A really great game! But..
Fri May 31 2024 potatosthebest2022I love this game and BeatStar but.. with the song cases you need to make it so you can open more than one at once it will help so people can play more songs at a time. Again, I really love this game except for that one minor problem! I hope you consider my opinion and make the game so you can get more than one case at a time so then you don’t have to wait as long as usual also pls make BeatStar faster and make it so you can open more than one song case at a time! I really love this game it is amazing and I hope you consider my opinion because I feel it will make the game better but I am still giving it five stars because I love it so much. Thank you BeatStar and Country Star for being amazing I hope you will do the things I talked about and then the games will be even more amazing then they already are. 🥔🥔🥔🥔🥔🥔🥔🥔🥔🥔🥔🥔🥔🥔🥔🥔🥔🥔🥔🥔🥔🥔🥔💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜 - 𝚙𝚘𝚝𝚊𝚝𝚘
Beatstar but for country, but same long ads and microtransactions
Mon Oct 30 2023 bgroodogI’ve put in a couple of hours of casual play. First though, really not sure why this game exist when it’s just a country focused Beatstar. No changes outside of that at all, except they changed the way the notes fall towards you at a bit more of an angle. Not a fan, makes it more difficult to get the notes just right at times. Overall, it’s a fun and engaging game. Even at normal level the songs can be challenging. Not a whole lot of repetitive moves but there is enough familiar motions in each so so that it’s not unbearable challenging for a casual player. Yes, there are ads, but only if you want to play more then 3 songs at a time or do extra side item/etc. I will say the ads are absolutely unbearable so I often just select an ad and do something else for a minute or two and come back to it. Micro-transactions a sore point. Mostly because to really enjoy the game at all you will need gems. They give you a laughable 5 a day for free… Miss one note in the song? Can’t continue till you spend some gems. It gets to unbearable at higher level songs, which I mostly just avoid playing now. Also, even if you buy the season pass, you STILL have to worry about timed events and micro-transactions to progress. Pretty awful if you ask me. Other than that, it’s been fun. Good for a try, or if you plan to only play a couple of songs a day. Will be expensive if you want to be competitive.
Sink and audio issues make playing difficult
Wed Jan 03 2024 Wren421This would be a fun game if the audio didn’t digitize and slow down every 10 minutes. I don’t think this has anything to do with my tablet since I don’t have this problem with any other program or game. But it seems like after every other ad — and my god, there are far too many ads in this thing — starts to drag, digitize, and otherwise just sound like crap. This throws the video queues off, so you end up being frustrating.
And then there is the number of ads. Ridiculous. I understand games have to monetize through ad revenue, but there’s a point where it becomes counterproductive for everybody. I feel like I spend more time waiting for ads to finish then I do actually playing the game. And, specifically, I am sick to death of the Rpyal Match ads. At this point, if it was the ONLY game available and my only other option was a root canal without anesthesia, I take the root canal. Every time I see an ad for it, it just makes me not want to download it even more. The rest of the ads are not quite so obnoxious, and I’m willing to put up with them for the sake of free play, just not after every other tap
I’ve decided to delete the game, both because of the ad issue, and the audio issue. the concept is great, and I have found some interesting new country music I did not know about, but it’s just not worth the frustration
Two months review from a top 5 player
Thu Oct 26 2023 femiairboy94I downloaded this game the moment it was released. Let me start by saying I’m a decent player, I have one diamond perfect song and about 68 diamonds out of 74 total songs. I’ve been playing for over 2 months now. At the core of it, this game can be fun if you’re able to oversee certain issues. The mechanics of this game is not consistent. For example, I can easily get a diamond on a hard song and struggle to get a platinum on a basic song. THE MOST IRRITATING FEATURE OF THIS GAME ARE THE ADS, you watch for everything. The moment you finish a song an ad pops up. The game play is unforgiven, You missed one title while playing? Just pay gems or Watch an ad to continue, for certain people this can be very frustrating. You want 2 extra cards for “free”? Here’s an ad. Im not against a company trying to make money especially when the base package is free but this is just ridiculous, even if you pay for the tour pass premium which is about $12, it doesn’t give you unlimited play, absolutely ridiculous. You pay the pass just to get songs. I’m glad I didn’t pay for it. The developer will not read this review, Supercell barely does. It’s been a fun ride but this is my stop.
Two stars
Thu Nov 16 2023 Ashley112345I’m writing my review today as I’ve reached out to the techs of this game for this reason once before and something need to change…. It’s a very fun game I’ve been playing for a few months now along with my family. But I’m here to say don’t waste your time on the events that you receive the tokens in if you don’t plan on getting on every time it tell you something available. I’m a mom of three kids and my youngest is 17 months so realistically picking up my phone when the game goes off isn’t always an option for me. So do to that I’ve lost tokens because the event is closed/no longer available. at this point, I feel like we should still be allowed to spend our tokens or our token should be converted into points towards our song boxes as getting new songs to play gets to be a challenge itself. I know this is just my opinion and many people will probably just scroll past but in the world we live in today $10 a month to get the extras isn’t worth it to me I’ve got kids and random expenses that could pop up at any time Thanks and have a great day.
