Great game
Mon Jan 25 2021 L1nda JoyI love this game! I win very often, as opposed to other games where computer wins almost always. My one complain is: why do they have to light up the available tiles that are playable for each and every hand? Why can’t we look for ourselves, and then play our own game? Takes a lot out of the overall fun of an otherwise truly great game. I love the graphics and the speed, but again, can’t it be set up to where the computer doesn’t instantly show you every playable domino for that play? Like an option the player can choose not utilize? Detracts so much from fun of the challenge.
I’ve got to find a domino game that’s true reality!
Tue Oct 05 2021 T C in OklahomaI have been playing your game now for however many months it’s been! I win somewhere around 90% of my games. First of all both players should get 9 dominoes, not 7. Then when you’re playing the computer, it will cut off it’s own double and a lot of times I’m able to score and domino at the same time. Definitely let’s me domino more often than not! Beginners will get a kick out of it, but for me, it’s not challenging. So, my thoughts are, when someone wants to put in the time and make just an all 5’s, moon and 42 games possible with three and four player option, then you’ll have a winner. If you have to look up any of those games I just mentioned, you shouldn’t be trying to invent a domino game! Some may say that I’m being harsh, but your’s is not the first game I’ve played on my iPad. I’ve played several and deleted them. Some may say what gives me the right to be this judge-mental, because I’ve been playing all 5’s for 40 plus years with some moon and 42 through out those years. That’s my take on your game. Thanks for trying!!!
TLC in Oklahoma
I like it but
Wed Mar 20 2024 bigdogs5There is one advertiser that is more than annoying. It will not let me go past unless I download the game. First I tried a complete shut down but it was still then is when I gave up and downloaded the game. When I went back to dominos I would just get a brownish gray screen. I true just turning off my iPad but that did not work so I had to do a complete shutdown again. Then I deleted the game it made me download. Finally I could go back to dominos but after all that and knowing that more ads were coming I just quit. I probably will delete Dominos also. I would rather. Up a game than go through all the in app purchases and adverts. I never buy the game purchases because I found out if you do that so you can progress you have to keep buying. Games are so annoying
Why can’t we have the option of purchasing the game.
Very frustrating
Mon Jan 11 2021 SkinnybakerOk. I downloaded this because reviews said it had a fair proportion of wins vs losses. Ha! I don’t know what game they are playing; I have won about three rounds and lost eight or nine.
I also find it extremely annoying that if I don’t instantly make a move, up pops the words “It’s your turn!”. Which stays on the screen until I move.
Also, the game assumes I am so stupid that I can’t see whether or not I have tiles I can play; it lights up the possible choices. Really?
And finally, several times when the dominoes already played are close to the border of where my tiles are displayed, I find I can’t play the tile I want on that bottom row of tiles. If I get my tile all the way out of my “holding pen”, I can’t put the matching pips together; if I touch the matching pips, the game seems to think my tile is still in my holding area, and when I release my tile trying to play it, it pops right back into my lineup of tiles. It won’t stay on the playing area.
On the up side, there do not appear to be any ads at all, and there are three different types of domino games to choose from.
But the fact that I rarely win a round, never mind a while game, coupled with the game’s refusal to let me make a valid play, plus the aspects that insult my intelligence as mentioned above, mean that I will be deleting this app. Very disappointed.
wierd Ad
Tue May 28 2024 XORsyst001the game is fine though some ads kill it. I took a picture of one of them and I can’t seem to attach it anywhere. That makes this review useless.
Times Change. it’s the best Dominos I have ever played on a cellphone. if they cannot tell me how much they want just one time to get rid of all the ads I might pay it. My second choice would be how much I could give them just to get rid of those ugly four part Experian ads about how many subscriptions I want removed.. I have an Experian app it was free and they were going to boost my credit score by adding more stuff, but they didn’t know about what I pay on my card. But I found out it was $24 a month to keep that going. I still use them just to find out my credit score and that is free. I’m 76 years old and I’m tired of banging on the screen for all those ads most of Witcher for things for women. I don’t happen to have any.
Getting Familiar with Dominoes
Thu Feb 09 2023 Alexa boxI definitely loving this game as today is my first day playing it and I’m already hooked. Lol. I use to play Dominoes back a young adult with friends and families at any type of gatherings and loved how much it was back then. So I want to play Dominoes again by downloading this game to get me familiar with the game again. It’s definitely great for beginners and trying to learn the game again 😊. Oh the only thing I wish it did is that when you download it on other devices you have it connect with each other so the score is the same score you last left off at on your other device and you don’t have to start over again on your other devices.2/9/23 I put the date in so you will see when I post this comment lol.
Game is great but constant ads are very annoying
Mon Mar 28 2022 JohneapolisThe game is great and really cool to be able to chat with other players. The main problem is there are constant ads while you play and you have to tap multiple times on each ad to skip them. They’ll be an option to skip the ad, then the ad will go to another screen that continues the ad. Then they’ll be another option to skip the ad and it will either send you to where you can download the game in the ad or it will send you to another screen for the ad which you will have to close. Sometimes the option to skip the ad is extremely small and if you don’t tap exactly in the right spot it sends you to a website for something related to the ad. This is very annoying and is only getting worse.
Free and a few ads
Sat Aug 15 2020 atonyrodriguezI must have downloaded over 10 domino iPhone app games and finally narrowed it down to three. I played all three until I found the one that was the best: 1) fast pace / computer move, 2) how short the ads were, 3) good graphics, and 4) did not show me the point displayed (I like to figure out the point on my own) it’s the point of dominoes, in my opinion. Simple and fun, keeps my mind sharp and engaged.
Love this game
Fri Jan 27 2023 tulahvalentineI win more than I lose but there are way to many ads but the worse thing is a lot of the time I can’t get out of the ads I actually have to delete the ad then turn off my iPhone then turn my phone back on and go to the Apple iPhone App Store and download tha app again it is super irritating
Love this game!
Sun Jun 19 2022 Rafaella AguayoI love this game, is easy to win and if you are a domino fan like me it may help u practice and get better at the actual game so it is a really good game but I think they should add the double nine closed domino which is almost the same as normal domino but the bigger domino is not double six, is double nine, u can play it alone and with a partner but in conclusion is a really good game and I think u should download it and please add the double nine.