A wonderful game!!
Thu Jan 25 2024 bob the ragdollThis game is amazing and very fun to play. The ads, pictures, and videos are all true and not clickbait or a scam. The ads aren’t trying to get you to download their game like other games with ads that have gameplay of Forza, Beamng drive, GTA, etc. This game has better graphics, physics and realism than most games than I’ve seen especially for a mobile game, this developer must have put hard work into making this game and I’d be happy to buy some of the micro transactions which are surprisingly cheaper than I thought with 3,000,000 moneys for 2.99 USD! This game has beautiful graphics and reflections which are better than 99% of mobile games today and even triple-A games for consoles! Speaking of consoles, I would love to get this game on console. My only major complaint about this games is that IT NEEDS MORE MAPS AND MULTIPLAYER!! These are a must have in any racing/demolition game. This game desperately needs to have multiplayer so I can play with my non-existent friends, and it needs more maps for the different classes. Derby madness has become one of my favorite games graphically and in general and I would love this game even more if they added more maps and multiplayer.
Great game, but a small, game breaking flaw.
Wed Apr 10 2024 swoopypooDerby madness in my opinion is a really good game and is honestly a nice step up from Bus derby, which is great itself as well. And while DM is a fun game to play when I’m bored, I have one problem with it, a big one. In app purchases WILL BREAK THE GAME, I don’t mean cars and tracks glitching out, I mean the entire game being unplayable, heck, YOU WONT BE ABLE TO PLAY IT AT ALL if you process a couple of in app purchases, It’s caused my game to crash each time I load in, which has led to me deleting the game as a whole and reinstalling it, (which of course, wipes your progress) I don’t know if this is just me or the game itself, but it will need to be fixed. Overall, it’s a great game to play, but until the issue is fixed, you’ll have to progress normally. (Edit: if you want your purchases back, use the restore button, I found that a couple minutes ago) (Edit 2: DT has responded and they are accordingly working on the issue, so that’s great. This company has had a part of my childhood. I’ve been playing Bus derby since about 6 to 7 years ago across multiple accounts, and seeing it get a sequel that not only brings more content but BRINGS BACK THE ORIGINAL BD CAST just puts a smile on my face. DT is heavily underrated and I hope they can fix the few flaws in derby madness and keep on rolling.)
Played them all. This one is my Winner
Wed Jan 17 2024 Hardhitter5To start with, I never write reviews. I am in my 60s and have been a local racer around my area up until my vision started getting funky. From a drivers point of view a driving game needs to have a decent cockpit view with good physics. To me this one does it. Sure there are more realistic racing games out there (not many anymore though lol). Not many people race like this in real life anyway but this one is just fun to play and I love the physics. It’s kinda like what you would like to do in the real world and maybe close to what it would feel like. To me that is the main point of a game, to have fun. It doesn’t seem to be a money sponge either. I did pretty good in most of the rookie section without spending any real money. I did eventually, just to go faster lol but it was a very minimal expensive. Finally Thank You, a racing game you can be competitive with and have a blast, without draining your wallet. Nice Job all around and I just started playing like 2 days ago.
So much fun!!
Fri Dec 15 2023 Yabbadabbadooooooo0I was an avid player of the company’s previous game Bus Derby, and this is an amazing sequel!!! (though I will keep Bus Derby around in case I ever want to hop in any larger vehicles) The graphics are great, especially the vehicle damage - it looks really good!! I’m only a few games in, but I can tell that this is gonna be an amazing way to spend my hours. I hope that even more vehicles and maps will continually be added!
If I could make a few changes, I’d do something about the tiny on-screen ads that show up on the very bottom while you’re racing, but I do understand you need to make money! And better those than full-screen ads that play after a race. The only other thing is that the cars feel very, very twitchy at low speeds - maybe smooth out their movement a bit?
Overall, this is an amazing game, and all the developers should feel so proud!! I would recommend this to everyone, 11/10!!
A Better Racing Option that Wreckfest Mobile?
Thu Feb 13 2025 Jordan DotyI like Wreckfest, but I prefer to race cars more than lawnmowers, couches, buses or just destruction derby. If you prefer the racing aspect but still want some good destruction, Derby Madness is for you. It’s also free to play, unlike Wreckfest. Graphics are really fantastic and practically console worthy, has a smooth framerate, great driving and damage physics and control. It’s very free to play friendly, and a lot of fun. Great tracks.