Finally a Great Game for Country Music!
Tue Sep 26 2023 Nickname123451qFirst off, I am so glad there’s finally a good game for country music. I know there are people that will complain about their genre not being included, but that doesn’t matter. Country fans like myself are typically super passionate about country music, and couldn’t care less about the other genres. That’s why having this focused game is so cool.
The game itself is also soooo smooth. I haven’t had any problems with glitches, and the ads are not distracting at all. I’ve played similar games before but always struggled because I didn’t know many of the songs. Now, I can enjoy playing banger after banger from the comfort of my blue recliner. The events and daily shuffles keep things interesting, as well as trying to beat my high score.
Now for some slight criticism. I find it atrocious that the trashy David Morris song Carrying Your Love is in the game (no offense) but nothing by George Strait. I wish there was a way to delete a song from my game so it doesn’t pop up in those events anymore. It’s the only song I play on mute. I know the game is brand new, so I hope you will provide plenty of George Strait songs in the near future. After all, you can’t have a game about country music without the King!
Overall, absolutely wonderful and much needed game to market to country music fans like myself. Hats off, Grady Smith.
Countrystar > Beatstar And Here's Why.
Sun Dec 31 2023 TheDakotaHartmanI love both of these games, but there's a reason why Countrystar gets 5/5 rating and Beatstar get a 4/5.
1 have no complainants, other than one beautiful detail that Countrystar has to offer that unfortunately, Beatstar fumbles on and could easily be recovered.
Countrystar has a a slight different Fret/ Tile Safe Zone than Beatstar. It's more beneficial, because it allows the user to concentrate on one safe zone (Perfect +), whereas Beatstar has a small black safe zone inside of an faint outlined safe zone.
I find it very useful, for I now Diamond almost every song, first try as I unlock them in Countrystar. It's more enjoyable because songs I know like that back of my hand on Beatstar, are twice as hard for me to get a Diamond on Beatstar.
To this day I still haven't achieved a Diamond on any song in Beatstar. Matter of fact, I can play a few Beatstar songs, start to finish with my eyes closed.
I believe this, what may look like a minor detail, be a game changer for the game. I also believe, that detail would potentially make Beatstar a 10/5 rating from me, surpassing Countrystar by a long ways.
I love the variety of songs to choose from in Beatstar and would love to be able to enjoy it more, for im trying to Diamond every song in Countrystar right now.
Make this change then
Take My Money!!!!
I wish I liked this game
Mon Oct 02 2023 Jsquared-imtNever played a mobile version of this style of game. Used to play guitar hero on the xbox and never played beatstar so wasn’t sure what to expect. So first few days you get enough gems to make the game tolerable but once you run out you can’t play this game casually. I am not going to sweat through ads to learn the hard or extreme difficulty songs because every time you miss a single press or swipe you have to spend gems to keep going. I got to 30ish songs in my library and it seems like song acquisition is going to come in at a snails pace.
Also after 5 songs you have you guessed is spend more gems or watch ads to keep playing. By far one of the most anti casual mobile games I have ever played. Also really wish there was some aspect of playing on airplane mode even of no progression was giving I could play a few select songs. The only thing good about this game is the song selection is top tier as you have something for just about any type of country fan. But today I uninstalled this game.
More Songs/Artists, Play More at Once, and Less Ads
Tue Nov 21 2023 sara matykaThis is a great game! I a hard-core country fan and had hard times with other games because I don’t know the songs. Although, they are missing some great artists and songs; Kylie Morgan, Tyler Hubbard, More Kelsea Ballerini, More Hailey Whitters, Walker Hayes, etc. There are also SO MANY ADS! After every song, I get an ad! I don’t mind having to watch ads for stuff if it wasn’t for the pop-up ads. Also, I think we should be able to play more songs at once. It’s really annoying that I can only play 3-4 songs before I have to stop! I hope you would take my feedback for the better to improve on your game. I really think this game could become very popular if you take these thing into consideration.
A Player
Great Game, but i do have some issues
Sat Dec 09 2023 Emily KempI love this game so much! from the music options, to having no ads. it’s almost the perfect game!
the one issue i have, is that after a bit of playing. you have to wait 3 hours to “open a case”, and the only way to skip the wait time is buy having gems… and the only way to have gems is either by spending money on the game, or leveling up (but, you can’t level up without playing… and you can’t play if you you have to unlock cases) .
i understand that a game, especially one that’s high in demand, needs to be able to make money! I just wish that their was more of an unlimited play to the game. you can play about 3 songs before having to wait another 3 hours… and it’s kinda annoying.