Fun but Flawed
Sun Mar 05 2023 DanH345This is a fun game, with a lot of activities, and a “play when you want” sort of dynamic, which I find useful. You don’t need to be logging in every day if you don’t want to do so, which can work better if your schedule is full.
Two items knock the rating of this title down. First, if you don’t find graverobbing, cannibalism, witch burning, and similar topics humorous on some level, you will not enjoy it. In many cases, these are not presented as moral choices with viable alternatives, but required activities. If something hits one of your buttons, there’s not really a great way to get around it.
Second, the Cultist perk does not work on mobile devices, from everything I can find online. Later in the game, this breaks the core activity of graveyard keeping to the point it’s not worth pursuing any further, unless you want to do constant save scumming. Instead, one is driven to finish the main story out of sheer boredom.
Great game!
Sat Jul 13 2019 jonodaleLove the game and its quirkinesses-better and more open ended than Stardew valley, IMHO (which I also love).
A couple of things for the developers to note:
1. The controls have two issues. First, they offer too much range of motion, so it’s difficult to travel in a straight line or with any precision (not a big deal, bu could be better). Second, and worse, there is a delay in responsiveness when you hit something, like a crafting table, which takes half a second or so for the controller to reactivate. This means that some operations, like putting blocks of stone on the stone table, are not as quick or smooth as they could be.
2. I have not seen any crashes - at all - in playing for 2 days (I am just about to do the gold star sculpture quest for The Bishop), but if you exit the game in the middle of a day and it unloads (or restarts), you will lose your progress for the day.
3. The crafting and technology system is complex, which makes knowing what you need in the technology tree unnecessarily difficult. For example, you often need two technologies unlocked to do something, like the skill to quarry marble and then to sculpt it. I know this is more realistic, but I often have to consult a website to know what is what!
Other than that, great fun and highly recommended.
Is worth more than the current 2.9 rating.
Awesome game
Sat Jun 29 2019 Midknight!This game is definitely really great. I like the idea, I like the mechanics, and I love the polished look of it.
I HATE the controls. I don’t like the touch controls(too imprecise) and when I tried to use a controller, I broke the game a couple of times(I couldn’t do anything else, no matter what button I pushed). There definitely needs to be a better option for what’s possible with a controller, and if it’s not recommended to use a controller, that needs to be stated.
Update: I bumped my rating down because of an unsurpassable bug. I have had no crashes whatsoever, there have been NO BUGS whatsoever up to this point. I’ve been playing this game for 20 hours, and I get to a bug that completely freezes the game and makes it impossible to go forward.
When the bug happens, my phone info (software, hardware) appears on the left side of the screen. The game continues to work (music still playing, body was delivered) I’m just unable to move.
Needs Some Work...
Fri Aug 30 2019 Review.ioI love this game! The mechanics are good, the controls are simple, and it has a lot of challenges in it that are fun to pass. If I could change a couple of things, it would have to be the quests you have and the crashes. If I try to go for a couple in-game days without sleep, the game starts to lag and then crash. It is so annoying to have that happen. So maybe an auto save at midnight? I know the idea is to sleep each day at least once but sometimes I don’t need to. Also, about the quests... it is REALLY frustrating when I don’t remember what the lighthouse guy wants and then I have to walk all the way there to see it! I would love there to be a quest list in the inventory area and something in the top right that shows the current quest you’re tracking? Other than that, great game!
No crashes
Mon Apr 03 2023 KijuGentlyI have a 5th generation iPad mini, and I hesitated to buy this game because of all the reviews…but I did it because my friends said this game was a blast on Steam, but I prefer to game on my iPad.
Now with over 600 in-game days, I can confirm this game will not crash nor lose your progress. I’m careful to always “sleep” my avatar before closing…the game appears to save when he says “I feel so refreshed!” on waking up. Controls get a little buggier as you progress, but nothing unbearable. Finally, I was trapped in a looping cutscene waiting for the vampire hunter, but I just closed the app and got the quest again after I reopened it, so no biggie. I hope this helps you decide whether to buy this game!
Awesome Game...if it weren’t for the crashing
Thu Jul 18 2019 Jack the Nipper!I loved this game on Xbox, so i was thrilled to see it on IOS...installation and starting the Game was no problem, the quality of graphics sounds is nice. I agree, the controlling is a bit hard getting used to, especially the stick which like to not work after an action. But this is ok, what makes me give out 2 Stars instead of 4-5 is that the game crashes when u try to save...this is unacceptable. I will move up to 4 when it’s fixed, 5 u will get when u fix the Controls..overall is an awesome game what gives u hours of gameplay....
After the last Update what should fix the crashes....well lets say it made it even worse...what a shame.....crashes all over...i did all the old tricks, don’t have any other app running in background, soft reset the ipad...enough space etc...nothin...come on your job..i pad almost 13 bucks for star to it is fixed...
Great Game. Needs Improvement.
Fri Jan 13 2023 ArmoredTalonI recently finished playing Stardew Valley on my iPhone and was looking for a similar game. This was that game. I have played the game for a couple of hours and I must say it’s interesting and unique. However I do think that something needs minor and major adjustments. First of all, the controls are a bit too big and hard to handle. If possible could the joystick be movable or ‘wondering’ like most rpg game have. Secondly and the MOST IMPORTANT IS CLOUD SAVE OR ANY ORHER FORM OF BACK UP. so far I am enjoying playing this game and I would love some form of backup. Like Stardew Valley, can the player access the files and copy them so that we can backup the saves. Sincerely, A Mobile Gamer
Crashes.... they are killing me
Thu Jan 02 2020 Person1004I bought this game without looking at the reviews, and I really should have. Crashes all the time after I sleep. I might be able to get past maybe one sleep cycle, but after that, it always crashes.
I love the aspect of this game, and I want to play it soo much, but something needs to be done.
It was updated 5 months ago, Developers, I get you want to make new games, but is there any chance you can fix this one? I don’t want to feel cheated out of my money because you guys won’t fix the game.
I think we all want this game to be amazing, but if you won’t fix it... well, there’s going to be a lot of problems.
Thu Dec 28 2023 Grace0270I really liked this game. It was like a sick twisted version of Harvest Moon. But there are too many issues now. When I first started playing, the donkey would bring me 1 body every day, but then it lessened to 1 body a week then to 1 body every few weeks and now it’s been months (in game) and the donkey has not returned. I have not yet reached the part of the game where he goes on strike till I build a carrot box. That quest isn’t even available for me yet, so I know it’s a bug in the game.
There hasn’t been any updates in years. I’m pretty sure the Devs washed their hands of this game. They should have released the DLC for mobile, like they did with the PC version.
This game is disappointing now. Don’t waste your money.
Lack of saves and crashes make it unplayable
Wed Sep 16 2020 PartitionedSpaceGraveyard keeper is a fun little game, something like a Stardew Valley mixed with an idle clicker and a dark sense of humor. It would be a 4 or 5 star game.
But it falls victim to the same issue a number of PC/console games do. It doesn’t allow manual saves, doesn’t auto save and only saves when you sleep. If you leave the app and iOS closes it you’ll lose all your progress. Worse, on my device (iPad 2018) it often crashes while sleeping. Sometimes after it saves (a minor nuisance)... sometimes before. I’ve lost progress so many times the game has just become unplayable. The last update was a year or so ago so I’m not holding out much hope on a fix. If that happens I’ll be happy to update the review. For now, I’ll stick to playing on PC.