Fri Sep 13 2024 Name tag 122Ok so wen I started playing a year ago I was like hey this is cool but now I can’t describe it it’s so good. The physics are so funny like sometimes you glitch wen you tap pow but wen you let go it sends you in the air. The characters in the game are so creative not to spoil or anything but they are so funny . There are special events in different times of year one you can get the funniest goats. There are so manny different worlds for all sorts of people. There’s scary, funny, roll play, adventure and more. I think it is kid friendly but just be careful like 4 is a little too young. Some of the characters have special abilities like flying or anti gravity. The humans are funny to, you can play around with them and the are really wonky and funny. Just saying wen you first start you only have one world but as you complete stuff and get money you can save it up and buy your favorite world. Some of them cost more then others though. The items are wonky to, wen you kick them they sometimes go flying. Sometimes wen you get worlds you get free goats to go with them. You can interact with almost anything in the game. You can also do daily challenges and get mystery boxes from the shop every 5 hours. Wen you do stuff you can do a lot like lick stuff and drag it around or rag doll. This game is amazing in all ways and plus it’s free
Bad choice, fine game
Mon May 02 2022 ufsd.eezI’ve been playing goat simulator for ages now and i’m sad to see it in such a state. When I opened the game I was greeted by the default map as the only available map unless I got these “goat coins” and honestly, about 1K of them per DLC is and isn’t worth it. First of all, you’re practically screaming at the player to spend money to buy at least one DLC, money that could very well just be used to buy the original game. Second of all, if you’re gonna make two goat simulators, make sure the one you actually have to pay for has some upgrades, such as the graphics PC has or something close to that. I miss the goat simulator that was there for you to have fun, now we just have the goat simulator that’s here for us to give it money until we get what we want. I feel like it’s absurd to make us pay for the same content we’ve had for free for years, and just the same content. You could’ve made something new or like I said earlier, upgraded your graphics or game mechanics. But none of that matters. If nothing changes, I at least hope the cooldown for things like tasks for coins gets reduced to a much needed 12 hours. The tasks are about the only entertainment in the game. Overall, if you don’t pay the absurd amount of money for a few goat coins, the game is severely boring with not nearly as much to do in the first map as the rest of the entire game. Please fix your game, watching your ads just to unlock another map is making me sick.
Sun Dec 22 2024 UtftuftyvunuitubThe game is great there’s so many different things you can do but there’s only one map and it’s super annoying because once you do everything it’s like you can’t do anything else so all I’m saying is you should probably at least add one more map that we can go to because it’s super boring just having one map Another thing is that all the like you have to do challenges and the challenges are super fun like that like on the 20 trophies, and the airtime, easy and all that stuff that’s super fun but you need more of those because once you do all of them it’s just super boring like really boring On the good side there’s so many different goats that you could have and they’re super fun but the only thing is you can only have the one map goats you have to like buy all the other go to the real money or goat bucks. You just have to do it every day and but it’s super fun how that all the different goats and I love how do you do like events like the winter the Halloween summer the Valentine’s Day it’s all super fun. I love the game with you just need more than it’s like the perfect game.
It’s pretty good
Wed Dec 14 2022 Goose GoobsThe game free and from what I can see so far all the DLCs and most goat mutations can be free and unlocked by either playing the game or watching adds to earn coins, if you want them without doing that you can just pay for them with real money if you have it. (Although when you buy the DLC games you pay for “Goat Bucks” to buy them and it’s a bit misleading considering the game has its own fake coins that you can earn in game and those Goat Bucks you have to spend real money to obtain but they are different currencies. I know other games do this too kinda but if I didn’t know any better I’d be so confused.) but it’s great that u can just basically get them for free. From playing the normal version on Xbox and playing it here I see some differences with the physics like the explosions aren’t as extreme and some things look abit off but it’s a mobile version so I’m sure it’s just to make it run easy and it’s still pretty fun. I might be wrong but from what I see there’s more goats I can unlock and more fun surprises in the game than in the Xbox version. It does get a bit annoying that every time the game gives you those coins it asks you to do a review, it feels like giving a kid a handful of candy and then asking them if you’re their favorite person.
I know you only fix crashes, buuuut...
Sat Nov 11 2023 koopatroopa60009So I had completed the trick or bleat thing, unlocked the midnight goast, and started playing around with it. eventually I got bored and decided to switch to the doctor goat, but when I did, all I got was a textureless goat model with ragdoll hind legs. and when I got close to an object, the object became textureless like the goat. and when I pressed POW, it acted like the midnight goast, but the goat model was still there and both the goat and object were textureless. please fix it so I can throw pills at people again.
another major oversight is with the Chad goat. by the time the Valentines day event started, I had already completed most of the missions for Waste of Space, and I am still currently trying to get that last mission done, but what I'm afraid of, is that people who have completed all of the missions, or people that are stuck on a certain mission, won't have a way to get the Chad goat when the next event rolls around.
