It’s me again
Sat Jul 03 2021 KungFuRomeo2I ended up deleting gumslinger because it kept crashing on me :( I hope you still are making others happy through the making of this game also thanks for answering back on my review! I really appreciate it most people don’t Wright me back so yeah anyway… 😑 I deleted it because it kept crashing but I hope you are making others REALLY happy in the making of this game also I will ask you 2 things though… #1 can you please add a multiplayer option because I think that it would be PRETTY COOL! 😎 also #2 can you add a sandbox mode where you can make your own uhh…ya know…maps? Like battlefields? I think people would like it… just a consideration! I mean like ya don’t HAVE to add these but I think it’d be really awesome if you put your time and energy and coding skills into making this possible… THANK YOU SO MUCH FIR YOUR HARD WORK! also very sorry I had to delete this game but it kept crashing and I was getting SICK of it… but really awesome game! Happy 4th of July! (Even though it’s not July forth yet I still wanted to say because I won’t be able to say ‘happy forth of July’ on the exact day. That’s all you need to know). SO YEAH ALSO DOWNLOAD ROBLOX AND BRAG ABPUT HOW BETTER YOUR GAME IS BECAUSE IT REALLY IS BETTER THEN ROBLOX IN SOME WAYS! HAPPY FORTH OF JULY! 🎉
Wasn’t a fan but it’s worth a shot.
Mon Nov 07 2022 Gummy bear fan02It’s a decent game worth trying but I couldn’t get into it. I didn’t like how you have to pay to heal between tournament fights, it’s pretty unfair, annoying, and repetitive trying to get 8 kills with 1 health bar. I didn’t like how the rag doll physics change gameplay, you and the opponent can dodge bullets by chance alone. Or the game will put your head right in the path of the bullet. The characters move on their own making it increasingly difficult to aim precisely after the first couple of shots in the round, after a jump (which you don’t control) and the jelly physics move your weapon around during all of that. There is no punishment for being hit or knocked down which I felt hurts the experience a lot. I think a powerful debuff of some kind would help ease a lot of frustration and random chance. Those moments when you’ve hit the opponent multiple times and they still fight just as good as you can. Multiple times I’ve had runs ended by pure chance. These types of things shouldn’t be happening and don’t make the game fun.
Overall I felt the game was too inconsistent in its combat to be enjoyable. I could see why people would like the randomness, keeps things fresh, but with a punishing death and health system the player needs significantly more control during combat. I start a tournament knowing that no matter what, I could very well loose to any opponent along the way, I don’t think it works well here. 🤷♂️
Pretty good game ngl, but…
Mon Nov 25 2024 AdsolisI honestly enjoy the game a lot, it’s very easy to just pick it up in my free time. Though, if I were to complain about one thing, it would be the map spawns that seem to just be outright unfair. On certain levels, you are placed in a position that is completely out of line of sight (LOS) from your opponent, which may seem like a good thing, but the either character has the random chance of jumping to the side in order to gain LOS. This can be good and bad for both sides. The physics engine is honestly really well done, but that is also the biggest downside to the side-jump mechanic, as aiming just becomes atrocious whether you are the one jumping or not. Another feature that makes this gimmick annoying is the camera trying to stick to a certain plane. If the opposing character just happens to jump directly in front of the camera, you can’t see you character at all and aiming is nearly impossible. Another issue is a bug that happens is that your control configuration (switching aiming and firing sides of screen) get entirely ignored when playing non-versus modes. Still, this doesn’t happen on too many levels and I’ll probably continue to enjoy this game regardless. As far as everything else goes, I think everything is great, a good variety in weapons as you level up, usually consistent gunplay. 4/5 overall
Why can’t we go back levels?
Tue May 05 2020 dgubblersThis is a fun well made game, but it seems that you can’t go back to complete previous levels and skill shots or get the trophy after the timer in which it forces you to level up. This should be fixed, especially seeing as this game doesn’t have that much base content; a lot of people will miss hours of gameplay because they lost the opportunity to play the previous levels when they level up. Also, not too sure about the timer to level up, as people shouldn’t be expected to make the time to play on their phone for hours to get all the stars before they lose the opportunity to when they level up. I was 1 star away from the trophy, put my phone down to work, and now I can’t go back.
EDIT: also the medpacks are a big problem. I understand you guys need to make money, but you should do that through the ads and pro and guns and gun skins. How can a game be competitive if players don’t start rounds with the same amount of health? The medpacks take any form of competition out of the game, it’s nearly impossible to win later tournament rounds without a medpacks not because of skill but because you’ll start the rounds with no health and die instantly to a shot anywhere (which is pretty much guaranteed) while enemies often survive multiple direct hits to the head. Also, if you guys really want to include this mechanic, you should at least make it so that you can choose when to use medpacks.
