Sun Jul 10 2022 what is fear:(So when you finish the game you restart the whole thing even every single level. so now I have to play every single level again to get to the end. you shouldn’t just restart the whole thing just keep the levels don’t restart THE GAME. My point is I was on the last level and I was trying to beat it so I could wait for the coming soon levels but I didn’t know I was just going to restart. But everything else was very good in the game keep on making updates this is such a good game!
Waste of time
Sat Oct 15 2022 NicklsthenameI have not once wrote a review on a game but with this one in particular I just had to. This game has brought me to a level of aggravation that I never thought I’d get to with a game. when I first saw it I thought it would be fun since I’ve always enjoyed rag doll like games. This game however, not so much. i got put into a 30 second ad which is actually probably around 1 minute adding up the second pop up that occurs right after the ad, not only that but the 5 seconds it makes you wait until you can click the x. I’ve seen games that throw ads at you every couple of missions but this lame excuse of a game gives you one after every level and not only that but it gives you an option to upgrade and if you choose to do so, you get another ad. i played this game for a total of 2 levels and it took about 10 minutes. 8 of those minutes being ads. I ended up looking for another game like this since I was let down by this game, and I came across one ( a better one of course ) and I come to find out they stole the exact map from this game I just downloaded which is called fall break. I know they have copy right with music so they must have something like that for games right? I’m very sad knowing these people are making money off unknowing victims expecting an actual game. worst game ever DO NOT download unless you enjoy being disappointed.
2 stars for the concept
Thu Mar 30 2023 Here’s 2 PenniesBut this isn’t really a movie game. It is an ad app posing as a game. You will spend far more time watching ads and upgrading than you will playing extremely short lived levels that are not even designed to be challenging, just made to seem a little challenging so you will keep “playing” [sticking around to watch ads which they get paid for in exchange for offering you something that caught your interest. Games like these, for those like me, are only interesting for a short spell. I play a few levels, can see that it’s bombarding me with watching ads, and I quickly lose interest and delete it, and sometimes take the time out to share my experience and let others decide what to do with the info. These kind of apps are junk for the end user but a gold mine for the developers that are generating large sums of ad revenue for a virtual product that is meant to be as simple and cheap as possible but gimmicky enough to attract end users that will download it and make them some very easy money which is why they put out one gimmicky app after another and call it a “game” despite there really isn’t much to it as it doesn’t really provide any challenges, making it too easy to get a dopamine hit out of it.
Could be entertaining for a bit
Mon Jan 29 2024 crishnawThe game can be entertaining, but an ad will pop up every 45 seconds of gameplay. You can close the window and re-open to essentially skip the regular ads. That said, 30-45 seconds of gameplay is far too little before an ad comes. I figure, anytime I see that many ads, that the developers want you to pay to stop the ads before you find out that their game gets worse as you go, not better. In this case, I would say its true.
In-game currency can be spent to level up your income, so you make more per round. My biggest issue with the game is that when I get to a further level I start making less money. Thats counterintuitive to any gamer. I would love to see larger courses with more income, but instead you get nerfed at the start of each level and if you go back to pervious levels you may notice that you don’t seem any stronger than when you beat the level. Its illogical and frustrating. I think anyone who plays this wants to have bigger falls as they progress and to make more income as they progress. This game will disappoint you with the opposite being true.
Let us like the game first!
Thu Feb 29 2024 Dragon tales94After one mission of this game I got an ad. Games usually allow you to play a few games without ads so you can start enjoying it and then start with the ads. This game didn’t even give you that, as soon as you finish the first mission you get an ad. I had to hit continue a few times too because there was no video to show me and there was no way of moving forward in the game without watching an ad. So I hat to sit there almost a minute hitting continue until It finally game me an ad. Also when pop up ads come up, without you accepting it like in most games (like for a power up or some advantage in the game) it usually last 15 seconds. This game rewards you by beating a level a 30 second no skip ad + 5 second wait to hit the X button. It makes you not want to even play the next game because you know you will have to wait for another 35 second ad. I understand ads are now a thing but when you get more ads then gameplay you just lose downloads which means no ads, so what is the point of all the ads.
