Great game.
Fri Jun 28 2024 NobbleblokLove the game. I’m up to level 12. Just wish there was an option in settings to change the background color to something other than red. The purple background in the abyss would be a great option.
Good for a while
Mon Jul 22 2024 Jones man oh yeah dudeThis game is one I played everyday because it was a lot of fun. When you hit level 16 or 17 the game has a ridiculous difficulty spike (I’m sure to inspire the use their store). Currently on level 18 for the past 4 days and I know to not even play the game. Just logging in once a day to get the free rewards to level. I’m gonna have to get stronger by about 30-40% to win, but there aren’t great ways to farm stuff without cash. So if you want a very fun and solid game for a couple of weeks def get this. Once you’re in the 16+ levels, spend money or find a new game, which is what I did.
Tons of fun up until then tho! Highly recommend the first 15 stages to everyone.
“The tower” rip off
Wed Jun 26 2024 YepYepFoolI thought this game was cool until I played the tower and realized this game steals all of its content from them and then throws $ 99 “value packs” in your face non stop.
Everything this game has “The tower” does better.
- Wanna go 2x faster? $50 not even lying. The tower lets you upgrade for FREE the speed.
- Game is all RNG, it doesn’t let you choose an upgrade to work on it just throws 3 random upgrades or weapons at you and forces you to pick one. This makes you lose games constantly.
- You cannot play unlimitedly, you have 50 “Charges” and it cost 5 to start a game. “The tower” lets you play all day.
- There are no stats for the enemies you fight, or wiki so you won’t know what to use or how much health everything has.
- There is no ENDLESS mode in the main game, only on the weekends and it’s a bit dumb but it’s honestly better than the main game.
-Also there are no quality of life settings that improve FPS, and you cannot turn off the damage numbers on enemies, so you will run into situations were your phone is 900 degrees because 1000 enemies are all trying to display the damage you did to them at the same time.
Just play the tower, it looks better, runs better, better gameplay and more freedom.
Good but
Wed Jul 17 2024 jajdfnnodbwnfjdkaGood, simple game. Not a lot to it but it doesn’t give you ads unless you ask for an ad. The small problems is there isn’t much to it, it feels like the weapon unlocks are just a downgrade, and it’s crazy that it gives you a tip to “focus on one weapon to upgrade at a time” then RNG slaps your face and you are getting 3 options that are all awful new weapons. You can watch an ad to re-roll one time per run, would be great to do it more than once with the amount of times I’m stuck with bad options.
Good game but needs work
Wed Jun 19 2024 Peach FazThis game is a grind but it’s fun. Just keeping grinding until you unlock challenges and that will help a bit It would be nice to see improvements to upgrades outside of battle. Perhaps something more basic/simpler
Been playing for a month now and I’ve had to grind the living daylights out of the game. You don’t get enough gold from any mission to upgrade your skills
I’ve also noticed that the only thing worth upgrading is the machine gun. Nearly every level you have to upgrade the damage, penetrate, and more bullets. If not, you lose
Great game dragged down by purchases
Sat Jul 20 2024 Rockyrocks6This is a great game. First several stages were super fun and the weapon upgrades are very satisfying. However, it quickly becomes a cash grab where you cannot move on until you pay and then you have to keep paying. I’m all for devs getting paid for their hard work but the prices are outrageous for not much gain. They want $10/mo ???? Are you kidding me??? And most of the other one time upgrades are upwards of $50. That’s insane.
This game is great but it could use some work
Fri Jun 21 2024 flying fuguThe actual gameplay of this game is very interesting and I do personally enjoy but the pause screen and the Home Screen definitely needs to be reworked as it looks pretty cheap in comparison to the actual gameplay. Other than that not much needs to be done.
Would be 5 stars
Mon Jul 01 2024 Yo doge22The game keeps soft locking on me, I beat the first boss in chapter 2, a “surprise” pops up on my screen to watch an ad for another upgrade. When this happens all the buttons stop working and I’m forced to close the game and lose all my progress, this is extremely infuriating. Otherwise this would have been a 5 star review, the game is genuinely a lot of fun.
Good game. Has a new issue
Sun Jun 16 2024 dev please read very importantThe ads for games like “solitaire cash” cause the game to break. You can’t close the ad, and so you have to lately close the game and you lose your progress on the current run. Makes it hard to progress, especially in the void tournament.
Bug Causes you to waste money.
Thu May 30 2024 RealGamerHourzGame is fun, don’t get me wrong. But, due to what I assume to be a bug, you cannot apply upgrade chips to your turrets, which is kind of infuriating. This in turn makes any in game purchases you make absolutely useless. This needs to be addressed. I have not yet actually spent money on these chests. But unless this is addressed, you’ll waste money. Once this bug is fixed, I will change this review to be a higher rating for sure.