I don’t know if this is still going on
Sat Sep 09 2023 tayyyyyyy🌷So this is five stars due to have much it calms me down to the point where I would never consider deleting it if I had to delete a mobile game, though there are many nitpicks I have, though I am writing this review BEFORE I check the update, I have noticed when I place a item down it will not go down in the place I’m clicking, then only after trying to remove it it will not go back into the bin but rather as in trying to take it down- it will make the stars go down and if I do it enough it will take me as a starter and NOT go up if i place another item. Another thing is if you remove items it takes your money which I think is incredibly annoying and frustrating seeing as the whole game is trying to fit stuff in a fridge and I can’t magically tell how big a item will be, you have to remove things so seeing as removing things is taking off your money is just so annoying. Though one thing I do appreciate is the amount of ads going down, I don’t know if this is them acting on the amount of ad reviews or them just simply not needing the money, but I’m still grateful! I’m going to check the update now but this game is so entertaining and calming for me and I can’t wait to be there to see it grow, though I hope these two issues get fixed in the update, thank you for reading seeing as many don’t read reviews like this. Bye! ^^
This game to relax when I’m stressed
Fri Feb 16 2024 You’re admirerIt’s model looks very 3-D. I love what it is that you can organize. I love everything that it has on it. I love this movement like you can spread it down or just tap it and I love that it can tell you if it cannot fit and you can start it over. I love that this whole entire game is the only thing that helps me relax I know it’s so fun download it because everyone to download this thing because you whoever made this are special and you made lots of games and you can keep making them because these are all of these games that all can make something happen but one thing I would like to see more of these kinds of games but different. I love this kind of texture. I love the kind of things that you may like our favorite things that we like to eat in America or other places and you get to store in somewhere, that is good to store in and I love that so whoever made this special and I love what they made in the creativity or all the people who made this are super special I’m talking about everyone in the whole entire world who made every game I love this game and I never want to change anything but I want to see more games so I can see how this feels like I like how this texture and relaxing when I’m stressed. I love what I’m doing with this Game, so download it
Tue Nov 15 2022 mimilocks123Now I’m not one to really write many reviews unless I want to say something important and don’t get me wrong I love this game and love this concept of the game. And I saw this game when I was hanging out with a friend and she showed me it and I’ve wanted to download it ever since, but I forgot over and over to look it up. Then finally, I got an ad about it and I ended up downloading it. Now to my point. There are way to many ads. Now it might seem like I’m over exaggerating about this because so many people write reviews about ads on other games but I don’t think I am. This is because every time I start a new level, an ad pops up. And then as I’m 20 seconds into filling the fridge, it gives me another ad. Now I know ads are how company’s make money or whatever, but I think the creator could possibly cut back on the ads just a little. And I’m not trying to say this in a rude way, but I think many of us can say the same in our heads, but don’t end up writing reviews because they don’t want to sound rude. Now I am one of those people, but I think it’s important to reach out to people when there is a problem. I know this review was kind of long, but if you ended up reading up until here, I want to thank you for your time. Now I think the creator of this game has made a popular and fun game, but there is always room for improvement. Thank you and I hope you take my advice.
So satisfying
Fri Jun 07 2024 Dont steal my apple moneyzsThis game is very satisfying but can get frustrating. Although I’m normally fine with everything in the game, it can get in our nerves sometimes. Like ads. (which I don’t have to deal with because I paid an outrageous seven dollars to remove ads and still have to watch them to get certain rewards!) also, we occasionally mess up, so we have to use the undo button. You get 20 or so free uses and then you have to pay 50 in-game dollars to use the tool. I noticed that it immediately takes the fifty bucks away as soon as you press the button. And the system doesn’t even care. So it gets really annoying when I keep pressing it by accident because then I look up at my balance and see three dollars, not the five hundred I had. (I’m surprised most one star reviews were complaining about ads and not this) Developer, could you please make it so that it takes away your money after you remove at least one item from where you misplaced it? PLEASE, I just don’t want to go bankrupt in this game. (Note: and if I’m saying all of this, why the five stars? Because I freaking love this game, just wanna acknowledge the things that must be fixed. Except for ads of course. Last time I checked ads are what make the game free so yeah.)
It could use some work, but awesome!
