Great game
Thu Jul 26 2018 Sugerstix300Dunk shot is a really good game. If your bored and want to download a fun and interesting game, dunk shot is the game for you, it’s fun, interesting, challenging, and much more. My brother and I both hav the game, and a while ago we completed to see who could complete the “bounce” challenge first, and he won, but anyways, find one of your friends that would like the game, (all of them ) then download it with them then you guys can complete and have fun. There is many things to compete on like who can finish all of the challenges first, who can find out all of the mystery balls, who can get the most strays, and many more. And it doesn’t have to be your friend, they can be your sister, your brother, your mom, your dad, or anybody else you can think of. So if you read this review, I have a challenge for you, I want you and someone else you know, then download it, last find some thing to compete on then find the winner.
Glitches every time
Sat Jun 11 2022 Justin Bieber 🆁🅾🅲🅺🆂So I am going to be honest I love this game it is so much fun but there are a few things. First I would like to start with the good things. This game is super entertaining I am always playing it. This game also has a lot of glitches which is really annoying. For instance there was this time where I was 3 off my high score and I messed up so I decided to watch an advertisement. After the advertisement it glitched up and it would let me shoot the ball because the ball wouldn’t appear. So I just wanted to let you guys know. You created an amazing game for kids I am just letting you know that there are many glitches you should try to fix. Thank you for creating such a wonderful game! There are positives and negatives and I wanted to let you know because I am playing and then when a glitch comes I get frustrated and play a different game. There are also to many advertisements but that happens with every game now at days! Thank you! If you get my review I hope you fix all of these little things!
Three Thumbs Up
Fri Jan 05 2018 Mike ALfiVery simple, a lot of fun, easy to play and without the necessity of a huge time commitment. The challenge modes offer a fun way to play that slowly increases difficulty and is honestly the best part about the game. I’ve already beaten all of the ball, no aim, score, time and bounce challenges, and I cannot wait for more!
For all those complaining about how hard the challenges are, I couldn’t disagree more. They get more difficult towards the end and you won’t beat them on your first try or even first day, but that’s a good thing. If you did, you’d finish them in one sitting and there would be no point. It’s called a CHALLENGE for a reason.
Second, for those complaining about not getting enough stars, they give you plenty for finishing challenges plus the 60-70 daily. That’s a new ball every 2 days from the daily alone.
More challenges please!!!!! In type and quantity.
Different balls that have different abilities. E.g. a super bouncy ball, or a ball with lower gravity. These special balls could be used only in new challenges so that they wouldn’t change difficulty of existing tasks.
More obstacles with different behaviors and different sized/shaped rims. E.g. sticky walls that don’t bounce and rims that have to be hit perfectly.
Power ups you can pick up along the way by landing perfect shots, shots through rings, or bounce shots.
I’ll hand it to you.
Fri Dec 08 2017 GoodGuyWithCool IdeasI actually like the game. I have played a lot of Ketchapp games on the Apple store. The only problem I have with the game is that I wished you would make challenges for the game like the other games. If your interested in ideas for games or like creative opinions sometimes let me know. I enjoy your apps and have put a great deal of hours on them offline. I play for a good solid time when I’m bored. I’d play it more, if it had more challenges, but like offline challenges. Eh, I don’t know. I’m just an opinion on a broad connection with millions of users. But if anyone listens this is my review. I’d give it a solid 5 stars
Inappropriate Content in Ads on Dunk Shot Game
Thu Aug 31 2023 Innapropriate AdI find it alarming that such explicit and sexual content is being featured in ads within a game that is accessible to individuals of all ages, including children.
The specific ad in question contains explicit sexual elements, including suggestive noises, explicit imagery, and content that is clearly not suitable for the target audience of Dunk Shot. The presence of dildos and depictions of girls in bed, coupled with prompts to "explore more," is entirely inappropriate for a game that has a broad user base that includes minors. This content not only contradicts the values of family-friendly entertainment but also potentially exposes young minds to explicit material they are not prepared to encounter.
