The most part, a very good well balanced game.
Fri Jun 28 2024 PJMohrI have almost no issues with this game, except if you have multiple top level dinos die at one time and the Internet is kind of sketchy you may only be able to save one or two and it most maybe three but no more than that before time runs out. Aside from that everything is great. There’s not a lot of ways that you could just buy what random mutations you need I mean there is a way of paying for extra mutations, but there’s no telling what you’re going to get, there is a lot of waiting, but it’s all balanced out pretty much I think and I like the way they use their ads as part of the game, like, if you want to special feature, you have to go through the cost of doing it, but the special feature is required mechanic for gameplay so it’s all up to you whether or not you use it. There is a slight glitch in the hunting part where if you selected hunts over and over again and you never zoom back in eventually the game crashes because the math is too zoomed out, but if you were playing on a phone you wouldn’t be able to see anything anyway so I think that’s more of an iPad issue. Keep in mind that with it this game is as addicting as a slot machine because you’re constantly “winning” new mutations at random.
Favorite game
Wed Jun 05 2024 senditu7I absolutely love this game. When I have time to play there is plenty to do and I’m not punished by running out of currency. I watch ads to get perks but I love that it’s my choice and not forced on me. I’m a new mom and the game is forgiving if I can’t pay close attention but easy to play one handed while baby naps.
The art is adorable and the colors and patterns are so fun.
The only things I would like to see are not deal breakers but would be nice quality of life for collectors. The colors are sometimes difficult to differentiate, so names for the collectibles on the collections tabs could help identify them. A collection page for the pattern colors would be useful too. There is no way of knowing how many pattern colors exist and when an egg hatches the game doesn’t indicate if the pattern colors are new. Names for the skins would help notify if certain skins are part of a series, too.
Finally, it would be nice if we could have a way to hatch dinos with patterns or colors we have collected but accidentally lost. I would be more than willing to use bones to purchase such eggs and would accept long hatch times just to get those collectibles back!
Overall, it’s a wonderful game that I am so glad to have found.
Sat Jul 13 2024 PppppeoeIn the hunting screen the difference between the dark background and the Dino selection is huge, sending out multiple groups at a time flashes the player, maybe like world 3 with the dark background changing the screen to a different color, or even a custom selection the player can choose from. Color selection would also be nice for any other screen pop ups. And much how there are different world backgrounds, having the option to toggle between background for your main camp would be cool. I know you guys are trying to put in just the basics of most games, like tribes and events, having a choice would be cool like maybe having unlocked Dino’s of different colors allow for different color schemes and patterns for screen pop ups. Love this games been playing it for a little bit and I’m excited to see what else you guys put in, I really hope you guys take it in my opinion of custom screens. Thank you
Me again it would also be nice to have a separate pop up/tab to check on breeding Dino’s clicking on individual nests when you have so many is tedious, me also add in a quick unequip/ unequip all Dino’s.
Great passive game!
Fri May 31 2024 TygerRisesLegitimately have been playing non stop the past few weeks. After almost reaching level 500, I figured I’d leave a review.
Devs are super attentive and keep the community updated at every corner, the game continued to evolve in a positive manner. Global chat content is iffy, but that’s any global chat and devs do a good job of responding to most reports. Outside of a few shaky scenarios with interpersonal drama within the game, the community is pretty cool! The leveling mechanic rewards both the passive and active player and as you level up you travel through different islands. Questions are usually answered by chat in a quick manner but their discord is also incredibly helpful. Pleasantly surprised at the pace and attentiveness and eager to play more! It scratches my autistic Dino itch and is a chill game to help me relax while giving me a fun mutation game to play. I’m unsure where the p2w aspect is coming from, you can easily level at a slower pace without paying.
I’m one of the Sam’s in the game, so if you stop by make sure to say hi!
Fun Dino Breeding Game!
Sun Jun 02 2024 AdamtheeantI can’t recall ever leaving a review for a game before, but I am enjoying my time playing this game!
Some of the best parts in my opinion are:
-No forced ads
-There are boosts and other things you can buy to speed up gameplay, but they’re not necessary.
-Finding new Dino skins and accessories feels good, they happen naturally at a good enough pace (coming from someone that prefers higher stats over esthetics though)
A few quality of life improvements I’d like to suggest are:
-being able to see the parents of an egg after it’s on the hatch screen (it’s nice seeing this before you hatch an egg, but it would be ever more useful when trying to determine whether to banish or keep a child when their stats are visible)
-being able to see how many hunting parties are out on the UI it’s self on the food gathering view instead of in the middle of the area. You can’t always see when a hunting party returns if you’re scrolled a ways away from the nest.
