Amazing game!!!!!!!!
Sun Nov 24 2024 It’s time for AfricaI love this game so much! It’s so fun and I just love it! But sometimes there are a lot of ads not too many but a bit. Even though there are ads, I still think this is a great game. I would like some more levels in this game, there are definitely a lot of levels, but I played this game a lot and now it just repeats the levels. so if you could get a little more levels, that would be great. I don’t really have that many bad things to say about this. I think this is a really great game and you should think about buying this. I definitely would recommend it even though it says 14+ on it it’s for all ages and I think that’s really great cause I have a little brother and he loves this game too, but I do think you should have some really easy levels like for little kids and some harder levels for older kids .I do think there should be more coins on the track. And more bonus levels that are for free but it’s so fun and I really love it. it’s just so fun. I definitely recommend this. The only problem I have is adds. I think you should definitely get this game and if you have a younger sibling, it’s a great game to play with them. i’m having a hard time finding things to say that are not that good that’s how good this game is. I absolutely love it.
I would rate this a 5 star but…
Mon Sep 09 2024 ghist-reaper-It’s always the adds man because every time you die you come across an add. Every time you finish a level after you got done watching an add guess what, another add I’ve played other games that has adds too but this is just off the charts like it’s either you roll the ball without dying or you can face watching an add and watch another one when you’d finish the level. Another thing why I gave it a two star is because there ain’t no level creator mode because starting past level 50 you’re just playing the same 20 lvls over and over again and this game also trolls idk how to explain it but it just trolls man I hope you understand this but the main thing I want despite the adds is more lvls just plz add some sort of thing to where there can be more lvls and if you guys do that I’ll maybe Change my rating to a higher star and tell everyone I know about this game but other than that we’ll have to wait and see if where this goes first I hope you understand and have a good day. Edit I’m changing it down to a one and I’m about to delete this game there is no improvements once so ever
Update: it seems they added new balls for the millions that I got already and new levels, so, YAY. But still I kind of want something where we can creat our own levels and you guys could maybe throw those inside level__ too. But other then that, if you can at least keep on making new maps then I’m happy! I rate 3 star now so I kind of recommend this game.
not bad but not good
Mon Nov 25 2024 Corgis are awesome! 🤍🎀i have been playing this game for a few days now and it's been pretty fun. if anyone really reads this i would recommend turning off wi-if and cellular data so there's no adds. the adds can get annoying at times but if you turn the wi-fi off there is none. now i do have a few opinions about the game. one: the glitching. the glitching in my game is bad. if i ever turn my wi-fi back on the game will stop and exit me out. it's really annoying when i'm in the middle of a level. two: the adds. the adds that they give you are normal ones that you can play. sometimes i play the add but not a lot. the adds are usually 15-30 seconds long which is pretty long for an add. but here's the reading why i'm starting to dislike this game. when i was doing a level i saw a "Deal" card and i clicked the race one. when i clicked it i had to watch an add. so i did. i didn't play the game and right after i exited out of the add. the race had already finished. i don't know how, or why this happened. but it wasted my time and that made me mad. other than my few opinions this app is really fun to play. the sounds are really relaxing when the ball rolls on wood. that's my favorite part. also i feel that the price for the no adds is pretty good. thank you for reading my review. have a wonderful day, afternoon, or night. 💓🎀
Great, but I liked it before..
Sun Dec 01 2024 Anonymous81936I love this game and I think I’ve had it for a few months, and am currently on level 642. There’s been a recent update where balls are restored over time and you can no longer earn them in the level. I don’t like that new feature, and I honestly think it would be better without the “time-earning” thing. Personally, if there’s something that I have to wait for in-game, I’ll close the app, forget about it, and not use it for a few days. It’s becoming just like the other boring games I tried and deleted. It would be awesome if you could give us back the old way of getting balls. And the five ball places in a row helped me a lot more than a counter; that was the second thing that irked me. The app was good as it was. Edit: Thank you for changing it back, but there’s an obstacle that seems impossible. I don’t exactly know how to describe it, but it can be encountered on Level 1603, where you roll out on the rails and the paddle is supposed to hit you towards the spring. In all the levels that I’ve played, I’ve only been able to successfully use it about once. All I’m asking is that you make the game physics more consistent, so you don’t have to waste two rounds of balls because of one little thing. Sorry if any of that sounded rude or super critical, but I do love the game! Please fix this.
Download this game now!!!
Wed Sep 28 2022 GoAway09First of all, I want to say that whoever invented this game was a genius. I have enough coins to buy everything and am on level 460. This game is sooo fun and addicting!! The levels are all really creative and the different ball designs are cool. The ads are not bad at all! There is an ad if you fail once, which is fine, but if you fail again u don’t have to watch one. There is also an ad at the end of every level, which gets slightly annoying, but it’s not that bad. I do have a few suggestions for how to make it better though! So to start off, please make some more obstacles! The ones that u do have are fun, but I repeat them a lot, even if they are in different orders. This is also annoying because sometimes I’ll play a challenging level, and then want to play a spinning wheel game. Sometimes if I land on challenge, it just makes me do the EXACT SAME LEVEL which is incredibly irritating! Please fix that. Also, just get rid of the blue bonus levels. They’re boring and I don’t need any coins.
