Love it <3
Sun Dec 29 2024 JoyCatWins đź‘‹I really do love this game, I have always played it and have obsessed over Granny when I was like 7 to today which I am 12 now and still play this game. The point of this game is to stay away from Granny and try to escape without getting hit with her baseball bat. You have 5 days to try to escape through the door, car, or tunnel which you can unlock with a key. There are also modes which are practice, easy, normal, hard, and extreme. If you pick hard or extreme, there are extra locks on the door, but practice, easy, and normal have the same amount. If you would like to play practice, easy, or normal mode with extra locks to make it more difficult, you can check extra locks on the menu so when you play, there will be extra locks. You can also turn on nightmare mode to make the game more scary, but watch out because some people have trouble with it or have nightmares. If you are at a young age like 6-7, I would recommend playing practice mode or easy mode. Just remember that practice mode does not have Granny in it, but all the rest of the modes do. If you are about 4 or 5, I would recommend playing just practice mode. The only thing I do not like about this game is that it gets boring after about 10 minutes. Some of the keys are really hard to find even in practice mode, so I would like if the keys are in a little more easier spots. Other than that, this game is great, and I hope all you people that love horror games have so much fun playing this game! <33
I love you, granny hates you, we are all trying to escape.
Fri Nov 23 2018 TheDerpHurricaneBest game in the world. What to know how. I got nightmares from it. First time playing it the night I got it I got nightmares. Here are some suggestions. First, add multiplayer. Come on it’s the best. One multiplayer is online were you need WiFi and local were people near you can play with you. Add mode were you can play as granny. As granny you need to kill all players in your house. To see them you either have to here a sound they made or you see them. When you here a sound or see them there will be a sprint button that come up to run faster. It is the same objective but more people. Two more things, add an insane mode of more pro people. The second thing in the options before entering the game, add an option to two have more granny’s to make it harder. OMG I forgot one more thing add another mode called outside. In this mode your objective is when you escaped the house you need to find your way back to civilization. But before the game there are five boxes. One is for the difficulty, the next one if you want multiple granny’s like I mentioned before, the next is if you want slenderina in it, the other is if you want slenderina’s mother to be in it, and the last one is to have all of them besides difficulty. You can only choose one of them the difficulty and one of the last four. That is it. That is what I want new in this game. I know it sounds a lot but it sounds fun doesn’t it.
Bug Report + Game Review
Sun Jul 23 2023 LuckyLucasGamerGame Review:
After discovering this game shortly after the backyard was introduced I’ve been playing ever since. The game is similar to Hello Neighbor but is better in every way. The puzzles are simple but intuitive, the stealth is like no other. I’ve beaten the game many times, most notably on Extreme and on Normal without being seen once. The updates added new found fun every time I played. It’s too bad in my opinion Granny: Chapter 2 is worse. Too add insult to injury the 3rd and 4th installments aren’t available on iPhones due to “low quality”. This game is amazing and I can’t give it enough praise.
Bug Report:
For the current version (1.8) on iPhone I have discovered a visual and gameplay oriented bug. The visual one is during the end sequence by going out through the door. In the cutscene Granny’s bat turns neon pink. I’m unsure wether this is due to me killing her prior to escape or standard in all escapes. The second is a major gameplay bug. If you lure Granny to a bed while she is chasing you, and begin to go in and out of the bed rapidly she will not attack. She will become locked in a state where she’s unable to hit you, and she will just turn to fave your direction. During this time she will not move either. This can be reverted by killing her or dying in the variety of ways the game offers. This can be done on every difficulty from easy to extreme excluding practice mode.
Not enough updates (I got ideas)
Wed May 02 2018 catububI think the backyard should be bigger. Make more rooms. This one idea I though would be cool. Have a another room with some type of bird. Every time you go in the room the bird would make noice and granny would come in, but there should be a mask you can put on then the bird can squeak. Make different kills other than the swing of her bat. There should be a baseball you can throw at her then it can say “Granny is happy with you for 30 secs.” That could be another way to have some free time. Another thing when you get killed under the bed she should drag you out then proceed killing you. The closest should do that to. Make more secrets you can do slender man somewhere. Do something with grandpa. Have some sort of back story. Make more endings I like the to you have, but there’s time for more. Do one with the crossbow. If you have spawned slederina have her be in it. Add more details to the house. (Back to slender man) when you spawn slenderna she could give you a key to slender man’s grave. Which you could have a shovel to look for. Next and last give credit to the comments on here. Give there name and give thanks. Last thing add more things granny can do. (Add to the menu as well.) *If you are reading this thanks for using time to read this. I appreciate the kindness. I hope theses updates will come out. I’m asking this to make the game better. Thank you again for taking the time to reading my comment! Bye!*
Thu Jun 15 2023 BEST : By Taylor Katethis game could approve a lot and a lot of things could change but overall it is a good game. one thing I think that should change is the mode I feel is we have had the same practice , easy , hard , and extreme mode for a long time and maybe we should add a new mode the mode could be harder or easier than extreme. the next thing I think you should change is having to go back and forth to pick up items from the place you’re escaping from or in general. I feel that instead of walking back and forth we should be able to pick up at least three things at a time to make it easier. another thing I think should be added is an option for spider mom. in hard and extreme mode it doesn't have to be a option but in easy normal and practice I feel that there should be an option for spider mom. I thing I don't like about spider mom is in practice mode she's there.. it's practice mode so I feel there should be no type of enemies trying to kill us. another thing I don't like is that Granny stopped spawning in the basement like she used to and now she just spawns from anywhere like random rooms the bathroom , downstairs. I feel if she's just going to spawn from anywhere it should at least be a button to the side where you can see where she spawns at
the last thing is the lady where you put the book down and then she starts crawling that's so unrealistic. maybe just add where spider key is somewhere laying around the house. not anywhere to hard to find tho . somewhere easy.
