Great game- happy Luni came back but a few suggestions
Tue Jan 16 2024 I must us this app foreverI’ve been using Gacha my whole life! It’s a great game and I’m so happy that the Gacha community has gotten this far!! I’m mostly grateful Luni has returned!! This new game is amazing but I have a few suggestions! I know this is a sorta new Gacha but I would like if Luni could maybe read this..? Anyways… Number 1: Poses. When I first got this game I had trouble with making poses! I love the concept and the idea for us to be making our own but- if I want to make a skit or something it takes forever to make all the poses for it! I loved the already made poses in the older versions of the game :) Number 2: Backgrounds: Again I know this is a sorta new game but i think everyone struggles with the backgrounds! There’s only a few different backgrounds and not very much of the old ones again- to make videos or skits! I love that Luni’s making new backgrounds and clothes designs but i think we’re all in need of our old backgrounds… Last but not least… Number 3: I’m never sure if it’s just me or my iPad/ phone that does this ,but every once in a while my entire game FREEZES. I have to reopen the app and since I have mm… mediocre internet it takes a while! I’m not sure about that glitch but… whatever!! Anyways. Any new people out there planning on making a Gacha channel and spreading the community? Use this game and never go back! Thank you Luni for making the Gacha community a new game for us to enjoy and… PEACE!
Great game! Few suggestions
Fri Nov 10 2023 star KitAbsolutely AMAZING game! I love the new features. While it is still a work in progress, I do have a few suggestions. One would be adding more backgrounds. The backgrounds are good, but we do need some of the classic ones, for those who are making videos/mini movies. Like, a living room, bedroom, outside, etc. Another one is since the Life is still WIP, I feel like once it's finished we should be able to interact with others' characters, kinda like Gacha Life. You should be able to make your own dialogue, or use a randomly generated one, if it's too time consuming. That'd be really cool. I love the fact you're able to make your own poses, although I am a little worried about gacha heat. But that's not what I'm talking about. I'm talking about adding some classic ones from Gacha Club. We definitely NEED the walking and running poses. Especially for people who are making videos or movies, and isn't the best pose editor. Honestly, everything is awesome. I'm glad you brought back some stuff like not having a color limit. It's so much easier to make characters who are dark skinned have brown, black clothes, or anything that's near their colors. I'm not using it for Gacha heat, obviously. Also, another suggestion is being able to edit your poses in studio. I feel like going back and forth from Home to Studio is exhausting, and too many ads are in the way. Overall, amazing game.
LOVE IT !!!!!!!
Sat Oct 14 2023 bdbgdgdvshThis is such an amazing game!! I was so exited when I found out it was coming out. But since the game is still a work in progress there are a few bugs and I’m here to adress the ones I’ve seen so far. First off when u get into the game the loading screen freezes so you have to exit out the game fully and it gets back to normal!, another one is when I build and adjust my characters body the way I want it, when I go to click on another pose is completely changes the body back to the default characters body style, it’s not to big of a deal because I can go back and adjust when I look at my other characters adjustments, but it is pretty time consuming. Something else that I have recongnized is the limit on backgrounds, I think that they are a work in progress but it’s just kind of hard finding the background that I want because it’s so limited. I know that soon you will be able to import photos from your camera roll, but I do not know when that is going to happen. And for this one I’m not hating on the game as I love all of lunime inc games. But if this game was going to be so unfinished why not just finish up most of the stuff before posting the game to the public. That’s what I would’ve done in my opinion not trying to hate love the game , keep on doing what you do looking forward to everything being finished!!!!!
pretty good concept, needs fixes urgently tho
Wed Apr 03 2024 uwumaiteso I’ve been using the Gacha games for a really long time now, I started out in 2018 playing Gacha life but when it comes to Gacha life two I’ve got lots of things to say about it,, just like Gacha club atm it’s sometimes having glitches saving your progress which is something the team really needs to fix. then there’s the backgrounds, it’s been a couple of months now and still no background update? what I’m personally exited for is the camera roll thing, yk where you can import bgs from your camera roll. see that’s pretty useful specially for Gacha tubers, role players, and animators since we don’t have to go through the whole green screen process. I know that the game is far from done. I can tell, even if it was released only a couple months ago from now we at least could’ve gotten a few updates by now,,,while I’m also glad luni is back I also think they really should be doing something with their games. I don’t expect a big update in the near future however I do expect bug fixes. Aside all this complaining, I love gl2. it’s certainly better than Gacha club and Gacha life because yk more accessories and more flexibility with stuff which I LOVE and have been wanting for a long time now ^_^. I must apologize for all this rambling, I’m quite the yapper, if you got this far, thank you for reading and I hope you have a fantastic day/night and stay hydrated.
-with love, fizzy
I love this Game so much! But I do have 2 issues..
Fri Oct 13 2023 LillithCatThis is my most favorite “gacha” game yet and I am a “gachatuber” too, I love everything about this app! Especially the character designs and poses. Though I do have something I would like to bring to Luni & any other developers within the app, I don’t know if you guys pick and choose the ads that pop up or if you monitor them but within the app there is a VERY inappropriate ad for a gacha heat mod that you should Remove. Due to the fact this app does have younger viewers and new people to the gacha community play it, this kind of content is inappropriate for them so if possible please remove this ad. I know that Gacha life 2 is still in progress and you guys may not see this but I do really like the good side to the community and I wouldn’t like to see it get infected more with this content. 2nd request which is just for preference sense this app is still in development in the next update IF it’s possible could you add the ability to hide limbs like how you can in gacha club? I typically used this to make unique poses that allowed my characters to hug and also to make babies, animals, & toddlers too. Thank for your time!
