank you.
Why did they rework the numbers for this game
Sat Dec 16 2023 Swagmaster1216This game used to be very satisfying and it wasn’t easy but it also wasn’t hard to obtain a high cookie per second count. However, ever since they reworked the number of cookies per second it basically lowered mine in half and that is just ridiculous. I have been playing this game for 6 years now and all my hard work has gone down the drain. I don’t think it is right for this change to affect the work I have done throughout the years. It also does not help that there are a million ads and microtransactions that frankly seem very predatory to me. I implore people to not play this game anymore because they basically made it impossible to rank up and get a high cookie per second count. Moreover, they completely ruined the golden cookie shower and you can not even use golden cookies to purchase upgrades. It’s complete nonsense to me and they should have just kept the game the way it was. DO NOT GET THIS GAME.
Golden cookies
Mon Apr 15 2024 Imagine 77Could we get more in game use for golden cookies. I.e (time warps, chocolate milk, auto-clicker, double cps) while I believe the game is at a good pace, I believe adding more golden cookie use will give the player more incentive to play the game and strive to get more cookies. While making it more competitive in the leaderboard. I have noticed that to get higher in the leaderboard is pay-to-win. I believe adding some features that you can pay with golden cookies, would eliminate some of the pay-to-win placement in the leaderboard. While the only way to get higher placement is to play, I believe to the players who don’t have a whole lot of time to leave their phone running it would benefit them.