Love this game!
Thu Sep 14 2023 YorkiepalzI have never written a game review, but I absolutely love this game. I just finished the last level and look forward to some new levels. This game is perfect for taking a break and clearing your mind. The games are quick and you can play just one or as many as you want. The games are pretty easy which gives you a tiny sense of accomplishment. I get frustrated if the games are too hard and you get stuck on a level. I only want to play for fun. This game is very satisfying.
It was great until level 121…
Fri Apr 19 2024 bskwoodworksSo this game is fun, I enjoyed it for a while but then it’s just became kind of boring. I’m on level 140 and none of the puzzles have been particularly difficult which is nice but the logic behind unlocking the puzzle just kind of stopped. For 20 levels in row now the puzzle is right in front of you, what happened to the earlier levels where you need to move stuff around the room to find the puzzle? I enjoyed that part of it but eventually it gets phased out your left with just doing small puzzles. I also noticed after some time the puzzles actually get easier? Somewhere around level 110 you play a liquid mixing game when you pour liquid from one test tube to another, there was probably 8 colors to solve for which was rather difficult. Around level 130 you see the same puzzle but now you only have 5? It took me probably 30 seconds to solve that one but lost several lives on the one with 8 test tubes. I feel like after a point the developers either got lazy or stopped caring because each level becomes kind of boring and very repetitive. Does the Time Machine ever come back? After the third or fourth time of teleporting your just in the future for the rest of the game? I’ve been in the future for 70+ levels now and haven’t collected a single gear. Hopefully the devs update soon.
Very unfair
Thu Feb 22 2024 SkinnybakerOk - the first few levels were fun, had to pay attention, but not too hard to figure out. Then I got to the level with the leg sticking out of the knothole in the barrel, the shoe brush and the dirty boot. I brushed the dirty boot, as I would clean it before putting it on in real life. Nope, lost a life. Then I put the boot on the foot first - nope lost another life. Then I took the cloth covering the window, cleaned the boot. Yay, no life lost. Then I tried to put the boot on the foot - lost another life. Tried polishing the boot with the brush, then putting it on the foot - yup, got through. So I lost THREE lives for doing things in the “wrong” order, when there was no indication of, or logical reason for, the “right” order.
Next level, a cobra in a container - same thing. I thought maybe I needed to move the container, nope, lost a life. I tried to open the trunk just behind the cobra, cobra “bit” me, life lost. Now I am out of lives because I chose the “wrong” order to try things in. I am out of lives in the space of only TWO levels!
Oh, and in a level just before the “boot level”, I made the mistake of hitting what I thought was a hint button, and it gave me the answer!! I didn’t want the stupid answer, I wanted a freaking HINT!
I will give this game one more try, but if this nonsense keeps up, I will delete…very disappointed…
Doesn’t let you select to not track
Wed Mar 06 2024 jeneieUpon download, the app doesn’t allow you to select not to track your activity. It only lets you select allow. This is an issue for me. Deleted immediately!!
Actually, it is true. You can see from the attached video that I cannot select do not allow. It is set on allow, and I cannot select anything different. Then when I agree to allow to track me, it does not offer anything else. Please provide where I would be able to choose? Maybe try downloading the game on some some phone who is not affiliated with the game and wants to select do not track. After tapping me screen 10,000 times, I was still not able to select do not follow. Just in case you are wondering, I have a perfectly functioning iPhone 12 Pro Max.
Waiting for your response on how your game is not tracking me.
Wanted to really like it
Sun Feb 23 2025 Quithart1963I really, really wanted to like this game. It was fun trying to figure out how to escape each scene. The problem is that it doesn’t provide enough clues on how to solve the scene so you use up all your coins paying for clues to solve. Then the only way (without using your own money) you can get more coins is that you have to watch ads (each ad giving only 5 measly coins) to get enough coins to equal 80 to get one single clue which may not be enough to help you solve the puzzle.😡 Hard when you’re down to 9 coin. And some are timed and you have to do all this within the time limit. I want to be able to think it through, then maybe I wouldn’t need clues. Can’t do that!
Great Game Change! Bleck!
Sat Jan 27 2024 Ladybird NaUPDATE: Boooo…the UNSOLVABLE puzzle at level 112 was just moved to 139…I will have to get 600 coins to get six helps to solve this level by bypassing it. Since you only get a few coins for each video it’s going to take a ton of videos to get past this level.
So….thanks for the 27 extra levels. But…no thanks for the month I will have to invest in ads to move on. Big raspberry from me!!
Thank you so much for making such sweeping changes! Mainly because I was stuck on level 112 for forever, and quit playing the game because I couldn’t go any further. With the new changes I could pass 112 and move on. When the puzzle from 112 came up at a later level it was actually solve-able, which is very much appreciated. So far so good. Thanks for the hints too.
Fun, but vague and incorrect
Tue Apr 09 2024 Mathcat60I agree that there is not enough logic used in the puzzles to figure out the order in which things should be done, and I can live with that…BUT, a star does not have 5 sides…it has 10! Update! Your response was that a star has 5 corners…it has 10! I taught math for 30 plus years! The correct term for “corner” is vertex, and any polygon has an equal number of sides, angles, and vertices. A “star” is a decagon with 10 sides, 10 angles, and 10 vertices(corners).
By the way, the ask app not to track button does NOT work when initially presented after download just like another user said.
Wed Jan 11 2023 lilymugeI loved this game so far but the puzzle in level 311 has been driving me crazy for days! It’s bunch of random pieces and I don’t even know how it’s supposed to look like at the end. There is no help and each hint you spend it just makes one move that doesn’t make any sense. I had saved almost 1K coins and they are all gone and I’m stuck. I am very close to deleting the game because of this. There should be an option to skip a level or at least a hint image to show what it’s supposed to look like when you spend coins on it!
New to me; the logic
Sat Mar 30 2024 1stCeyeIt seems a simple game, but you need to do things in the correct order to escape. Some things are funny…others require thought. I have very little experience with logic….but I’m LEARNING! Try it out…gets harder as you go!
***Later….I was around level 13 and during that puzzle. Was suddenly dropped out….it said you ran out of time…..the only clock I saw still had 6m and about 36 seconds…so where did I run out of time? It happened again right in the middle and my concentration was blown away. I’m done. You went an ruined a perfectly good game by adding a TIMER somewhere! You lost two stars……and me!
This game is a money grab
Sat Apr 16 2022 PowelloniaI usually enjoy escape room games. This one is irritating; the puzzles aren’t particularly challenging, which is fine, but for a free game, you can only play rooms until your life runs out, and then you have to wait for an energy refill. The catch is even if you play a room successfully, you lose a “life” just for playing the room, even if you don’t make a mistake. Also, you win coins after each room, with the option to get more if you watch an ad. Even if you choose to skip ads, you still are forced to watch one every few levels. There’s also no option to buy an ad free version of the app.