Not understanding the game very well
Sun Apr 23 2023 Pig PennThe game is good but why is the game copied by other games? ( what I think ) obviously, why is one part of the game like the backrooms where there are SO many windows, and why would it be a kindergarten if there are holes that are so deep and WHAT if it was real, kids falling in there, not the monster part- and why would a kindergarten have DANGEROUS lab things, and what is the point of a HUGE face that doesn’t really fit into the game and just putting a face there makes it look SOOOOOO stupid and it doesn’t do ANYTHING. I thought I would mention that the monsters where nice at first ( if I’m saying it right ) but then they ruined the WHOLE kindergarten, did they even change? They do not look scary and Nabnab, I think he looks VERY weird and looks cute to me.🙃 And I am very excited to play chapter 3 when it’s loaded on the app store. Thank you!🙂
Love it, just needs some fine tuning
Sat Mar 09 2024 ant2158i would give it 4.5 stars if it were an option, but because it definitely deserves more than just 4, i guess i will it 5/5.
the storyline and creativity of this series is incredible. it’s trippy and horrific, but it is also kid-friendly and captivating. i love how it is a horror game, yet it isn’t violent or full of gore, and it’s not just about eluding murderous entities. it makes you think and learn from mistakes to progress. i only found this series because my kids introduced me to it and i was surprisingly fond of it almost immediately.
as someone who is playing it on an iPad, i do have some minor quibbles with the controls. The sensitivity is hard to handle, and it would be nice to see an adjustable setting implemented. Also, the action button seems to be buggy at times and i will have to press it multiple times to get it to register, which is highly inconvenient in some situations where time is of the essence and the sensitivity already makes just aiming at the right spot a challenge. The only other thing i would like to complain about is the Introduction scenes that say “click the clock to advance time.” On iPad, these scenes are not scaled to the screen properly and i don’t even have the right side of the screen to see or click on the clock. i just have the “skip” option in lower left.
Overall, i’m a big fan of the Garten series and can’t wait to see what’s next.
The best!
Thu Jul 18 2024 Rupitilita2059Garten of banban was just a game I used to be watching other YouTubers play and you guys finally put it on mobile! This game is very good and I encourage you guys to go up more chapters. A few issues is all my problem though. First of all, when you start the game, the screen is like zoomed in and you can’t press the clock to advance time. I’m tired of pressing the skip button so make that happen ASAP pls. The second bug is that the controls are really wobbly and with the controls, catching the Opila birds is insane. But you guys fixed that with having less Opila birds so that’s fixed. The third bug is the jumpscares. Like, they aren’t even that good. Opila birds jumpscares is just her glitching/roaring on the side of the screen. The last is that you actually have to pay for these games on the App Store! I don’t think my parents are going to pay 6 chapters worth of money so pls fix that. Anyways this is a great game and it really good.
Here is what I have to say..
Wed Dec 20 2023 F9s8uI love Garten of banban 2 you added so much to it and it’s so much longer then the first chapter which I really enjoying love the new characters and that we finally get to meet them I love how banban betrays you and I just love the whole story even tho this game is clear to Be a poppy playtime or rainbow friends rip off but I actually really do like it,also I would just like say that this glitch where one of the opila bird chicks lifts its leg up always gets me laughing they are just so cute,but I do have a small problem I CANNOT BEAT THE CANNON PART no matter how hard I try I can never seem to beat it I have been working for months now almost a year so pls I do recommend you put a skip button for the mini games it would really help,I love all your work can’t wait to see what the other chapters bring
REALLY GOOD GAME but some technical issues….
Tue Sep 12 2023 FireSword1775Garten of ban ban 2 is a really good game euphoric brothers I’m really honest , it’s better than the first one but that doesn’t meant the first one is okay enough. Some technical issues was that I am able to walk when slow seline’s eyes are up I find it like a little glitch. Another issue is that when I play a tape even the secret tape it doesn’t show anything on the TV. The final glitch I faced was that when I put the last adorable Opila chick on the nest I mean it will be perfectley still but it will be outside the nest. Oh and just let you know I completed the game and I find it AWESOME!!!! If you can fix that, that will amazing if you can’t it’s okay. Keep working hard on the Garten of BanBan series even Jule games take good care you guys!
This was an improvement wowww
Sun Jun 04 2023 GamerUraijahWow this game is at least 9 times better then the first has so much more into the game but I really think you guys have to improve the games lore like story I really think you can add more too the lore and I love juicy lore I really think in the future we will have you know the 10/10 game I hate how slow again you have to put the sea shells in the treasure chest again like chapter 1 feeding eggs to opila it just takes so longgg but I really like wean banbaleana dos the school part I thought that was really creepy and creative but keep all the good work up
This is such a good game
Sat Jun 01 2024 cam leigh gamerI love how characters such as Nabnab, Slow Seline, and Sheriff Toadster are scrapped mascots and I love the adventure, meeting Banban and more monsters, and voice acting, I know the game costs $3 (if you don’t include taxes and stuff) but I still think that it’s worth buying because it’s a good game (especially for the road), and I am into the game sometimes but the problem is that unlike the first two areas, Most game takes place in the third sector while we barely do anything in the first two sectors but it’s still a good game after all.
Garten of banban 2 glitch
Wed Apr 05 2023 Bendygang2017So I happy that you fix that cyan captin fiddles glitch I’m really happy for that but now there is a problem again when you find the 2 tapes and you put them in the tape just freeze especially the 2 tape that’s in the trampoline park and here’s another one when your trying to the in mini opila birds when your trying to get the last one you just can’t find it , I looked every where and I can’t find it some times it would show up but not be there can you please 🙏 fix this 2 bug this game is very cool and I love it.
Amazing game!
Tue Apr 25 2023 theendereyekingYou should play this game it is amazing. They fixed the camera problems they had in chapter one to. The hardest part I’d say would probably be the baby birds because they run fast and sometime when you have your curser on them and press the hand icon you don’t pick them up, and every time I die on slow seline I have to restart all the birds again. It’s fun but can use some changes. (For the creator) —-> When is chapter 3 coming out? I’m really exited for it, and I think it’ll be amazing! :)
So fun challenging and good
Sun Mar 26 2023 thguidetjSo I love garten of banban2 mobile when I heard it was coming to iOS I went to look on the App Store and there is one problem you got to make your mobile games full screen on iPad becuse I can’t see banban clock face on iPad but on iPhone I can plz make update garten of banban1&2 to make them full screen both on iPad so you can see jumbo josh clock and banban clock plz update that I am begging you to plz update that and the sensitivity is fast in both games make a sensitivity settings in both games