Thu Jun 16 2022 blssom!// Read to the end. // I have been playing this game for about a day or so. I am already starting to love it! But this app could use some more work. I mean I really love this game. I enjoy playing it in the car while my mom drives. It relaxes me, the organization. Also, there is a bonus when you play in a car with no cellular data or Wi-Fi. I didn’t connect to my moms hotspot just so I could play this game without ads, which I really enjoyed. I only rated this a 3. Well, there is not many ads. There is only an ad after you get at least 2 times to fill the fridge with stuff. Ignore any bad reviews that are on here, (any ad parts I can understand but honestly really good app) this game is great. I don’t usually do reviews on apps, you may see me, maybe not. But I really wanted to review on here. Thank you. This is a really great app. Also, here are some recommendations of what you could improve on this app. 1- Make sure you know what you advertise. Because if you don’t, then people could see things they don’t want to see, or not looking forward to seeing. I saw something inappropriate. 2- maybe at least have enough to fill just one bin and not many, it makes my head hurt cause I’m not like that. It doesn’t fit right with me. Make sure 1 food/drink/condiment fits properly into one bin . Okay, again, thank you for this great app! Definitely recommend !💞📕
Good but needs some work
Sun Jun 16 2024 aallaallaa12321I love the app in all it’s amazing. It calms me down and it’s just fun to play. One thing I will say you almost get an ad every time you try to put something new in a new drawer! It just gets very annoying and for my phone I keep getting the same ads over and over. Another thing I will say is I wish you didn’t have to pay to take things out. We are humans we don’t put everything in the right spot on the first time. Also, the levels are very fun. I am on the grocery store level but something that is aggravating and makes the game a little boring is I found the trick how to get 100% every single time. All you do is go through the drawers accordingly from top to bottom and left to right, and you put the items in from left to right. You take the item that’s all the way to the left, and you put that in as much as you can until those are out and you keep going down the line. It’s such an easy trick, but the game is getting a little more boring because I figured out the trick. One thing I wish it was a little faster when finding a new item in the gumball machine you put a coin in it spins it around and takes like 30 seconds to pop one out. Overall, I love the app. I probably won’t delete it anytime soon, but those minor fixes could make the 10 times better
I like it…
Fri Jul 08 2022 BananaLu1234It’s ok. I mean, it’s a fun game and all, but there are definitely some things that need to be fixed. For example, about half the time I have to watch an ad, it kicks me off the game. It’s really annoying. It could be that I have a glitchy hand-me-down IPhone 7, but it still needs to have more than “minor bug fixes, enjoy!” As if that’s all the game has to fix. And the ads! There are so many! I mean I understand that there are good reasons for ads, especially for the developers, but there is an ad when you pull out like, every third fridge drawer, and there’s an ad at the end of every. Single. Level. To the developers: at least save the ads for the end of the level, please! Having to watch ads throughout gameplay is REALLY aggravating. And another thing (now I’m talking to the reader) it’s SO GLITCHY!!! Whenever I’m trying to line my things up in the drawers, it will freeze for 5+ seconds. And, the app is rated 12 plus for a reason. Some of the ads they let you see aren’t ok, and kids shouldn’t see those kinds of things. These are at the top of my mind right now, but I’m sure there are plenty more I can list of if given time to think about it. All around, good, fun game that just needs a few fixes and tweaks.
Ok but like…
Sat Jul 16 2022 umm...........................Ok so don’t get me wrong, I love the app! I love to organize, but I hate being interrupted with stupid adds. Some people take longer to organize things so they don’t pay attention to many adds, but I like to start and don’t stop until I finish. You get an add after every level and in between each storage container. Some storage bins it has a lock on it and you have to watch an add before you can use it. But if they are going to put adds on the others too then why only put it on one? If it has an add put an add lock on it too. Some people just exit out of the app to skip the add, I tried this but when you rejoin it doesn’t save your progress for that level. The add I get are only 10-30 seconds but it still get frustrating. I was very disappointed by this. before I got this app, the first review that I saw said that it only had an add every 2 levels. (As it’s not). It also kinda lags every once in a while but I don’t mind that to much bc it could just be my device. I will most likely continue to use the app but I won’t me too happy with the adds. I told a couple of my friends about this app and they tried it out. They said the same thing I did about the adds. But that’s all I have to say so far. So thanks for reading my review. I really do hope that the adds can get worked on.
To much ads!!!!
Wed Dec 27 2023 hdbghfbdhbdifbdjfhfI don’t write reviews but I got this game because it said it had no ads and 20 seconds I.got an ad and after every level I also got an ad I love this game but to much ads so if the creator can please make some changes then please do because when the creator made this game he/ she could change it not trying to be pushy but it is really annoying and I don’t want a game that tells me it has NO ads but then they have ads I’m sorry but I think the game could be better not trying to be mean sorry if you think I’m being mean and sorry to the creator but u think he or she could make a few tweaks. Thank you to whoever reads this and listen and thank you to the creator if you change anything I hope you do because it could be a little bit better I just want to say this because I think the creator should also know this I don’t want to be mean to anyone but the creator should know so he or she could make a few new things just saying I hope you listen to me and make different stuff so the ads they have of your game they don’t have to lie so everybody thinks they don’t have ads for those who have not got the game or have not seen the ad Thank you for whoever reads this far I just want everyone to know that this game has sooooooooooooooo many ads thanks you for listening bye bye
Fri Dec 23 2022 ads sucI normally don’t write these reviews. But this app struck a cord that i didn’t even knew that i had. At first this app was very relaxing and fun! But then it slowly succumbed to the depths of every other app where ads play after every round. But this is different, i will tap on a different storage unit and an app will pop up, but they have storage units that can only be opened by watching an ad. So why in the world would an ad play when you required to watch one to open a part of the game. The ad placement is extremely difficult and is what left me to leave this review. I was hoping i could finally find an app that would be fun to play without being bombarded by useless ads, guess not. I hope the owner of this company is embarrassed by his creation. this is a dreadful app and a waste of my time. Anyway with a soul would never portray this type of torture on anyway. Writing this i realize that this is as first world as we can get, but with an app that is supposed to appease the first world population they need to get their act together. I hope that the developers of this app see this and hopefully fix the ad situation but until then I will not be participating in this useless attempt to make money where people should not make money.
Thank you for your time and I hope that you accept my criticism and sincerely take it to heart <3