Played one game, got the ad, 15 seconds watching the ad I deleted the game, didn’t even watch the full ad.
Tue Feb 28 2023 Jimmybones!Deleted!
Update for developer: we all get that developers don’t work for free. That’s not the problem. The problem is that you thrust ads on us without an option to purchase or without us first learning if we even want the game. It’s a bad business model as I am the customer and I decide if I want the ad. I don’t so now you don’t even have the chance to make a dime off of me. If you employ a less aggravating and - sorry…greedy - model you may make 10x the revenue. We all love when we paid a dollar or two for apps and simply got to play. How much money do you make off of a single player? Would you make more by employing a yearly subscription for $2.99 by having more people play? How about get people hooked on your game then start ads if they don’t support the developer by paying a small subscription.
Pop up’s used to be a thing. They aren’t now because they were so annoying that we all installed pop up blockers. Well, we can’t stop your ads except by deleting or not playing your game. How short sided can you be?
People…stop supporting these ads which are really just ads for other games. It’s the most inbred thing on the planet. There isn’t a legitimate product being advertised. It is all “hey play this other game so you can get ads for yet another game”. How can you possibly make money like this?
Worst Game Ever
Mon Feb 20 2023 SpencersTwoCents123I downloaded this game and out of my first two minutes, I spent one and a half minutes watching ads. Out of my barely 30 seconds of gameplay, the gameplay was SUPER slow and yet the ads loaded perfectly. Get a load of this, my first ad was an unskippable 15 seconds of another fall simulator game. How stupid do you have to be for a game developer to try to direct someone that was already convinced from an ad to download the game just to watch more ads about other games that are similar. This app couldn’t have been created by a more stupid human. To the creator of this game, please do not EVER make another game, another app, or anything for that matter if it’s on the same level as this joke of a game. Absolute was a waste of my time even downloading it, I should’ve knew better. Don’t see how you get your money off a bunch of D list advertisements that look like other absolute scams.
Very expensive for how short it is
Wed Dec 28 2022 NidaneThe in app purchases for this game start at five bucks and ends at EIGHTY. Yes eighty dollars, for a character skin, no ads, a coin multiplier, and an in game upgrade.
Even five dollars for a game I got less than two hours out of before I beat it is absolutely ridiculous. Eighty is outright robbery. They’re definitely preying on kids and hoping they’ll pay for it before the parents know what’s going on.
Even with ads, without a multiplier, and without the upgrade, the game is finished in less than two hours. Then the game auto resets to level one, you keep all your upgrades, but somehow that doesn’t seem to matter. Even with all my skills upgraded to level 100 plus, I’m hitting my character down the stairs like I was when I was still at level 0 in all skills. I should be yeeting them into oblivion.
Also devs, fix the lava level. Nine times out of ten my character’s limbs would get stuck in the ground when I hit the first platform, effectively stopping my in my tracks. This level took me the longest by far and it was a game issue, not a skill issue.
This game is actually 1 star but I just wanted people to see it
Sat May 27 2023 GoatRugSo I think this game is 1 star but I did 5 so people can see it. First, this game has soooooooooooooooooooooo much ads like what? After every single game a add pops up. Next, in the ad for this game it looks so realistic and fun but this game is different not bye so much but different. I am keeping this game for if I get bored of everything on my phone I can use this game as my last resort. I hope people read this and here how the actual game is 👍
This is the worst mobile game I’ve never played
Sat Sep 10 2022 LegidragonWith the pop-ups demanding you watch videos literally every second of the way, and then pressing my screen one singular time to watch a Ragdoll fall for ~ 5 seconds before being replaced by a 30 second ad pop-up for a “score multiplier” that literally cannot be passed up on - like it literally will not allow you to progress unless you watch their ad - this game is a prime example of the disrespect of my time and free will, as well as a waste of data on my phone. Uninstalling after submitting this, I am so unbelievably disappointed. I thought I would like this game and it would be something simple to bide my time but it is unfortunately 95% ads.