Flute Master for Schools in IOS

Learn Recorder

Walkthrough, Guilds, Tips on this special game

The Game

In-App Purchase

    Version 3.55.012021-01-21

    Fixed recorder fingering image in Albert’s board always using German fingerings regardless of recorder choice.

    Small fixes and improvements.

    A fun and colourful game where you will learn how to play a real instrument: the recorder!

    Great for teachers: use a projector or interactive whiteboard and engage your classroom like never before!

    NOTE: This is the version for schools and teachers looking to buy in bulk (volume purchase). For other users, please search the store for the normal version instead (i.e. not "for Schools").

    (!) Flute Master requires a real soprano recorder!

    (!) Use headphones if you can. This helps the game listen only to your recorder.

    Help the dragon Cornelius protect his tower of strawberries from the greedy bats. Yes, in the World of Music, bats love strawberries!

    You'll play a lot of unique music tracks that gradually teach you each note on your recorder. By the time you finish the game, you'll be able to play great recorder tunes! ;)

    Try to score as high as you can and... scare away those bats!


    • Game-based learning to introduce you to the soprano recorder.

    • 30 original music tracks (+ extra albums) composed with a background in music education.

    • Sheet music play along for each track.

    • Real-time sound detection of the instrument, using your microphone.

    • Innovative learning system for recorder fingering and sheet music reading.

    • Notes associated with colours for easier sight-reading.

    • Support for German and Baroque recorders.

    • A scoring system that encourages self-improvement.

    • Ready for classroom use. Used in classrooms worldwide.

    • Part of the World of Music series.


    “Educator's Choice” at Microsoft Partners in Learning

    “VIP Best App” by Microsoft

    “App of the Year” by Innteach

    “5 Stars” by TopBestAppsForKids.com

    This version includes the first four albums from the in-game Music Store for free:

    Epic Christmas, Trick or Treat, Play 6 and Songs Around The World.

    Ratings & Reviews

    5 out of 5 with 2 Counts
    Age Rating 4+

    Screenshots (Scroll Left & Right)

    screenshot 0screenshot 1screenshot 2screenshot 3screenshot 4

    Promotion Videos

    FLUTE MASTER - Learn Recorder | Official Trailer - Classplash - YouTube

    Related Videos

    Flute Master - Explained for teachers - YouTube

    FLUTE MASTER - Learn Recorder | Official Trailer - Classplash - YouTube

    Flute Master - Learn Recorder while Gaming - iPad app demo for kids - Ellie - YouTube

    Flute Master - App in Classroom (Evidences) - YouTube

    Flute Master Trailer - Learn to play recorder! - YouTube

    Flute Master - Erkl�rvideo - YouTube

    Flute Master [n�veis 1 & 2] - YouTube

    Let's Try: Flute Master (Wait, what?) - YouTube

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