Challenging yes ! Boring and lacking ? Hell No !
Mon Jun 25 2018 Des1952!I have tried many other games and Criminal Case is the only one that I have gained proficiency at in the way of the complexity of the cases, the variety of scenarios and the diversity of characters. I have Parkinson's disease and I find my brain benefiting from this game. I don't sleep more than 3-4 hours at a stretch and consequently I am up in the middle of the night playing. This allows me to play more over the span of a day than most people. I love recommending this game to family and friends. It relieves some of the stress that comes with everyday living and allows me to escape into a world that is highly organized and fun to play. I also liked the videos because I did download many other games that I was not aware of earlier. I'm going to keep my rating at 5 stars because I still like the game immensely but it just needs a little tweaking. I’ve been playing for over 3 years and now play Mysteries of the Past as well as Save the World. I just can’t seem to get enough of Criminal Case. The roulette wheel is ingenious. Thank you so much.
Pls let me play without starting over!
Fri Dec 14 2018 katabug0303Both me and my mom love to play this game. However I don’t play all the time so I haven’t been keeping up with all the episodes. My mom has and she has been able to play Pacific Bay, Worlds Edition, Mystery’s of the Past all from one app. I got done with Grimsborough and want to move on to Pacific Bay but when I do I have to download a separate app to do so. I wouldn’t mind this if all my progress like my level, my avatar, my pet, my money, and my rings came with me. They don’t and I have to start over from square 1 again. Can you pls fix this to were those of us who want start at Grimsborough can play through the story without having to start as a rookie again every time we move to a new episode! Or at least put a progress sync or something in the other apps that will let us sync our progress from the other games. If people want to start at Pacific Bay fine, but don’t punish those who want to start the story from the beginning! I have tried to email you about this problem twice already and got the same generic “Check the FAQ” response. I want to continue to play this game as I love it, but I don’t want to start over and get a tutorial when I know what to do. Pls listen to your fan base and do something about this!
Disappointed with Criminal Case
Tue Feb 06 2018 PurplezetteI have been playing these games for years, especially the first one created. I play it on my iPad mini. I have had so many issues with it crashing. I counted at least 25 videos that I watched to receive energy and I never received it. The screen would go black, gray or white and then crash. The same goes for watching videos for cash, but I only counted 12. There were 3 times that I spent $5000 on a round of investigation and it crashed while I was playing, so there went that money. I'm beyond frustrated. I have tried several times to follow the instructions given in the troubleshoot. It's horrible that they send you a message saying that this is going to be the only contact that you receive from us. What happened to talking to real people and getting help with a problem? I rarely play the games anymore. I've put so much time and effort into it that I'm torn. I really do not want to shut it down and lose all my progress. I definitely think this game and its makers/customer service has several issues to work on. Your players are committed to playing your game, please be committed to helping them when they have an outrageous number of errors.
I tried playing it on my iPhone but it takes me back to near the beginning of the game. I can't even sync my devices to be at the same place in the game. Would love some help!
I love this game!!
Mon Aug 07 2017 Don't play fluff friendsCriminal case is so fun, even though the prices to buy energy and all that is expensive, you don't really need it. Just play until you run out of energy and then go do something else. That aside, I love this game! It's challenging and fun. Each case is unique and it's fairly realistic as to what really happens as far as motives and how everything plays out. If your looking to be a detective and love puzzles then this is for you! You can solve puzzles in your forsenic kit, find items at the crime scenes, switch around the scenes like a puzzle, and upgrade your character, dogs, and earn more energy. I don't really have much else to say except try it. Now, I know a lot of these reviews are written my middle aged women, but I'm 13 and many of my friends love this game as much as I do! The feeling you get when you solve a case is so special and fun and it makes me want to do more, just be patient and wait for your energy to refill! Download and try it for yourself!!!
Daily bonus glitches, no way to get in contact with tech support
Thu Sep 05 2019 Ted5ter 18I love all versions of the Criminal Case series and have been playing them for years. They are my favorite games. However there are glitches that appeared a few days ago with daily bonuses, watching videos for 20xp and $2000, and trophies for pets growing up. None of them are working. You get the first daily bonus spin but the extra spins after watching videos don’t work, it stalls on the screen every time. I have had pets grow up in Criminal Case, Pacific Bay and Conspiracy and did not receive the trophies, ie 4 out of 7 and 7 out of 10 grew up, didn’t get the trophies. My cookies are cleared and I have a great WiFi connection. I have tried to contact support and only get the canned response to look at their suggestions to fix, ie get rid of cookies and check WiFi, already done, there’s no way to actually contact a person in tech support for issues not addressed in canned responses. I have no idea if they are aware of these new issues since their canned responses don’t work for these issues. If these issues were fixed I would definitely give a five star review.