It is crucial to recognize that Dunk Shot is a game that appeals to a wide age range, including children who may not possess the capacity to discern and understand the implications of such content. While advertising plays a vital role in supporting free games like Dunk Shot, it should be done responsibly and with consideration for the game's audience demographics. this a good game?
Sun Sep 06 2020 Mia Mahpizzah 💜So i’ve played this game for like a few months now, and i kinda like it. the only problem is people being aggressive against ads. it’s literally not that serious, your crying over an ad? and also, they say that there were too many bugs in the game. possibly, but if your phone is broken maybe thats the reason why. i can clearly understand why some people hate this game even when its just a basketball game that helps you with your aiming skills.
when i played this game, i was also so triggered by the ads when they kept popping up, but im used to it since its only just a game. a lot of people rage on games (like me), but i can remember that you don’t have to bring anger against the game even if you saw ads, or glitches. if the game was very laggy, i can clearly understand why so many people call it as “glitches”.
*please don’t take my review seriously, im sorry if i didn’t make any sense xD but still though, its a pretty nice game.*
Ads are ads but this is too much
Tue Jun 19 2018 The MOST ad ridden appI get it, please don’t reply back, “We have to offset costs with providing a free app, so on, so on, so on....”. Yes ads are ads but I shouldn’t have to see an ad for every three resets. This game is fun and great mind numbing, time passing entertainment and is really well done but when I miss three shots... there is an ad. If I’m doing the challenges, that means about 2 ads per minute. If it’s general game play, I will play and score a couple hundred then see an ad. Score a couple hundred, see an ad and then score a couple hundred and at that point I actually turn the game off instead of continuing because I’m tired of seeing ads. The irony of the reply, “We need to offset the costs, so on, so on,” is that, it’s an ad of self promotion for more Ketchapp games... Like I said, a wonderful game but ruined by ads. Won’t end up keeping long because the boycott will eventually out weigh the entertainment value. I’d think about how many plugs you put in for ads Ketchapp. Across all of your developments.
Too many glitches
Sat Jan 20 2018 EndermobI think this game is fun but don’t play it because you will probably rage from glitches. The free gift is the most glitchy you click on the free gift and it plays an ad and returns you to the menu without the gift plus after using the gift when it does work you can watch an ad to get another one and it plays, you x it out and it doesn’t give another it just returns to the menu. Another glitch is that random ads play and they glitch and you can’t close it and must restart the app. The rage part comes in when you get really far and fail then click continue to watch an ad and keep going but then an ad glitch hits you and you have to restart the app and lose your chance to keep going. If you could resist raging from the glitches then yeah this game is fun but If you can’t then one thing. Don’t. Get. This. Game.
Needs More Challenges & Free Continue For Ad Removal
Fri Dec 01 2017 JiggadizeI do like the game. It’s a fun game to play for 2 to 45 minutes at a time. I just paid the $1.99 to remove the ads today. Be warned, you still have to watch an ad to get your 1 continue, I don’t think that’s cool. I understand having to watch an ad to speed up the timers but not for the continue. I think that should be removed in the next update for those that have paid for the ad removal. I’m not trying to get infinite continues.. just the one, like everyone else.
My second gripe is the lack of challenges. To me, those are my favorite part. The last update added more challenges and I’m hoping each additional update follows suit. Overall good game, 3.5 ⭐️⭐️⭐️✨
Great game, needs another update!
Sun Feb 04 2018 Go back to original!Dunkshot is a great game very simple addicting and yes loaded with adds. This was annoying at first but I got used to it until this new update with many new basketballs themes and challenges. It also added a No Add purchase. This says its 1.99 but its really 2.99 but I bought it anyway because it would make the game easier to play without being interrupted. The problem is I still have to watch an add to get a second life or get the category of balls that you have to watch adds for. Hopefully ketchapp sees this and will make a way for players that have purchased no adds to be able to get those balls and also have second chances WITHOUT watching adds. PLEASE FIX 👍 Great game!