Same questions
Thu Mar 17 2022 Ryrygirl898989899You keep using the same questions and if you were to use different questions that would maybe be better because I feel like if you keep asking the same question you’re just gonna get the same result as the first time or the second time you asked them so maybe you should just change it to where it is all different questions and I think you should have better questions also because these questions are is it better to say because like if you say would you rather read a mind or fly you know everybody’s gonna pick Rita mind and that’s just how you should do it and there’s so many ads I am wondering why there so many ads but maybe next time just don’t add as many ads and do better questions not trying to be mean but just try better questions and try not to put the same questions in and yeah
Fri Aug 12 2022 annak6763hello! This is the third and hopefully last time I tried to get the right words for this app. Well, there are some good things about it. Number one: if you are playing would you rather with your friend(s) and you run out of ideas you can pull up this app on your phone or iPad. Number two: if you’re just in the car and don’t really have much else to do this is a good time killer. Or if you just need to kill some time. It doesn’t really matter what you are waiting for. then, the only problem is that you have to pay for more questions and there’s a really Limited amount.. but that’s kind of a big problem!! 😞💔 please add more questions and read my suggestions-Number one! would you rather kiss a frog or kiss a snake? Would you rather jump in a river of mud or A river of Jell-O? Would you rather eat spaghetti for a straight week or McDonald’s for a straight week?(if you’re a boy) would you rather paint your nails pink or do your make up in any color? would you rather sleep for three hours or sleep for 300? thank you so much for reading! it took me a long time to write this and a very long time to write all three. Also this idea to send suggestions for a would you rather was from a different review! Buy and please fix the game 💔❤️🆘 (: 💕💕💕
App is asking me VERY personal and bad questions!
Tue Dec 06 2022 El 🪁Honestly why is no one else bothered by this? Okay, so every time you open the app it either gives you a 'never have I ever' question, a 'truth or dare' question, or simply asks you a question. At first it was fun and simple questions but it all started a few days ago or a week ago when I opened the app and it asked me If I have ever tried skinny dipping. I was like, "no way what why would you ask me that"
I thought it was once but the more I played the more personal and inappropriate questions it asked me. It would be like, "have you ever stalked someone" or "how old are you" It got very uncomfortable and later it started daring me to do sinful and unholy things and asking me if I had done those things! Soon, I was getting NO simple and fun questions and the app was polluted with this. It started asking for more personal information that I should not be sharing, and asking to share my location with them. NEVER! I don't even want to email these creeps in customer support because I don't need them getting my email. This is not cool and I will be influencing people to stay away from this app. Stay safe, don't try your luck with this app.
It’s ok, but it needs more questions
Sun Feb 21 2021 Bo da ToeI think that the gameplay is simple, fun, and a good time waster. I like most of the questions and I like that you can see the percentage of people who voted each answer. Other reviews say there are too many ads, I think so too, but hey, they do make their money from ads, so give them a break. At the same time tho, there could be a few less, like every 5 or 7 levels. But, the game gets really boring after a while because the questions really repeat a lot. I don’t think the developers care much about this game any more, but here are some questions I think would work well
Be a fake wizard that people think is real OR be a real wizard that people think is fake- never eat again but never be hungry OR always eat your least favorite meal- always walk around with slightly wet socks OR never wear socks again-always drink warm water or always eat cold food-never have to brush your teeth again or never have to take a shower again- always be wrong and people think you’re right or always be right but people think your wrong
Not very good.
Sun Jan 05 2020 Hannah CurlettoWhen I first got this game it was decent. Not the most fun game but it was ok. Back then I’d give it four stars. But then you guys didn’t update the questions or change anything! It gets EXTREMELY boring after you’ve played all of the questions, and then once you’ve played one or two, there’s immediately a ad. It gets really boring and only after a few weeks I ended up deleting it. If you want a game that’s fun no matter how many times you play, don’t pick this one. I can tell you, there’s better would you rather games out there. Plus there’s so many stupid ads that it ruins the whole experience. And it said the last update was ONE YEAR AGO! Most developers update their apps for bug fixes and new levels, but this one hasn’t been updated! Apparently the developers don’t care about this game. And in the game description it says ‘frequently updated’. So I guess they’re fine with lying in the game description. If you want a decent game, don’t get this one. One of the worst games ever. I don’t recommend this to anyone who doesn’t want to waste their time. And to the app developers, I won’t be changing my review.