All in all I love this game, it’s awesome. Thanks for creating such a spectacular game!!!
Great Game
Fri Jun 07 2024 Sir Tickles vIThis is my go to game for when I am on planes or or just sitting around. Right now I’m at level 543 and have gotten really good at the games levels. I also love how there are balls that take millions of coins to get because it helps you stay motivated to keep playing. Another thing that makes this game great is shortcuts, I love speed running thru the levels and finding ways to make them faster. One thing that makes the game start to get boring is once you get to around level 150 ish the levels start repeating. I don’t mind this to much as long as the developers keep adding new levels which they have. The wheel is a great addition because you can do all of the bonus levels and normal levels without having to keep playing levels. This also lets you play the earlier levels which you can’t do when you are hundreds of levels into the game. I am fairly certain that the goal ball bonus’s are all bots. Some of them can be a challenge but most of the time I destroy them. So normally I just do the races or portal run bonuses. Overall great game and can’t wait for more updates!
Sat Feb 15 2025 ME THE WEIRDEST GIRLPlease don’t listen to the negative reviews! This app is so fun, and let me tell you why. So first of all, there are so many levels, so it’s like the game never stops.( sorry to say dis, but developers, please respond) anyway, this app is so relaxing and fun, and if you made me rate this by emojis, then this is how I would rate it:😻😻😻😻😻🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🥰🥰🥰🥰😘😘😘😘😘😍😍😍😍😍😍😃😃😃😄😄😄😄😆😆😆😀😀😀😀😀❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻. Anyway, if you don’t know if you want to get dis or not, I am telling you, I recommend this app, and also, it is completely free! I hope you believe me, because it is so fun. By the way, I want to say to the developers, thank you so much for this game, it’s flawless, I love it so much, and I think you guys are so kind 🥲🥹, so keep up the good work. By the way, where I live, Wisconsin, well yesterday was Valentine’s Day, so happy Valentines Day to everyone. PLEASE get this app, I want you guys to have a good time playing dis game, just like I did. ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Super fun, except for the penalty…?
Fri May 10 2024 Rainbow7631It’s just as fun as it is in the ads, and i want to let any newcomers know that this isn’t a false advertising game, it’s exactly like in the ads. But there’s just one thing. As usual, some people reported the amount of ads. Not to complain or anything, but every single time my ball falls off the track I have to watch an ad. Well, not really EVERY single time, it’s a pattern. If I fail again in the same level I don’t have to watch an ad. It goes ad, no ad, ad, no ad, ad… you get it. But really, it’s almost as if the developers are punishing us for failing, like this is a school. Like the video ads are a penalty we have to pay whenever we accidentally fall off the track. I just wanted to make sure any newcomers understood this before downloading, and I don’t really have any complaints. And it’s not like the ad pattern is driving me crazy, it’s only annoying when the ads do come on. It’s only annoying in the moment, kinda like Deja vu.
5/5 stars from me ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ if only I could give more than that
best mobile game ever!
Sat Jan 15 2022 109636967/28hi thanks for reading my article! so lets say your bored and browsing through the app store to look for the best mobile game ever, and you happen to stumble on this post and decide to check it out! heres why you should download and play this game! first of all, mostly all ads are optional! that means NO ad breaks during levels! second of all, the physics! omg the physics are so good! especially for a mobile game with a limited budget! if you miss a collectible or two, you can just turn around and grab them! what a cool mechanic! speaking of mechanics! the mechanics in this game are PHENOMENAL!!! omgarsh i just love the little parts where you go down the bowl onto a ramp and go WHOOOOOSH! now finally last but not least, the content! there are so many skins you can buy without even spending a p e n n y !! speaking of which! if you collect all three keys you can get a free skin by chance! how cool is that! there is so much more being added! come and check this phenomenon of a game with me! see you on the flipside! - dane g.
Another one bites the dust
Sat Mar 11 2023 LilacveinsI would find a way to tolerate the ads because the gameplay is fun enough and I understand the developers need to make money somehow. At mere level 65 I am officially deleting though because of this one thing. There’s a “skip with an ad” button that pops up whenever it senses you’re having difficulty with some ridiculously designed obstacle/checkpoint that’s so impossible you have no choice but to watch the ad to even move forward. Apparently, sometimes it works and most times it doesn’t. Meaning, you’ll watch the ad and they’ll get compensated but you get no reward as promised. It’ll just make you restart the level from scratch instead of advancing you forward, which can be accomplished by just restarting the app without watching the ad they scam you into with this button sometimes. It can’t be a small glitch because it’s happened too many times to be coincidental. I can understand most things, and everything is forgivable except for that. Maybe don’t cheat your players if you want them to stick around. Thanks for a fun few days though before it became ridiculously impossible to actually enjoy the app anymore