Amazing game 😍 Some Small things though..
Thu Dec 23 2021 sneakiestkitten768I absolutely LOVE this game ❤️! All the surprises are fun to watch and getting the boy revenge is… hmm…. Uhh.. 🧐 …Really makes you feel good, I guess ☺️. And it really gets your mind thinking 💭. A nice way to start your day and get you really just to think more 😃! Although I have some small things I’d like to say… First of all, there are SO. MANY. ADS!!!! It makes you really frustrated 😤! All you press is a button like the 3 lines in the top corner (I think those are for the settings) and then…
“NOOOO 😡! ADS AGAIN!?!” And it really gets you angry 😠. So I’d recommend less ads. Second, a RE-START button. Like, if you accidentally pressed a thing you didn’t want to, you’d like to start over, right? But then… OH NO 😱! There’s NO RE-START button!! So then, you get the whole level wrong 😑. Last thing, if you REALLY LOVE THIS GAME 😍 (like me) you’d like to keep playing right? But after the 20th level, it just says, “Congratulations! You finished the game! Make sure to see our other escape games!” And you get SO DISAPPOINTED ☹️. Yes, there are more escape games, but you like this game SO MUCH! So I recommend MORE LEVELS.
Thanks for reading! 🤗
Honestly Loved It
Fri Mar 12 2021 an alian from planet beep boopI personally really liked this game. It was fun seeing all the different pranks the boy came up with, and it really challenges your brain to think harder. There are only two things I wish the person who created this would add. The first is a start over button. When you make a wrong move you have to rewatch the girls reaction to the prank and that can be kinda annoying sometimes. Second is at the end of the game SHOW THE TWO GETTING TOGETHER THAT WOULD BE SOOOO CUTE. Just imagine the boy confessing to the girl about his feelings and they become a couple. I would LOVE THAT!!! Thx for your time. Go download this now btw. :3
Cute game but…
Fri Aug 20 2021 Alli G DeeThis game is so cute. I love the story line and how each level goes along with it. Also tricky to figure out. However, the game ended at like, the peak 😭. It was so abrupt i was desperately swiping the page to find new levels. Im not even kidding i would literally pay for a sequel or an add on and im sure im not the only one🥲. Also PLEASE ADD AN ENDING, any ending will do 😀👍. Finally, bestie…. Those adds….. ain't it. They are bad. Just a warning yall haha, very unexpected… also they pop up almost constantly, so that it’s impossible not to click on them😔. Very confused why the adds r soooo irrelevant to the theme of the game…. Like, isn't that bad marketing? Aren't u supposed to avoid putting in uber s*xual adds in a game about children? Just a thought…
But on a serious note: i know you probably made this game cheap and to make a quick buck, but if u fix some of these issues you could actually have a GOOD game, that you could make REAL money out of…..
Sat Mar 05 2022 addaxaListen, good game and all, and I love the concept! But don’t get me wrong, but there are WAY to many adds. I’m on level three, I’ve been playing for 10 minutes, and I’ve already had more than 5 adds. This really isn’t okay. And you can’t turn off your WiFi to stop getting adds because the game requires internet. I’d be okay with an add every 10 minutes or so, but cmon? And add every minute is way to much. I really don’t understand why it’s so hard to put less adds in the game. It makes the game less fun and less enjoyable for players. If you were to remove some of the adds it would be better, and I understand that this is a free game, and this is the way to make money for it, but the amount of adds is insane 😕 it’d be such a good game without so many.
Sat Mar 20 2021 sophia lynn coghei do not recommend this game and im going to tell you why. so the first thing is TO MANY ADS right after you fail or finish a level theres a add want a hint: ad its so annoying and the second thing is some levels can be more hard than you expect like there are hidden objects but if u dont know what to with it and cant pass the level you need to watch a ad and mostly the first hint is useless so then you need to watch another ad and the second one MIGHT be confusing so you need to watch ANOTHER ad to see how to pass the level. all that i felt playing this game was anger and stress because its so annoying how this stupid boy is just everywhere like its a love story or something i do not like this game and until further due i do NOT recommend this game. Thank you for your time.
Level 8
Sat Apr 24 2021 We Are The Best ChampionsLevel eight is impossible, 1 + 1 is obviously 2, so you choose that right? The boy uses the chalk to make it 4 + 1 and the teacher says it’s wrong, than you retry and choose five, and the boy doesn’t use the chalk and the teacher make it wrong. So how is this possible? Over all the game is well made and all but you need to fix level eight, please and thank you. I do recommend downloading this game and I bet you spent a long time on it, so thanks for the entertaining game. 🙂
Could’ve been a whole lot better!
Sun Dec 04 2022 Sassy3ddawnThe premise of this game is great; however there are more downsides than upsides to this game. The graphic are extremely basic. It is like stop motion claymation. Each episode moves very slow once you have made your selection as the prank has been avoided or not. Ads!!!! If you don’t like ads this is NOT the game for you!!!!!!!!!!!! Even though the episodes are short, there is an ad at the end of each prank whether you avoid or confirm each prank. The time ratio of game vs ad is 1:1 meaning that for every second of play there is a second of ad played. Highly disappointed. I did not find a way to purchase the game to avoid ads.
I think there should be a ending
Sat Mar 06 2021 bgloboIf you add an actual ending to the end game please make it the prankster and the main character getting reprimanded by the cops for these things but mostly the prankster as he probably broke in to multiple places to make the holes he hides in also of the girl lives alone breaking and entering as he definitely has effected her mind where to the point she dreams about him ruing something, games or possibly her ability to see things as real as since she likely also hallucinates about him every time she does something for example the see difference game unless he is a programmer and made the game she is likely hallucinating him being in the game.
Love it
Sun Jan 15 2023 Not a username at allFirst of all I’m not a bot so don’t even think I am. Also I’m fine with the ads it’s a free game they need money. Another thing someone said there are hard levels I mean if you don’t like hard stuff then don’t play anymore it’s that simple. Im just tired of all the people that hate ads and this is the first time I’ve seen someone say the game is “too hard”. Just wanted to say that people are annoying as heck when it comes to reviews like that. Anyway great game 🥳.
A pretty good game compared to other mobile games these days. And a fun little adventure!
Sun Dec 05 2021 billy bob jr seanyorThis game caught my eye as a add for some reason so I download it. And it’s a nice little puzzle game with some pretty clever bits in it. It’s has a bit of charm to it too. All tho the only bad thing about it is the fact it’s kind of short. I wish it was longer. But then again there’s only so many original and fun ideas you can have before starting to run dry. Other then that, it’s good!