I know and appreciate how much time, effort, and energy it took to make this app so Thank you again Luni & other developers. And thanks for trying your best to make the Gacha community a better place! :D
I love the new backgrounds-
Sun Jan 14 2024 Bloody eclipseCurrently I do love it- though it was hard to figure things out- still is. And with the poses for me- at a certain point it only shows the same pose over and over again- I think that is a bug- idk. It also took me a while to figure out how to do the colors thing along with adjusting. But I love the new accessories and backgrounds! I love how one of them is moving a bit. It was also a bit hard to figure out when I was doing the screen thing- studio. Like I couldn’t get my character to nod or move their head, I could when I’m editing the character but that was because I was adjusting it- I couldn’t figure out if I was missing anything or if it wasn’t added in. Edit- figured out how to do the cost on poses- Still figuring things out on gacha life 2 but it’s still great! I love the backgrounds- how I can change the white part of the eyes- spectra I think it’s called, I love the new stuff added it, I love how you can do new things with your hands. And some other things. Other then the problems I have with it- I still think it’s great and awesome so far. Also problem with missing some poses like walking or running, I can’t really do those poses- tried just doesn’t look right to me, so I wish that was something that was already in so I didn’t have to worry about it…and some laying poses but other then that it’s awesome. I love how I can cost I’m make my own poses.
Edit- idk but it won’t let me copy and paste poses and more :/
Gacha life two vs Gacha club
Sun Jul 21 2024 Anonymously_Review#101If you have been using Gacha club for awhile now and change to Gacha life two, It is a really big change. When playing Gacha life two you realize how much Gacha club limits you from making characters, from adjusting things to color it really is a big change but it’s a pretty good change, And it lets you be more free when making characters. Honestly the reason why I did not give this game a five star review is because I think that creating the poses are really nice but when you want to make a role play it can be a bit frustrating vs Gacha club already has a bunch of poses to use but you can’t make poses you have to use the one they already have. I think Gacha life two is a big upgrade from Gacha club and I really like the fact that you can give the poses Animations too but if you are like me and like doing role play with the characters for fun or for videos then you might not like the fact that you have to make almost all the poses but overall it’s a really good role play app to use especially if you’re like me and want to practice drawing characters/people too.
To sum it up: Gacha life two is a really good app vs Gacha club and I honestly think that you should get it, but if you are more into role plays then this might not be your app, if you also know how to make lots of poses fast then you might enjoy it.
Good, but could use improvements.
Fri Jun 07 2024 ♫ VICKY ♫I will not lie, I’ve been with the Gacha community since maybe 2019, and this is a huge improvement and I really appreciate the fact that we have gotten a huge version of Gacha. There are large variety’s of choices like skin color, more adjustments, tweening, and even more unique features to put on a character / OC. I will say that there are a few bugs for me. Sometimes, the game will freeze and it won’t let me do anything so I have to exit out and reopen the game with can get a little annoying as time pasts, it’s happened to me several times and I am fine with redoing the entire app, but like I said, it can get annoying. The other thing is that when I leave my oc’s alone for a little when I have nothing to do with them, I reopen Gacha life 2 and they aren’t there. It’s quite frustrating because I spend a little over an hour on my ocs to make them unique and it disappoints me when I don’t see them in my slots. Those are two main bugs that might have already been notified about, or, not found out about. Overall, I give this a 5/6 because of how great this app is, but the two bugs take off a point. I hope you respect my answer, thank you! I love this app a lot and I do recommend it for people who don’t know how to use it yet for artist perspectives based on how much poses they have! :)
It’s good but please fix/maybe add these things please, please, please.
Wed Oct 11 2023 SSwolfcloudI love the game Luni! So cute and love all the hand options and new things added. However, are you going to add all the old poses from Gacha club back into it? Please do. Because if I’m going to use it, it won’t just be for making characters, it has to be able to make stories aswell. Like, the walking ones. We need those. Also, it’s doing this strange thing where when I make a character and put it in studio, if I change the character out of studio those changes don’t show up when I put them back in studio. It just stays how it was the first time I put it in studio and only lets me change how it looks in the studio which I can’t fully do. Please add better tears, it would be so cool if we could have better tears to add to our characters. When I put it in horizontal mode and try to take a screenshot in studio it takes it still vertical, so when ai add it into a video editing app I have to flip it back around and that’s super annoying. I just want these things fixed or added, I know you probably won’t get to some of them. But I really, really, really hope you will. I’m a huge fan and think this is such a cool game. Love it, have a nice day!
Btw, are the eyes always going to be this bulky? They look very drawn, could they be more like in Gacha Club? Please?
Buggy mess and no static poses (no rush or hate)
Wed Jan 03 2024 darkfire yumulI’ve heard about static poses being removed, there are people who are not as creative as others on making poses and would rather have default poses ready for them, removing the static poses is not really a good idea if you want the community to stay on Gacha life 2 instead of going back to Gacha Club, static poses have been ideal since GachaVerse and removing it now would cause so many problems, such as gachatubers quitting as gacha club is getting boring while gacha life 2 does not have default poses ready for them, part of the community being disappointed and mad. I’ve seen videos saying that we shouldn’t rush you or be happy we had an update, and that default poses being removed was a sacrifice for custom poses. I agree, we shouldn’t rush you, I am happy we had an update, but static poses shouldn’t be permanently removed, that’s the worst idea in my opinion and many others who relied on default poses. Second, the game is broken, the game always crashes on me, so many bugs such as copy and paste not working on offline imports, making copy and pasting poses harder (which is why we should add static poses) and the game not opening sometimes. I know the team would not see this as there are many other reviews, and I should have uploaded this somewhere where you could actually try to see it, but if you do, thank you for listening and I hope you don’t permanently remove static poses.