The one addition I would really like to see is customizable and resizable controls, since the buttons are pretty small on a tablet. Also, I love the controller option which works great, but can you please add a virtual steering wheel or slider bar (like Wreckfest) for controls? Using arrows doesn’t approximate racing as much, and with those added options, I would be playing even more. Fantastic game worth checking out!
It is not a game that rewards good driving, just reckless
Sat Nov 23 2024 FlibberdegibbittBefore you jump to conclusions, play the game to at least the pro level to reveal how the cpu will use the bots to destroy you for no reason other than you are in the last lap of a hard circuit and are in the lead. Being a cheat and poor-sportsmanship should not be a main design feature in a racing game. A diversion from reality should be fun and challenging, not dirty and rewarding weaker moves. That why I won’t pay a dime and move on to the good racing game soon.
The physics of the game is fun and challenging however it is arbitrarily applied when you are winning. Example: where before a turn is manageable, you are suddenly on two wheels. Or after a crash you are not six places back but twelve. Or how you cannot see behind you so opponents appear out of no where, or the worst, when you know the cpu is fixing the game by having wreckage appear out of no where the reply mysteriously does not show the exact angle at impact.
Poor programing or lazy.
Thu Jan 04 2024 Kirbybros.Absolutely love the new game so far, the graphics don’t even look like a Mobile game!! The racing is so much fun with 24 instead of the old 16 racers like bud derby had, it even has some returning drivers from the Orignal Bud Derby in it aswell!! I’ve played bud derby on and off for over 9 years, such a great game with amazing devs who don’t make their games into ad-filled cash grabs. If you’re looking for a new, fun, addictive, beautiful game with hardly any ads; This is the game for you! My only complaint so far is the lack of color schemes compared to Bus derby where you could choose a lot more colors for your vehicle, but that could be something new for the future and is a Very small thing. Overall highly recommend this game.
Less fun than Bus Derby
Tue Aug 20 2024 wtoystewLike many other reviews, I too am a devotee of bus Derby but this attempt falls well short. In Bus Derby as you spend coins to increase the capabilities of your bus, with this game I’ve accumulated coins only to spend them on upgrades that don’t have much of an impact. Tire grip is a misnomer as I have 4 cars maxed out and they don’t grip anymore than if I hadn’t paid for the upgrades. I have the van, the vw, the station wagon and the muscle car. Unlike in Bus Derby when your vehicle is upgraded to the max thus making it virtually impossible to lose, in this game it doesn’t appear to have any effect. The VW tips over a lot and the recovery of any of the vehicles when they overturn takes too long as several cars will pass you as you wait to be uprighted. I just wish tire grip actually meant something because you can’t hold a tight corner in this game and there are a lot of tight corners.
Great game! Add custom races and harder CPU please!
Wed Feb 26 2025 GrahamMMmm1This game is just awesome. Super smooth gameplay, fun tracks, and cool cars. I went ahead and supported by paying for no ads.
The only thing now is that the game is too easy and a little repetitive. I’ve basically won everything and I’d love to have more tracks to race on. The CPUs are pretty good, especially Brutal, but they aren’t aggressive enough. Hitting pit maneuvers on whoever’s in first is an easy way to knock out whoever’s ahead of you but they rarely do it back to me! I’d love to feel like some of the CPUs are trying to kill me lol. Especially if I am in first place in a cup or something. So yes, dynamic CPU aggressiveness and more racers like Brutal.
Custom mode would be awesome. I’d love to be able to customize the map, laps, car class, or specific car used for all CPUs. An extra step maybe in the future would be adding a race track creator and let people download community race tracks that they made.
Please add elimination mode!! Start with 32 and every lap 4 players get eliminated. Basically accelerated knockout.
Keep it up guys please add more!
Best racing game on iPad
Thu May 30 2024 MacGeezerI really miss Dirt2 so I was glad to have a decent race game finally. Great graphics, gameplay, fun tracks. Camera views include arcade, front bumper, hood, and cockpit. I use my game controller, but on-screen controls are very good.A few tracks are figure 8 which adds to the fun. At least one track has a secret shortcut. Lots of cars you can buy with money earned in the game. You get points for racing, smashing opponents, and for stunts. So you can make tons of dough. You have the option to pay real money if you want extra goodies but it’s not pay-to-win. I bought stuff just to support devs. I wish all games were like this.