Just not worth the hassle
Sat Jan 27 2024 asaidsymI played this game maybe 7ish years ago, and recently downloaded it again. As far as i remember, it was pretty entertaining. However I hate how the game is structured. The energy point system is annoying, but overall tolerable, but it takes so long to advance in the game, so much to the point where I ultimately lose interest. I enjoy the whole idea of the game and what it has to offer, but again, takes soooo long to advance. You get 120 energy, and the only way to make that capacity more is to pay $12 a month for it. Around the same for a netflix subscription, so your capacity and capabilities in the game are always limited without the subscription. And by far the most annoying thing is that when you earn stars, they’re only for that one case, and can’t be used on others. As soon as found that out, I deleted the app. It’s fun, if you’re okay playing very sparingly, but you can play for maybe 20-30 minutes every couple hours. I like when TV shows make me wanting and waiting for more, not an ios game. Anyway, that’s my take. Do with it what you will.
Best game ever
Tue Dec 15 2020 DebbieH53I have been playing this game for several years and over the course of those years it has changed dramatically. Although I was not on board with all of the changes, I do find that this is the game that I turn to first thing in the morning. As a long time player, I am able to navigate between the different locations without losing my rank, money, or collections of clothes and such. I think the game took a turn for the downside when they initiated changes that prevented most players from being able to play that way a few years ago. That being said, it is still my favorite game. I have heard that there will be no newly created games in the near future and that makes me really sad. I know I can continue to replay old cases, but it just won’t be the same knowing there will be no new challenges forthcoming. I hope that this is not written in stone and that the developers will reconsider. It is really a great game.
Excellent game, worth a download!
Thu Jun 06 2019 DoctorFizz0505I have always been a massive fan of murder mysteries, so I was certainly interested the first time I saw an advertisement for this game. I must say, I have been more than impressed. The storyline evolves as you progress through the game, with many shocking twists near the end, and the characters are fun and endearing. Do note that this game requires a great deal of time to complete fully (a single case may take you anywhere from 4-7 days to complete). If you enjoy hidden object games and mysteries and don’t mind the occasional ad or wait, then you will like this game just fine. I have fully completed every case using no in-app purchases, so I can confirm that this is certainly not a pay-to-play game. However, the customer service for this game is pitiful, do not expect a response if you send an email to the developers about a problem. Overall, are very fun, albeit time-consuming game, which more patient players will certainly enjoy.
Great Game.
Sat Oct 02 2021 AlsoAlphaNow I am only on level four so what I’m saying may be implemented already but there are some things that I would like to see in this game. The main thing is the evidence that points to the suspects. I feel as if sometimes there should be evidence that is wrong which helps you divert expectations, or with the left/right handed evidence, make the killer a Ambidextrous person so that can easily confuse. Also I have a slight problem with how a piece of evidence is that this one person is wearing a Jersey when that same evidence is the exact jersey but ripped up, so I feel as if the chances of the person wearing the exact shirt that was torn up is a little unrealistic. But besides that this game is fun, I enjoy playing it on my free time, and the ads don’t bother me too much. The long waits for the items to be researched feels realistic, and I think that’s one of the few things that make this game good.
Energy system is bad
Tue Mar 21 2023 blankfooteI really like this game, I enjoy playing it and advancing in the story, and I would’ve rated this much higher if it wasn’t for the energy system. I paid for no ads in hopes it would let me enjoy the game even more but I think the energy system has to be the worst game mechanic I’ve ever seen. How does it make sense to precent your players from playing? Or force them to pay in order to continue playing? Needing stars to talk to suspects is a good mechanic, it has the player revisiting locations and puzzles they slowly can get better at in order to receive more stars. BUT you can’t do that sometimes because you run out of energy! So now I’m forced to wait to play, which does not make sense to me. If you can’t get rid of the system, at least give opportunity to win foods that do give you more energy, because I was only allowed to play a location three times before I have to now wait for the energy to refill. I just hope that this system is fixed to some degree.