There’s so much to love
Wed Jul 13 2022 lemonade647The gameplay itself is very calming, you tap and/or swipe from piece to piece, bringing color and light into each new shape to create a beautiful picture. That completion is so rewarding, it made me want to keep making pictures; fulfilling my creativity and my artistic itch. The style of the “dreams” is new to me and is very inspiring, it’s giving me new ways of thinking in my art. Then, you have these cute little characters that you can collect. They become the little ball you control to creat pictures, each one offering different visual affects to the piece. This wonderful thing creates a whole new layer that brings new light to the “journey is better than the destination” ideology. It shows us that the process of creation is just as beautiful and important as the piece. The characters also have cute little names and fun faces but the face goes away as you’re “painting.” I haven’t been bombarded with ads either, although I don’t mind as I want to support these creators and hopefully give them enough to get more from them. I recommend this 10,000,000,000%.
Downright enchanting
Sat Jun 11 2022 astrumaureusDream Hopper is, in my opinion, a beautiful game. I find it genuinely soothing to play, and although I’m not the biggest fan of the decreasing percentage of new dreams as you progress, I’ve learned not to mind the repetition. You still earn coins when completing an old level, so it’s not like there’s any drawbacks besides a missed chance at collection completion. The game has a very calming and pretty atmosphere. The gameplay itself can be somewhat frustrating when it comes to certain levels (the shapes are a bit hard to jump between at times), but such issues can be resolved in five to ten seconds. The only thing I dislike is the limit of three dreams you can play through in a row; when I started the game and was given five star dusts I expected to have five each time, but surprisingly, I was limited to three. Star dusts are easy to earn, and can be obtained through watching short ads, so I don’t mind too much.
GREAT GAME! Dev suggestion
Tue Jul 11 2023 Lizzy WoodallThis game is really soothing & definitely relaxes me! I love it & recommend it
My biggest complaint however is that the gravity of the game isn’t intuitive. This especially shows during repeating patterns (as you approach them, they seem like they’ll be extremely satisfying), and often you’ll skip one/every other platform while following the visual flow of the shapes. I’m not sure what the issue is (it feels like the character is too heavy?) but my guess is that giving the gravity a bit of an orbit around each platform piece may make it more satisfying.
It also would be great to add a setting where you can turn off the arrow pointing to the nearest untouched platform so that players can explore the area like a playground without visual annoyance.
This app really is one of the best I’ve tried in a long time & I only critique it because I’d love to see improvements. I highly recommend downloading it!
Fri Apr 29 2022 CpgerdesIt’s very therapeutic as I find myself using it to calm down when I have high emotions, but I also use it to help me fall asleep. The music is just so relaxing and it’s great how it changes for every different section and art piece, along with there being ambience, like birds chirping in the background for the forest section. I love the art style too, it’s so pleasing to look at with the different colors and shapes all glowing. This is also a blessing of a game because it doesn’t force ads right in your face every 2 seconds. There are ads and in app purchases to get more chances to play at once, but it’s really easy to get more chances by winning prizes and getting achievements, which you get easily just by playing the game anyway.
Enjoyably zen, but maybe a little too slow on the progression
Sat Feb 04 2023 Mr. Some guyI still have no idea how the game calculates when a new dreamsphere will unlock, whether it’s total plays or time. This makes the level repetition even more obvious (not that that’s necessarily a bad thing in and of itself) and also makes me wonder if it’s in part designed to convince more people to buy the “dream master” upgrade. Regardless, I just concentrate on riding the pretty lights to build lovely pictures inspired by adult coloring books.
The other major concern that I have is: now that all thirteen spheres are filled on the dream catcher, will we still be getting new levels? I could see there being “reverse” worlds, so that we could use the same “map.” Also, have you considered contacting other companies to do collabs? These event dreams could be accessed by exchanging glimmers+gems, and completing the set awards a new guest hopper. Disney might even do a whole sequel…(I know, wishful thinking, right?🧞♂️)
Worth playing, but a couple of gaps
Mon May 09 2022 CheesygI really enjoyed playing this game and even completed all dreams. I appreciate that once all of the little characters are discovered, it switches to being able to pay coins to discover new dreams as that helped make it less like a grind and more satisfying to be able to complete each dreamscape.