TL;DR, when I got the midnight goast, the doctor goat turned into a textureless, glitchy version of the midnight goast. meanwhile the Valentine's Day event doesn't have accommodations for people who have completed most or all of the missions.
Amazing 11/10
Thu Feb 20 2025 Ummmmm wolfI love goat simulator, at the start i got confused on what i was supposed to do. But as i kept on playing i started to learn how to play it, i dont like that some things cost money but i still love it! The game will cheer me up when ever i am sad, i love how its so hilarious and the anti gravity goat can fly. I love when there is special abilities for almost every goat and when you tap pow you can go WHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! It’s so creative and whoever made it, you have such a vivid imagination! Just something’s when i play it too long it gives me a headache and like confuses my mind because of all the wacky stuff! Goat simulator is so fun that i cant even describe it, i 100% recommend it. But if you are someone who doesn’t like wacky fun things; i dont know if you would like this game. I just want to know, how do the developers come up with this stuff?!?! At the start of the game it can be pretty hard but then once you get the hang of it you will love it! I definitely recommend this game to anyone!
Pay to Play
Wed Jul 05 2023 FlamingoIsBestYouTuberI used to love playing this game. Yes, they had a few maps that you had to pay to unlock, but there were 3 maps you could play. Though three may not seem like much, each map was packed with things to do. However, they locked two of the maps and you only get to start off with one map. To unlock the other maps, you either get to watch an ad to unlock it temporarily or you have to use these goat coins to unlock them permanently. Now, the game is fun for like 5-10 minutes before it gets old and boring. The game is always trying to get you to buy maps, goats, coins, etc. This game isn’t fun anymore unless you have a lot of money. Another problem I have with the game is the graphics. You’re always way too zoomed in, which makes it hard to navigate. The buttons used to be bright and detailed, but now they are dark and hard to differentiate. Summary: This game used to be fun, but now you have to pay for everything. They locked maps that you used to be able to play and everything costs money. You’re screen is always way too zoomed in and buttons are hard to differentiate. This used to be a good game! Please change it to how it used to be.
You have to pay for everything
Sat Jul 08 2023 Driveby224I loved this game so much I would spent hours on hours playing because I had the ability to choose 3 maps. Even though there was other maps you sadly would need to pay for them. The main reason I loved this game was that you were able to unlock multiple characters and it was easy to control the goat when you played. I also liked how it worked when there was no WIFI. But after the new update it wasn’t as fun anymore you only had one map to play out of the 3 you could choose and all of your characters you unlocked were now coins. Not to mention how it’s more laggy and harder to control the goat than before and you have to spend even more money on just unlocking a map or a goat skin, and if you watch an ad you can only unlock certain map and skin you can only use it temporarily. Not to mention how you can’t even play this game if you don’t have wifi. This game is so longer fun and entertaining to play as much as before maybe for like a few mins but that’s it maybe this game would be enjoyable if you have a lot of money but if you’re not willing to pay for stuff in the game then it’s not fun.
Fantastic Game
Fri Mar 29 2024 KoopaTroopaFanI really love this game, from its sense of humor to its gameplay. When I first saw the price for the goat sim winter bundle, it seemed expensive. $25. But when I discovered this game, I downloaded it, expecting a ad-filled half finished version of the original game. But I got something much better. Unlocking new games is much easier than you may think, as coins come daily and your pockets widen in days. You can cut the price of any game by 30% by using the “Try It For Free” function, which lets you play any mode you don’t have for free for 3 minutes. After the 3 minutes are up, you get a discount. Also, I found a glitch. Yes, I know, goat sim is famous for its intentional glitches. But this glitch actively makes the gameplay experience worse. You see, when I was playing PayDay, I looked forward to trying Humane Goat, who is literally a human. But when I tried it on any mode that wasn’t PayDay, it defaulted to the basic goat model. Please fix, but great game nonetheless.
nice game but could add some details
Sat Jul 30 2022 pot ate toit is a good game tbh but you coud add a few stuff to it like how about a legendary goat that can turn into all the vehicles in all the 7 games and also make them have powers that are the things the include the parts that make the vehicles like heres one the boat: two powers for it so first is a flood if u press the power everything in the map gets flooded if u press the power again or leave the goat character it stops the flood second one is a tsunami what it does is pushes everything in its way how it works is that where the goat is facing the tsunami will launch facing the opposite of the goats direction going in front of the goat. and if u make that goat ill pay all my goat bucks for it and give u 5 stars features: i want the goat 300 goat bucks and how u normally get it is by driving all the vehicles in the payday map keep up the amazing work! And also im all out of goats to buy i only have two packs to collect payday and WOS waste of space so i need to collect them all I NEED TO COLLECT IT ALL ALL OF THEM so plea