Really good game except...
Sat Mar 02 2019 Alec WhitingHappy Glass is an amazing game with different levels, with unique solutions, but that is problem number one. It’s not a real problem, nor a bad one, but I just think it’s kinda weird how you get the solutions from the hints. Like, it may be just me, but I would NEVER think of those solutions. Other people might, but I wouldn’t. Secondly, there should be more challenges faster. I have played this game and completed the two challenges Precise and Don’t Spill, and Flippy Glass you don’t complete, but anyway, I’ve played this game for a month now, and there hasn’t been a single new challenge. So I just want that done. My third problem is that there should be more modes. There is just the challenges and the normal levels. It would be nice if there was a mode where you do upside down, or something. Finally, I wish there wouldn’t be so much ads. That’s a problem with a lot of games, like all the Voodoo games. I am glad there isn’t ads while you’re in a level, though. Anyway, other than that, it’s an awesome game.👍👍👍 Thanks for reading this though, I know it’s very long.😂😂😂
Happy glass
Wed Jan 15 2020 Taylor renee grotzI think this game is awesome for 10 years or 20 years old 30 years old 40 years old 50 years old six years old 70 years old 90 years old or 100 years old This is probably one of the best games I’ve ever played in my life it’s that good because you can push yourself and challenges and push your level and see how far you can go I’m on level about 21 and I literally just started it’s that easy and fun I never thought I would say this but I love this game I first I thought this game is boring but then when I actually played it wow didn’t get my attention so if you like your challenges and push to see how far you can go on levels but I think this is a great game for you try it get it now and see how fun it is if you do like it and see how far you can go and push challenges hope you have fun if you do you like the game do you think it’s boring then not being mean but you kind a got a problemIf you don’t like this game so if you like pushing your challenges and having lots of fun I’m trying to see how much level you can get it’s a perfect game for you because do you like your level and challenges there’s this bottle and if you complete it you get to fill it up and when you get to 100 you get a special surprise you A reward so I think it is the best game surprisingly I didn’t think it was until I said wow I guess I’ll give it a chance that’s when I gave it a chance and I said wow this game is awesome it’s that special
Yo Happy glass 🤔
Sun Jun 12 2022 Just a loaf of breadOk so I’ve read a couple of reviews and many are saying too many ads or the hint problem. I agree with both. Why? Why would you give to solution in a hint? For just one ad? The creators are extremely creative and I really to enjoy this game. I do agree with too many ads. I don’t enjoy ads to much, but if you can get past ‘em then I think you’ll enjoy it! You might be thinking ‘ Drawing lines and trying to get water in a cup will get boring soon.’ But it does not! There are so many unique levels and I’ve had to take a break to clear my mind several times because I get stuck. The levels get harder as you go but not to fast. I also enjoy the challenges because it gives you a break from drawing the lines. I love the cup skins and pencil/pen skins aswell! For me it’s not a really go to game but I enjoy it all the same! But why three stars? 🤔well, back to the Ads. I mean, no one likes the ads in any game. This game has a lot of ads. Sometimes I can tolerate them but other times I close the app. I can’t play a game with to many ads. I hope the creators do remove some ads although I know they make money every time we watch them but ads are extremely annoying. Anyway, I still enjoy this game and I will keep playing! ❤️ I’ll update this if any thing gets changed! 🙃
The ad choice ads are in the way.
Sun Nov 18 2018 KelliConanThis is a super fun game, but the “ad choice” ads are in the way of the game. I gotta draw and I don’t know if I can draw under something in the game ‘cause the ad choice ads are covering up the bottom of the picture/stuff in the game. Which makes it harder to play ‘cause I spend a lot of time trying to draw in other places that I can see the bottom of and then when I beat the level, the ad choice disappears and I can see the whole picture and I then find out that there was a super easy way to beat it, but I couldn’t see it ‘cause the ad choice ad was in the way of me seeing it. Get rid of those “ad choice” ads covering up the picture/game. If those weren’t in the way, then I’d give this game a 4 (only a 4 ‘cause they show a little too many ads and they’re mostly for poor quality games and for stuff/items that the seller photoshopped something onto a photo of an item that several different Chinese sellers have used which means the product and the photo isn’t their’s and they’re making a low or bad quality replica). Get a variety and better ads. Stop showing me the same low quality games and the lady in the hooded sweater (that’s not the originator of the sweater or any of the colors ‘cause I’ve seen that pic for at least 5 years now and the seller added in writing onto the photo and not very well).
Read the reviews aaaand…
Mon Nov 11 2024 123hellowetI scrolled through the reviews before downloading and I agree number one the ads, you have to watch an ad no matter WHAT you do if you finish a level, there’s an ad, if you mess up, there’s an ad EVEN WHEN YOU FIRST OPEN THE GAME there’s. An. AD! Number two the lack of updates, I’ve had this Game on many different devices over the years and there has been ONE update in like at least five years. There’s supposed to be a new challenge coming soon and it’s said coming soon since like 2017 and nothing. The only update I’ve noticed is more levels on the don’t spill. And lastly the hints… when I watch an ad for a hint I do that as a last resort ( because I’m very competitive and don’t give in that often) and when I do 9 time out of 10 it’s something I’ve tried and it didn’t work #soAnnoying #notAsFunAsItLooks also the ads in question are mildly inappropriate and I chose the kid option when shown the first ad maybe it’s just me but someone needs to get fired
Update to my previous review and it’s more on the hints so I’ve been wondering about how the hints work and I completed a level just fine, then I went back and got the hint and it gave me something COMPLETELY DIFFERENT and I followed the hint and it didn’t even WORK🙄 like seriously
Addicting game!