I love this game but there are a couple things.
Sun Dec 04 2022 mr table doorHey! I hope you are having a awesome day! This game is super fun, there are a couple things you will need to know before getting it though.
1. This game is super fun (as stated before)
2. This game is appropriate
3. It should not be rated 12+
4. The questions do repeat
5. No Wifi required
It does get boring if you are on it for a while because eventually the questions start all over again.
However, I play this game when I have free time. I play this game like 3 times a week and each time I go through all the questions each time. It does not get boring if you play like that.
I like that it shows the percentage of people who pick the answer question. My family is a huge fan of this game! They like to play it on car rides, which is awesome because most games require Wifi and this one doesn’t.
The only thing I would suggest is some new questions but overall this game is very fun and makes my day happy! ❤️
I hope y’all have a great rest of your day! Thank you so much for taking the time to read this review. It means a lot!
Kinda recommend
Fri Aug 28 2020 AryaAhrensSo let’s get this straight, the game is pretty fun and I kind of recommend it..? But the biggest con is that there are way to many ads. Like, to the developers— do you need that many ads to get paid?— like... your getting people to download the game, make them watch an ad every 10 seconds and expect them to not delete the app? I know that, that sounds odd because every game has ads, BUTTT... this just has way to many! And most of the
ads are kind of inappropriate.. let’s just save that for next time... I SAW A NAKED WOMAN- Any-who.. every time I get into the game it asks the same questions ??? Like I would love if you would update it, sis. Not sure kids would like to see naked women- OFF TOPIC- whatever you get the gig. when you read reviews ( like I did ) listen to them because those people downloaded the game just like you are about to, so trust them, don’t download stupid games ( like I also did )
With A Lot Of Love,
Arya ✨🌈💧🍭🧸❤️
The same questions and more!
Thu Apr 21 2022 im a cancer in zodiacsAt the first like twenty to twenty five rounds it’s fine until it asks you the same question! It’s really stupid. So I keep playing seeing if I have new questions but, I DONT! ALSO, I don’t like how there’s a normal mode(free) hard mode, adult mode and hard and adult cost money. And this game is for 12+, so why does this have an adult mode just for adults? If this has an adult mode, than it should be 17+! I am a 10 y/o & I think this is a disgusting and stupid game(but still an ok game)! But, the reason why I’m giving this two stars is because overall, this is an ok game because I like how it shows the percentage of what people pick but other than that it’s an ok game! If one of the producers are reading, UPGRADE YOUR GAME! And also thank you for people at home, in the car, at the hospital, anywhere! Thanks for reading bye!👋🏾👋🏾😸
Great game but too much adverts
Sat Nov 23 2019 NYCYankees18This game is okay, but there is more ads than the actual game so it isn’t that fun or addicting. I also don’t like that I always get the same questions and there aren’t even good questions. The questions are like “black or white” or “veggies or fruits”. I HATE the amount of ads and I think they should do better questions. Also, the sound effects in the game are very annoying, and they should either get rid of them or change them altogether. I know I can just turn down the volume but it always bugs me. This game isn’t that fun but if you’re into adverts, then buy.
The game is pretty fun but there’re are problems like the questions.
Wed Aug 25 2021 oliViA abcdefgThis game is pretty fun! I’ve been playing for a bout an hour! The reason I put 3 stars is because of the reviews people left. And the adds. People left game reviews and add reviews that didn’t seem so good, I haven’t had any yet, but I’m not sure if it’s true. And when an add comes on it doesn’t let me press anything for about 5 seconds before the add comes on, and some reviews says when you run out of questions they repeat. I don’t want to repeat questions. And some questions are not very good for 4-8 year olds. There are questions like, would you rather die from an electric shock chair or a shot. I think that is inappropriate for young kids.