IT IS FREE!!!In-App PurchaseVersion 1.3.22021-02-24
* minor bug fixes
Headphones are required.
Audio game fully accessible to blind and visually impaired people.
Doing it Right don't use Voice Over, so you should turn off it.
Doing it Right is an audio puzzle with brain-busting challenge. Test your hearing and logic.
Follow the sound instructions and win the game. With each chapter and level instructions will become more difficult and mental discomfort stronger. Try to test yourself. It is harder than it seems at first sight.
The game consists of two modes: an endless and a normal one. A normal mode includes 11 chapters (60+ levels), while an endless mode can be played endlessly.
How to play?
In Doing It Right you need to follow some instructions, for example:
- Left - swipe left.
- No up - swipe any direction except up.
- Repeat and Inversion do not apply to the entire instruction chain, but only to the last one. For example: if it was on the down, then Inversion means on the up.
Sometimes, the levels can be marked with a marker, color or sound. In this case, you should remember what a certain color corresponded to. For example: in the Right is Red level, all instructions based on Right will be replaced with Red. The same is with the sound.
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