Sat Oct 13 2018 AHH RiderThis is an addicting game, and I love how they keep releasing new levels. This is especially good if you have an Apple Pencil, so that you can be more exact. I’ve passed all levels at three stars and cannot wait for more to come out! (Just finished the 40 additional levels released a few days ago).
A few notes. Yes, there are a lot of ads, but it’s only a few bucks to get rid of them. I chose to just deal with them. The reviews saying that you are forced to watch an ad to get three stars are incorrect — I’ve finished EVERY level at three stars without it. Yeah, a few of them were frustrating and felt like I’d never do it, but it IS possible.
Also, a few people don’t seem to get the stars... it’s not based on how much water you save. You only need to save enough water to make the glass happy, and it doesn’t matter how long. The stars are based on how much “ink” you’ve used — the less, the better. You’ll see the bar going down as you draw, if you cross the first line, you’re down to two stars. You’ll even see the stars next to the bar decrease to two when that happens.
Fun games
Sat Oct 20 2018 mjohjfesThis is the fun game some people say that they have too much add so that’s why they don’t they don’t like to play it but what I think is the perfect amount of ads on you should learn how to you know draw and try to do everything but I know especially on the cups that keep all the water in it and when you slipped when you flip it on that level you can actually try and try to do it some people say because it’s some people say because it’s too hard but I think it’s perfect but I think it’s kind of getting hard and you should download a new game from from this dinghy and you should definitely have fun and enjoy this game and you should make a Halloween special game of this happy glass how fun how fun doing that we’re really looking for for Halloween special it and if we don’t get that I’m gonna delete Happy Glass I’m joking why would I ever do you have a glass it’s the best thing on earth it’s the best game thing on earth so what I’m trying to say is some people don’t like it don’t listen to them I love it love it love it and you should like it to make a Halloween special bye
Pls read this
Mon May 16 2022 jolee plz subHiiiiii I really love the game happy glass and I like played it all the time! But for some of the time I deleted it and now when I reinstalled it there where changes that I didn’t really like, for example, when I used to play this there was always a mini game option that would let you play mini games but now that’s gone and that got me pretty sad 😢 I also realized that the game was glitching A lot more and last time (before the update) it was add free and now you have to get V.I.P!! I know you guys are trying to improve it but I liked it before so if you could try making it more like the original along with adding the mini games back that would really make me play it more often. And I know you guys are wondering “why did you give this game a 4 star review if you have so many complaints” and that’s because I loved this game as a kid and I still like it now but it really bummed me out when you made these changes so can you please try making these improvements? And thank you for reading this if you did 😊😊😊😊
Awesome Game!
Sun Oct 07 2018 PeanutSyd07This game is great! Some people will say, "Too many ads!😡" but I think there are many great opportunities in this game. Want to spin the wheel? Just watch an ad! Want a try at the prize machine? Just watch an ad! To those people who say there are too many ads, they're wrong, because the ads get you stuff! You don't even have to watch the ads! You could have an ad free game! But, by watching no ads, you don't get prizes or free things that you could be missing out on! Almost every time I see a sign that says, "Watch a video to get a free spin!" I watch the video! Who doesn't want free stuff? And another thing, some games when you try to watch an ad it says, "Sorry, no ad available at this time. Please try again in a few seconds." but, it NEVER works! This game is different. It works every time! I love all the different faces and waters you can buy in this game, too! Happy Glass is an awesome game, and I hope this review helped you decide if you should get this game! Have a wonderful rest of your day!💩😜😊
Some fun puzzles but…
Tue Jan 08 2019 DelbertronThis game offers a variety of elements that can affect the water flow (falling pieces, hinged pieces, steam panels, conveyors, ice panels). This leads to a number of fun and challenging puzzles. While the game does a good job introducing these new elements, there are times when the puzzles feel repetitive. The repetition is not inherently bad, but when you have to watch an ad between repetitive puzzles, it can drag on.
The 3-star rating for this game boils down to two issues. First, the push for in-game purchases. While no ads may be worth a few bucks, the game tries to sell its VIP package for $99 bucks a year (auto-renewable, of course). That’s more than your normal Triple-A purchase, so I feel that the game overpriced its in-app purchases way more than it should for its size. Second, the game undercuts itself on its difficulty. While you earn 1-3 stars per level depending on how much ink you use to solve the puzzle, the challenge and reward of earning 3-stars is reduced when you can watch an ad to bump a lackluster 2-star attempt to a 3. These two issues take what would be a fun 5-star little puzzler and take it down to a 3-star cash grab.