Everyone read this even the person who made this game
Wed May 15 2024 mk tay04So I've played all the other games and they've been pretty easy well not like easy but challenging and not too hard but when you try to cover bitter giggle from above when he's fixing the lights to get the sector, it's so hard is one of the hardest things that I've ever done I thought that in the third, the boss fight with the two headed turtle and chameleon was hard. This was even harder. I was wondering, please brothers do something about this because I'm so close but for some reason with me it's not even going if there's one light red when he finishes I die and it doesn't give you any break in between the person who made this please fix it
Great game but here’s also some stuff
Sat Jun 01 2024 cam leigh gamerI love the game! Bittergiggle (the main antagonist of Garten of Banban 4) helps us now, Banban is ok after calming down his demon form in previous game, we come across Little Beak later on, and we meet Sir Dadadoo and face him the whole game, I even love when Nabnab turns into a monster like the end of Garten of Banban 4 but intense, such a good game but here’s the problems that is like Garten of Banban 3, it feels a little empty, it’s a dark puzzle and having to keep light with you just to go to other areas and I like it but it’s repeatable, and the roof of the dark big area room is still pretty bright (not a problem tho), I still love the game, even if this game and Garten of Banban 3 got 4 stars while others got 5, I still love the game no matter what. It’s also exciting how we see Eeroga, Dakblake, KreekCraft, CookieSwirlC, Kat Buno, and Jack manifold.
Super excited for chapter 7! Is it really necessary to make us wait for chapter 5 though?
Sat Apr 13 2024 P1zz@F4c3As I’ve said in my review for chapter 4, I think this along with chapter 4 have always been the best ones in my opinion. I’m really excited to check out chapter seven when it releases! However, I will say that we are just as excited for chapter 5 as we are for chapter 7, because for some reason, even though it could be a prequel chapter, y’all made a chapter 6 but no chapter 5. Nonetheless, I wish you the best of luck working on Chapter 7! Really hoping it’s as good in the end as you promised!
So exciteeeed
Fri Feb 09 2024 - BANBAN lovrOk so I will update after but I haven’t played this yet(still downloading!!😀😀) but I love this series so much I love how it has challenges scares and awesome role play. Also stinger Flynn is my fave and drone’s fave hat is cowboy, but anywayyy 🙃😋🫠 I totally recommend I have bought the whole series cept 4 and I looove them, can’t wait to play!! Going on the game now , will update!
Update() ok so it’s good… but i rylly wanto see the tapes but when I put them on it’s just white, pls help this!!! Other wise it’s good
Sat Jun 01 2024 DaniDaCheetoAfter completing the parkour section you go into the building to get the light upgrade for the drone but the cutscene with the nanny doesn’t play for me so I get the upgrade and cannot progress further. I’ve tried making new games as well as reinstalling the game several times but this doesn’t fix the issue. Also for some reason the ceiling of the main room is bright orange and this takes away from the gameplay of it being a dark room where you aren’t supposed to see anything. While I can get over the ugly ceiling I can’t even play the game because the cutscene isn’t triggering. This is not only an issue for me but for others who bought the game. If this could somehow be fixed to where I could actually progress in the game I would happily give 4-5 stars. <3
I don't expect anything to change but...
Mon Jun 03 2024 guvhjgvI'm on the "shine the light on the red buttons" puzzle right now. It's infuriating because it doesnt properly tell me what on earth i'm supposed to do, and before i know it i die. I really do want to finish the game but i don't know if i can because it's so hard. It may be easier on PC, but i can't afford the PC version right now, and i'm not wasting my money on something that i won't be able to finish or enjoy.
So Good! Just one thing.
Sun Dec 31 2023 CamelCraftFirst of all, let me say that I freaked out when I saw it on App Store. It has amazing graphics, great audio, and fun puzzles. But there is one thing. When I move my camera around for some reason, it sometimes makes my camera go down to the floor. This makes it annoying when I’m in the middle of an important puzzle. But other than that this game is so so fun!
I feel bad for Banban
Mon Jun 03 2024 Make it more easier 😡After ban ejected a syringe in nabnab and became a monster he attacked sir dadadoo and when we got the elevator I was in but he was outside of it and when the lights turned off then on everyone was mutated except the monster nabnab and I went down he sacrificed him to defend me but when I was in he could have got and probably not get killed the creators of Banban have to make Banban smarter then just waiting to defend me if try to defend me then he’s STUPID! if I was ban ban I would get in as fast as I can rapidly spam the key card to go down then be STUPID and wait to defend me 😡
Love this game
Wed Jan 03 2024 New York brotherThe best game in the world I freaked out when I saw it on the App Store. I was talking to my friends and they were yelling at me like you actually got it and I was super excited and I love every game that you make ice in your biggest fan I have every chapter that you’ve ever had almost completed chapter 4 and three. You know what’s gonna be crazy when chapter 7 comes out
Actual good quality stuff
Sat Mar 23 2024 shodgoldfish819I love every bit of it. I’m getting a windows computer soon and the PC Version will be a lot better but I still love the mobile version too. For the ceiling in the games could you make them blend in with the walls and the floor, the ceiling is quite lighter then the floor and walls. Could you guys try to fix that, it’s ok if you can’t.