Definitely a step up from Puzzle World
Sat Mar 16 2024 Zoe yeetOh boy where do I even start? This game is amazing! The people they got to voice act the new characters is just splendid. The story is also amazing from how far I’ve gotten. The game play is simple, and fun! I have gotten far within the past day, and OH MAN does it get hard. The level is either too difficult, or you have too little moves. But games get harder as you go, so I shouldn’t rate this less because of that. But yes, this is the most amazing blockbuster game I have seen, and it’s always going to be from the one who delivers: Devsisters. (Fun fact: Did you know that the jack-o-lanterns are from Puzzle World?)
Amazing! Just a few tiiiiny problems!
Sat Mar 16 2024 A.B.L.SEver since I discovered Cookie Run, I have absolutely loved it from the designs to the lore to the gameplay. And this new game is just amazing! I only have a few issues that could be fixed. One thing is the rewards. When you play and get rewards, it doesn’t really give you a lot to work with. Like, the gacha is 1000 coins, yet the max you can get from completing a level is around 200 coins max, so you really have to grind in order to roll once. The other problem I have is the level difficulty. Some of these levels get hard out of nowhere. I’ve only got stuck on two levels: a few levels right before the boss battle between the sheriff, and level 68. I’m stuck on level 68 bc there is simply either A) too many things to collect or B) not enough moves to complete it. I even used up all of my sidebar tools, and yet it didn’t do much. These issues are small, and completely understandable for a game that had just released a couple days ago.
But, with these issues, this game has massive potential like the others before it!
Fun but gameplay loop needs tweaks (3.5/5)
Sat Mar 16 2024 jaypunnyThe first 90 levels are extremely fun, I hardly lost at all but the levels had some difficulty and getting special combos was so satisfying!
Now maybe I might just be bad but it felt like there was such a sudden skill curve. The game is very unforgiving since by winning multiple times in the row you get starting power ups but if you lose that all goes away. Typically later levels 100+ will be painfully draining to the point you’ll know if you win or lose within the first couple of turns.
The satisfying levels become a lot less common but they now feel like a breath of fresh air compared to everything else. Getting new cookies is now incredibly difficult simply because the rng system in old cookie run games allowed you to draw directly from the available cookies however here you have to roll for a chance to get a cookie then if you do roll a cookie another gacha begins where you might not even get a new cookie at the very minimum.
The game would be infinitely better if every level had maybe 10 more turns (and even then not all levels need that just the unforgivable ones), and the gacha system needs to feel more controlled because as of now it’s just upsetting rolling, finally getting enough points for a cookie gacha, and landing on soulstones
TLDR: gameplay loop is fun but can be unforgiving and gacha system is too random to be enjoyable
Try the Game out! (At your own discretion)
Fri Mar 15 2024 Penguin770As a long time fan of the Cookie Run franchise, I was really excited to see another game for me to try out. I do admit at first, I was suspicious on a puzzle type game for this after Cookie Run: Puzzle World, and I was pleasantly surprised to see they handled this really well! There are a few problems though, namely the Difficulty Spike, the Gacha, and Life Potions.
The game is really easy at first, but gets really hard really fast (namely, the difficulty spike is around Level 60.) And they don’t give you much moves over time, and the heart system makes it way worse.
The Life Potions feel really useless, as the only “real” way to get them without spending diamonds are the decors, and they’re finite, and don’t give out a lot. It would have been way better for the skills to charge up as the level goes on, but that’s my opinion.
And finally, the gacha, which is probably the stupidest thing in this game. The rolling thing is really stupid and makes it really hard to even get a common soulstone. As of typing this, I literally only have the 3 cookies the game gives you for free. I really hope they rework the gacha soon.
But overall, the game is really good the fun, and has really good artstyle, and I’m hopeful for the game’s future.
A lot of potential
Sat Mar 16 2024 Mandrew08I’ve really enjoyed this game so far! I think the story is intriguing and I like the aspect of building rooms and such. I play a lot of puzzle games similar to this one, and I would say that I feel the levels get pretty complicated fairly early on in the game— not even in the normal way of providing a challenge, but more of a “i’m required to purchase more turns to get close to winning” type of difficulty.
So my biggest concern is just the difficulty of the levels. Obviously it’s good to have a challenge, however every single level past a certain point feels way too hard. Aside from this, though, I’m really enjoying the game! I’m already close to level 200, now i’m just struggling each level along the way 😅
Cookie Run never fails to deliver!
Fri Mar 15 2024 MandMRuttAs a fan of the Franchise since Summer of 2021, It’s amazing and quite inspiring the flow of amazing content out to all these games! I’ve been playing Cookie Run : Kingdom and Cookie Run : Ovenbreak since Mid-Late 2022 and haven’t stopped since! These games are so fun! The story and plot always gets me hooked along with the fun characters! I’ve made over 20 fan ocs for the franchise, sunk tons of cash into the games, and have gotten hooked on the gameplay every single time, this time is no different! Cookie Run : Witches Castle a amazing puzzle game I would highly recommend to anyone who loves the genre! I can’t wait to see what happens next! - Audrey
Places for Improvement
Fri Mar 15 2024 TwixdoesstuffHello! I have been playing this app for about a day now and am unable to progress past level 100. I think this game got too difficult too quickly. There are too many tasks and not enough moves to finish them in within some levels unless you buy extra power ups. Cookie powers take up too much resources to refill and you can't use any of them if you use it all up. The decoration aspect of the game is interesting and the gacha is silly. I don't like how there is one gacha for a bunch of little things. Otherwise the game is super cute, it would just do better if it were less pay to win! Can you believe the season pass is $9.99 usd?? The season pass for Cookie Run: Kingdom is only $4.99 usd. Make it make sense please.
Cute lil game
Sat Mar 16 2024 MattitapI am a cookie run content creator, and I have to say that this game is most enjoyable for someone like me who has a low attention span most of the time. Maybe not so much let’s play material, but more like those mobile games that you play on long road trips, which only makes me love it even more. The beautiful art style combined with the great lore/storyline and gameplay makes this game fun for me. The only issue I have, or rather with any cookie run game, are the in-app purchases. In my opinion, this season pass isn’t worth 10 bucks, but that’s really all I’m worried about. In my book, this is a 9/10, would recommend.
Love it so far <3
Fri Mar 15 2024 BOI FIX THIS GLITCHI’ve had cookie run kingdom for about two years, and so when they announced this was coming out I was super excited! The whole witch vibe is nice, and new characters are slaying as well. The only thing is that there are a few bugs for me? For example, when I try to claim the daily awards for day 2, it says an error has occurred. Other than that, my only other issue is that it is so hard to get cookies compared to cookie run kingdom and oven break. Maybe it’s just my bad luck? Anyways- great game!
its good but
Fri Mar 15 2024 btwI'm_maxI love the animation and how lively the game is i mean the brought back gingerbright zombie AND DOZER we haven’t seen dozer in a while but i honestly don't like the gacha system i think its to hard to get cookies at least at the start of the game and the puzzles are just to easy honestly like a 5 year old can probably beat it the have 2 ways to fix the gacha in my opinion number 1 would be just scrap this one and get kingdoms or they could add a milage i think that could make it better im not mad at the new gacha after all its creative so i think the milage would be better.