Small issues but pretty good game
Thu Aug 03 2023 Kaleb KnollI almost unironically love this game. It’s very awesome. Controls very well, ost is great, Banban is a likable character. There’s a few small issues I want to highlight, however.
1. During the Stinger Flynn flashbacks, the shoot button is half off screen. It’s a very small issue, but a little annoying at times.
2. On my second playthrough, for some reason Jumbo Josh didn’t load during the final cutscene, which was very odd because it didn’t happen the first time I played.
Euphoric Brothers, this game series started as a crappy ripoff to cash in on the success of Poppy Playtime, but you guys have really done a good job with this game, and even though I really like the first two (in a mostly ironic way) this one is just plain good.
Tue May 07 2024 SimsaholicI’ve been playing chapters 1, 2, and 3 so far and let me just say you guys have done an excellent job making these and soon I’ll be downloading chapter 4 as soon as I can. But before I do that there’s something stopping me from completing chapter 3. . . and it has something to do with Stinger Flynn. You see, every time I finish with the operation with Nabnaleena, and when I head back to do the spider reunion, AND went to see what’s that racket, when Stinger Flynn put me to sleep, it. . . crashed. It’s also weird because I saw the fixes in chapter 3 that you made it not possible
to crash when that happens. I don’t know if people are experiencing it again, but can you guys please fix that one day, if not I’ll see if one day I can send the game to my computer. If you do, I’ll gladly thank you all, and I’ll probably return if something like this happens again, but until then, I’ll see you later!
Part 3 of euphoric brothers read this
Wed Jul 12 2023 Indie cross cupbeadAfter the crash you go to the Garten of banban you see the door is open the orange door is open there puzzle to not fall after the puzzle you saw the real monster face to face without riding the bird you run and you can look back hijacked banban and Mommy long legs to they both fell in love to they try to kill you for together banbleanna helps you becuase banban cheated on her the 30 doors open you see the fight happened jumbo josh and stinger Flynn kills mommy long legs Jumbo josh:smash banban to the ground Stinger Flynn: stings her and throw mommy long legs to the ground because on the left side of the room there’s a shredder after the fight you see someone it’s literally bendy but it’s not like you know bendy the ink demon tells you find the rainbow friends Find red don’t let cyan and yellow get to you and the game ends after you fall down
I LOVE the difficulty in this game!!
Mon Oct 23 2023 FireSword1775Hi euphoric brothers! I just want to let you know that this game awesome just just like Garten of BanBan 2! When I was first playing the game, I was worried that in the Nabnaleena part, that it will be too hard for me and that I would keep failing, but it turned out it was really easy. The hardest parts I faced was the Jumbo Josh part and the Tamataki and Chamataki part. I don’t really have any technical issues, except for one. When I first played the game, the tapes were working, but when I played the second time, the TV won’t show anything. If you can fix it terrific, and if not, it is okay, but other than that the game perfect the way it is. Keep working hard and stay safe and I’ll see you later euphoric brothers!
Don’t listen to haters.
Thu Feb 08 2024 Bobcat99728I’m pretty sure I wrote a review on Garten of Banban 3 before, but I need to tell the euphoric brothers something: The only reason some people hate on this series is because of Garten of Banban 1. It wasn’t the best start of a game ever, but 2,3,4,6 probably even 5 and 7 will be/were a HUGE improvement. And yes, people are saying this is a rip-off of Poppy Playtime or Rainbow friends, but don’t listen to them. There just trying to get attention that they don’t deserve. Garten of Banban is an amazing game. Sure, it has veiny mascots, strange names, and broken gameplay mechanics, but the Garten of Banban series is overall amazing. So remember, don’t give haters views because those jerks are just trying to get the attention that they don’t deserve. :)
Stinger flynn bug
Sat May 11 2024 Bruhskie123In stinger Flynn’s flashbacks the game cuts automatically and when you get back your either in sheriff toadster’s jail or
restarted when you finish Nabnaleena’s operation with Gv there is a few bugs, and now I have been trying to play with my brother, the whole series and I keeps on bugging and either glitching, but I know that euphoric brother’s ltd tried there best also, can you put a few secrets in the game like Bonito or surgeon sir dadado or either the fan made Bossfight and please, on chapter 2 please make the chickens stop when the lights turn out but thank you for making garden of Banban One of my favorite horror games I’ve played and also, can you make series 2 of plushy‘s please?
My Garten of BanBan 3 Review
Thu Jun 15 2023 dimentio in mario kart tourWow this is way better than 1 and 2. And it’s actually getting close to a 5 star review. The Stinger Flynn sections were pretty good. Not as good as the rest, ESPECIALLY. WITH. THE. RETURN. OF. THE. CANNON GAME!!!!! But it’s way better than the second games version thanks to Stinger Flynn who controls pretty well. As for the rest the cutscenes we’re pretty good. The Nabnaleena Section suprised me, the Jumbo Josh made me realize this game is way better than the last one, the Tamataki and Chamataki boss fight was pretty good and made me hope there’s more boss fights in future games. And the last Devil BanBan Chase was pretty good. Overall this is getting closer and closer to that good old 5 Star Review. Sincerely A Cool Dude
About garten of banban 3 and what they should add to garten of banban 4
Sat Jun 17 2023 Liam Jacob BeckGarten of banban 3 was awesome like the rivals song and family feud. But one problem. There was a glitch where it got out of it at where stinger Flynn is bringing you to second dream. And can you make the look like really awesome. And also like a third bird and the stone like what banban says. He says three birds with one stone but Mr. Kabob man says the opposite. Like I’m excited for the jester I’m also excited for sheriff toadster. Will stinger Flynn come back. He is the main protagonist right? Can also add tarta bird to wall and other garten of banban 3 characters. Will chamataki and tamataki come back. I’m so excited
I enjoyed this game…
Wed May 24 2023 its cool i love itA lot of people complain about this game and call it a bad game, however I played it with my brother and the both of us had a lot of fun, I have every garten of banban game that has been released, and I’ve enjoyed all of them, I appreciate how quick the Euphoric Brothers are to fix bugs and fix other problems. So honestly no matter what anyone else says, keep making games! Trust me they’re amazing, and I really love the idea and story of garten of banban, I think both Faris and Ghepo are very creative and skillfull developers and their stuff is great so check them out!
Great game but a glitch for me
Thu Jun 22 2023 Kirby ate jumbo joshI love Garten of ban ban and this is the best one yet but there was this glitch that when I played the zolphius audio disk it played the spidery reunion tape I’m not mad about it I’m really happy because I got to see the car part again just so every one knows it is not a scary game I’m nine and the scariest part is hmmmmm no scary parts still a great game but when I was playing it I just saw evil Banban floating in the sky now I’m going to tell you something sus about Garten of Banban there is someone always watching you in the elavator in 1 jumbo josh 2 slow Seline 3 baby opila bird