However, in the daily challenges and for the secret achievement you have to continue to “win prizes” even though this is no longer an option once you have collected all of the characters. I would have loved if both options were present throughout, i.e. be able to spend 300 coins to win a prize or 600 coins to force a new dream. And once all characters are collected, still allow for people to win prizes if that how they want to spend their coins.
Just a suggestion, but all in all this was fun and I look forward to updates with more content.
Pretty great
Sun Jun 04 2023 illreviewthatOverall it’s a very nice, relaxing game. It’s perfect to lull you into sleep and the designs are fun and vibrant. However, the dream randomizer needs some work. It’s so game killing to have to play the same dreams multiple times in a day when you have nearly a hundred dreams unlocked. Please add some kind of memory to your randomizer, even if it just remembers what we played on that specific day to skip those dreams for the rest of the day. I have played the orchid and peacock dreams so many times, usually repeatedly in a row, that sometimes I don’t even want to play anymore.
Also, if we had the option to turn off the arrow pointing to the uncolored pieces that would be great. It’s feels so impatient and annoying. The ripples from those pieces is enough to find them. Feels like it’s trying to get us to hurry up and color everything when sometimes I like taking my time and zoning out watching our little guy go around the pieces lazily. Maybe just make the ripples more visible.
The music is a little obviously synthetic, especially in the more orchestral pieces but overall it’s well designed for each category.
It’s a fun little game and I’ll keep playing it but please fix the randomizer!
Enjoyable but feels like there are many things missing. Not to mention the finicky controls.
Fri Apr 29 2022 Carson lujanI stumbled over this app several hours ago and was surprised to see if was from you. As thinking of Sling Kong doesn’t bring pleasant memories as I’m not the greatest fan of your studio.
Dream Hopper not only looks visually pleasing but has a calm vibe to it. But to me, something is missing. Something more to the game. There is no ‘difficulty’ or any form of challenge. I know this game- if you can even call it one, has simple directions which are easy to execute. But lacks anything beyond it.
It’s fun, yeah, but after a while it losses its mark. Getting the same ‘dream’ over and over is unenjoyable, considering you waste dream dust doing so. I know this is to lengthen gameplay time but it’s done rather poorly.
The ‘emotion’ you play as also doesn’t always go the way you want them to. Including, not all of them can be classed as an emotion. Eg twitch. (Trying to ‘match’ the beat is very inconsistent too. Especially how the pieces light up and different rates)
The main redeeming quality of this app is there are no forced ads. Thank you for this. But then again… that’s all there is. I know I just sound rude at this point and I’m only demanding for more but to me, it just feels imperfect.
Play it before bed
Sat Oct 22 2022 Patriotic_Camaro_GuyI don’t typically like many phone games but this one is real interesting. I played it before bed and ended up dreaming about it and it kind of gave a cool neon spin on things. The people I knew and liked were made of neon lights while everyone else was normal. If I talked to a normal person however, I’d notice something on them would turn into a strip of neon. Almost like it was the beginning stages of me knowing them. As crazy as it sounds and could probably be my own personal experience, I really enjoy how unique and relaxing it is. The only thing I would want different from the game, is unlimited dream dust. I understand why they limited it though. If they didn’t, I probably wouldn’t have slept last night.
The most thoughtful game developing I've seen in a while
Wed Oct 26 2022 LilSpranklesNot sure if any of you all found this game because of Literally it's Just Mowing or not, but there were some little details of that game that made me wonder who the devs were. Between the cat breeds, birds, and butterflies they clearly appreciate the little things. Being impressed by that, I looked up their other games and WOAH. Not one has disappointed so far. Just tried this one and immediately had to put a rating up. Amazing sound design that you can interact with thru play. All of this complemented by a mesmerizing visual feel. I have a tremendous amount of respect and appreciation on your work. Well done guys. Can't wait to see what's next.