Best mobile game of the decade! Also, detailed multiplayer concept!
Wed Mar 27 2019 Dabmaster the lllI play it almost everyday but plz add multiplayer 2-5 plays and someone can be granny, I will explain the multiplayer mode idea more detailed here. So one person will become granny and the other 1-4 players will be trying to escape together! I someone gets caught, granny will lock them in a cage in the basement, this is why a new item will be added! A bolt cutter! It can be used on the cage to let someone out! But beware, granny will put another lock on the cage! Also, maybe when you knock out granny she will have a key on her to unlock the cage! When a player escapes they go into spectator mode, which means the can fly around the house to watch on fix their view on a specific person! Or maybe when a persons five lives run out they might become one of granny’s pets! Which means that settings should be available before a match is started by a host, note that players should be able to see the settings of the game before the match starts, and should be able to vote to start! A chat feature would be great for a better multiplayer experience! Players could escape together or alone! Please take into account my idea, a lot of people really want this! Thank you if you even read this! Your game is by far one of the best mobile games ever! I am still addicted to this day! See you at granny’s!
Note: players should be able to have gamer tags or nicknames!
Future updates
Wed Aug 08 2018 TaytwoD12I love this game so much! I do have a few recommendations for nee updates. My best friend and I have both completed all the game modes, but wish we could play together in the same game rather than separate. I think there should be a granny multiplayer option. This way you and your friend can both play against granny at the same time. Also, creating another game mode or two would be nice. We spent weeks trying to complete extreme mode. Maybe there should be a mode a little bit easier, and then a mode a little bit harder after. I feel like hard to extreme is a really big step up. Maybe make a mode before extreme without the little cage in the one secret passageway. Or a few less creaking floors. An option to even be granny against a computer or a friend would also be really cool. To make it fair, granny will have limits. For example, if you’re playing as her, you can only put down 5 bear traps in every 10 or 15 minutes. Also, you should only be able to sprint or move faster for a small amount of time. Maybe only being able to check the cupboards and underneath the bed a few times. Creating multiple maps would be pretty cool too. For example, Granny moves to Idaho! She has a new house there or something similar to that. These are all just ideas to make the game even better than it already is. I’m sure others may agree or think the same thing(s). Thank you for reading!
Wed Jun 06 2018 PelicanBoiI have really enjoyed playing this game, and I have beaten it several times. I would love to see new updates in the future! I have a couple of ideas that might be a great idea I don’t know... Multiplayer: this has been going around for a while now and I hope you could add it in the game. You could add Granny’s pets that can be awoken at some point in the game, they can crawl through the small spaces and grab on to you letting granny have an idea of where you are because they bark so she can hear it. You guys should also add more Easter eggs they are the coolest things in video games. Another thing you could add is another option on the beginning screen of part two where you are outside and you have to escape by finding parts of the car to drive away... that would be like a bonus thing that you can switch on and off. Maybe have a day and night switch too? Idk about that it would let people who were scared not be scared of the darkness. Almost done 2 more... The attic: I’m just gonna say it. It is really bland unlike the rest of the house, you could add more rooms up there with more things to find/ do it would make it so much cooler. And finally there can be a switch on the menu for cameras around the house that you can break with the hammer, or cover with a (cloth) new item for that mode. I personally love this game and hope for awesome updates in the future keep up the good work!
Sat Apr 29 2023 Rogersfam16Just to start this game is nearing death, but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t play it. This game is exceptional by all means. The intensity levels skyrocket when you’re on extreme and you step on a creaking floorboard. The jumpscares aren’t awful, but good enough to startle you when you don’t expect it. Tips: granny drops bear traps. Dropping an item on them will activate it. Stepping on it will require you to remove the trap by looking at it and holding the remove button. Triggered bear traps will attract granny. The car bumper is rigged to fall off when you go near it, so be careful. You can put the shotgun parts together in the garage. The house is rigged with traps, but I shouldn’t say anything else! Update ideas: Save files. I play this game in fragments and whenever I leave the app open too long it closes automatically and my progress is gone. Save files could fix that. Custom mode. You could unlock it by beating the game on a difficult difficulty. Maybe you could have options like where things are, how fast granny moves, etc, and then uploading it to the community to have others play it. Granny mode! Who wouldn’t want to play as granny herself? I don’t think this one needs explaining, and yes, I know this is a mod, but it would be great if you could play as granny in the vanilla game. Dvloper and the devs, please consider. To review readers, download this game! You’re missing out!
One of The Best Mobile Games Developed
Thu Apr 19 2018 Benjamin michael Jon campGranny is very cohere with my title, except with a few recommendations. I like how the ambience of the game is eerie and sinister. You wake up and your goal is to try to circumvent Granny, find the tools in order to unlock the door, and escape. I like Granny’s belligerent attitude because this challenges you to find the needed objects at certain times. The house is very interesting because you can find the tools
many different locations, but they are not always in the same place. I also like how Granny leaves traps. You only have five days, so you really need to be agile with your actions. There are many good hiding places you can go for Granny not to see you, except if she sees you trying to hide. The music is perfect too, which adds to the eerie and sinister ambience. In addition, what I would like to see in future updates or in the sequel is a story mode. This can enable the players to witness Granny’s motives, how you ended up in the house, and choices that affects the outcome. Maybe you can try to get other people to help stop her outside of her house too. I would also like for the developer to augment the side of Granny’s house because we will be able to explore more , and it will be harder to find the tools. You (The developer/developers) did an excellent job to the game and you should be proud of how successful this game is. Keep up the good work!