Highly recommend. One of the last quality IOS games
Thu Jul 16 2020 dragcartI have very little complaints about this game. In an era of mass produced, literally audioless iOS games which completely lack any effort at all,that flood the App Store due to companies like Voodoo. This game truly stands out. While it isn’t truly multiplayer, the game admits that unlike most “.io” or other “multiplayer” games that still work with airplane mode on. It doesn’t hurt this game at all. It’s tons of fun for hours on end, with silly physics and creative mechanics, I find myself coming back to this game non-stop. And especially with the most recent update, that really smoothed our character movements and animations, it’s clear that a lot of time effort and love went into this game. And I hope to see it grow and expand like it deserves to. The Developers really made something great here, and they deserve to reap the rewards. A very fun, quality iOS shooter from a new perspective which will keep you entertained for months!! My ONLY wish is that they add multiplayer in some degree. Maybe being able to play through Game Center, or duel your friend over a LAN connection. But all in all, this game is truly a 10/10
This is my second review, but I just wanna give the devs some ideas since they actually listen
Sat Aug 05 2023 SashaBandanMy first set of ideas is for the weapons (to make the game feel less repetitive, no offense). 1. Musket. The musket can be shot once and instead of reloading, your character runs up to the enemy and stabs them with a bayonet. 2. Auto shotguns. Dual lever action shotguns that are automatic, but do half the damage of the normal shotgun (for balancing reasons). 3. Auto. An automatic smg that fires fast, but has a small mag. Kinda like the semi, but in reverse. 4. Throwing axe. A weapon that you can charge up before you throw, but this does bleed damage (damage over time) for 0.4 seconds. However, it takes long to reload. 5. Flamethrower. A weapon that does a ton of damage over time, but does very little base damage. Lastly, a machine gun turret. It’s like the machine gun, but your character will lay down on the ground and shoot. That was a lot, but those are my weapon ideas.
My last idea is for the skins. I think there could be some tactical looking skins with army helmets and vests, and maybe Lara Croft style skin. That’s all my ideas. I hope you guys can perhaps take these ideas into consideration!
Better then most
Tue Feb 01 2022 Cello ce=sThis game although on a phone, is so impeccable it’s been a while for me sense I have smiled when opening a game, it usually feels like a waste of time to get on my phone and scroll to my game folder and even look at my catalog but with this one it kinda feels joyously careless. I have played it not long but already I can firmly stand by that. I most enjoy the funny physics and the interesting cosmic items and effects. It feels ok to win and ok to lose, really just a chill game I’m going to have a lot of fun with thank you for this dumb, fun, dope, game that’s better then most and still has room to grow I would like to see what a jump button could do for some skillful play tho maybe increase gravity while jumping or just make the jump shorter then when the players get to far apart. Of course it’s your game and maybe you all don’t want there to be a jump button at all either way I will still play, or a separate playlist where there is a jump button would be a fun experiment. I thank the team for reading and considering as I know they will.
Great game, but a few things could be better
Tue Jan 26 2021 GlitchedCastleI like the game a lot and there aren’t many problems with it but I have some suggestions. I think that the AI are a little bit over powered with weapons like the crossbow, KO gun, and flintlock at far ranges because they know exactly what angle to aim at to hit me from far away so I think that that should be changed a little so that they aim more like a person. There is also a glitch that happens sometimes where if you jump onto something like money in the bank maps, your character gets flung into the air and then I die. The flintlock is a little underpowered because on most characters it doesn’t one shot the head and it takes a while to reload so it makes it unfair so fight with in mixed weapons because the other person can probably kill me before I reload. Besides all that the game is really good and I would recommend getting it.
Has potential
Tue Mar 01 2022 OsmiumYTI enjoy this game, but find it hard to gain any skill. I feel like the obstructions and the way the bodies move in a 3D plane is unfair especially when the computer is able to lock onto you in ways you have no control over. For example, I can spawn in behind some boxes at a distance that is far enough to warrant jumping into the battle area. By the time my jelly guy is done flailing through the air with not an ounce of accuracy, I’ve either been shot to a completely unfair health or die mid air. Another example is when you get shot and some how end up moving forward or backwards (as opposed to left and right) which forces your character to recently itself before it could even consider being accurate. Meanwhile it seams that the computer opponent has the ability to stay locked onto you the entire time. If these situations were tweaked a little I think it would make things more fair and more fun due to the ability to actually gain skill. With the way things are currently, I feel like every tournament is honestly a game of chance. Thanks.
Sun Mar 10 2024 EliteCheezThe games idea is awesome, it’s execution is awful. It also involves paying for items, even though there is an RNG to levels in the game that absolutely give you a huge chance at failing the level. It isn’t live pvp, as you can stay sitting on the screen forever and nothing happens. The levels are horribly unbalanced for something that has a “pay to win” moto to it. This game lacks any true competitive nature to it, because it’s completely random in you being able to “win.” Basically, one playing field is wide open and truly whoever is faster at the draw. Then, another playing is field, you’re stuck in a building or behind a box, and then start jumping in the air; which no real way to control the character. All while, the other “player” is standing still and able to aim directly at you. If you are someone who gets sucked into spending money on games, stay away, you’ll just waste your money and end up deleting it after a day or so. I luckily deleted before getting involved into the “extras.”
Update: I've read that the developer are tweaking the playing fields… then I saw the reviews and how old they were. Stay away from this game and it’s cash grab structure.