-I’m sure this is balanced this way on purpose, but when using golden tickets to advance a baby’s age, it feels weird having to use several tickets. Maybe having it take off a percentage instead of a certain length of time would feel better. I can’t complain about this too much as these tickets can be obtained for free through natural gameplay.
Thank you for not having forced ads, I wouldn’t be playing the game if there were forced ads in the game.
Great job on the game!
Very good game but could use some improvements.
Thu Jan 25 2024 URRMOTHER69I’ve been playing this game religiously for a few days now and I absolutely love the game and it’s very playable as is. I have a few suggestions as it does seem at the point I am in the game it’s leaning towards more pay to win and it’s becoming very difficult for me to get better Dino’s. I think the chances to get better stats after breeding should be more common then it is cause I can play for an hour and only get one or two better Dino’s. I also think the hp on bosses and other Dino’s should be reworked as the second I got to the 2nd map I’ve only been able to attack the lowest level Dino’s to get food and I’m no where near being able to attack even the second higher tier Dino’s on the map. Like I said though I love the game and will continue to play but I hope you do make a couple changes and please stay away from pay to win I understand you need to make money from the game but please don’t make that all the game is. If some changes are made to the games I will be more than happy to give a 5 star
This game got me off of social media
Fri May 31 2024 Riley the PopeI am super picky about mobile games. I much prefer to breakout a game console and get immersed. “Idle” games are especially frustrating for me…
Not this game. I have been obsessed since I downloaded it.
My biggest complaints with idle games that are not present in this game:
1. Paywall. There is no “wait 24 hours or pay us $5” involved here, you have a lot of control over how idle you want the game to be.
2. Ad breaks. The game NEVER forces you to watch an ad. Ads are presented as an alternative to their “gold tickets” - a resource you sparingly receive, used mostly to speed up aspects of the game. You can choose to watch ads in place of using the tickets. You CHOOSE if you want to see ads.
3. Global chat. There is a genuinely useful global chat feature. Any question or issue you run into can immediately be solved in the global chat. The community and active player base is positive and supportive.
This game is still in a beta limbo (as of May 31st, 2024), but the developers communicate SO well within the game whenever a change is made or a glitch needs to be patched.
There is also no in game reward or in game pressure to write a review. I am fully going out of my way to write this. I never give reviews for games - mobile, console, pc, etc - but I am genuinely in love with this one!
Worthwhile grind for sure
Thu Jul 25 2024 Hoppyninja667First off, literally no ads unless invoked directly by you. Something that I had not seen in the ads I went through so it was wonderful noticing after awhile not one had popped up at random. It seems to get you into the spiel of things right off but after a few hours you’ll notice this is gonna take some time, though after all the things I’ve done over 4 days it’s all worth it. I’m just really looking forward to finally beating the first boss and getting to the new area. The active contests let you see other players top rexs and theres an active community even if you’re feeling sociable. Totally worth it to check out, if its not for you you should be able to figure that out within a few hours, but I’d recommend giving it a few days to see how things go, personally I’m hooked.
My fav iPad game 🤩🤩🤩🤩
Thu Jul 11 2024 ujggevhftySo I LOVE this game play it every day Dino’s are my fav animals to so I love the game. But there’s ONE thing I don’t like ( well maybe two) so people sometimes cuss well like abbreviations. But in the beginning of the game I had a “quest” to defeat a mutant boss and I put a lot (all except two out) of my Dino’s out and they all died… except two and that made me sad it was kind of dumb of me to put all them out but I thought I could revive them so when I went to revive them I didn’t have a ticket and the ads where way to long so I had to watch as all of my Dino’s die:(. I know it’s kind of a stupid request but if you could make the wait kinda short pls!:) game is WONDERFUL keep up the good work! (Pls respond). Edit* Ty for responding and making the time longer I’m sure this will help other players to!
Great game, but a few flaws…
Sun May 05 2024 A person who loves Dino MutantI recently downloaded this game and it’s super fun! I love to see all the different dino combinations you can make in the game and finding how much I can level up my dinos’ stats. However, when I send my dinos out to hunt and they bring back food, sometimes when I claim it the food, will not show up on how much food I have, and therefore, will not feed the young dinos. I found this irritating at times since it happens quite frequently. Another issue I have are the ads to give you items. I will watch an ad for items I need but sometimes the game can crash right after the ad has finished, and when I get back on, I do not receive the items. I know that some features are still in beta and I understand, this review is just to help some goals to be set that can be achieved for the future! I enjoy this game, and thank you for reading!